KM Hemperor's
Global Hemp and Cannabis
Liberation Foundation
Who We Are
Who We Are
Kanas (Celtic)
Kánnabos (Greek)
Kaneh Bosem (Hebrew)
Pakalolo (Hawaiian)
Cannabis (English botanical name)
Cannabis is an annual, dioecious, flowering herb of the Cannabaceae family of plants. These plants are wind-pollinated, and are usually dioecious (producing distinct male and female plants). Cannabis refers to a group of three plants with psychoactive properties, known as Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis.
The genus Cannabis was first classified using the "modern" system of taxonomic nomenclature" by Carl Linnaeus in 1753, who devised the system still in use for the naming of species. Within the Cannabis genus, we can find the hemp species Cannabis sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. The vast majority of the weed we all know and love, and consume, falls into one of those first two categories. Cannabis plants can be male, female, or hermaphrodite. The dried marijuana flowers that humans consume, however, come from the female plant.
Cannabis plants have many different uses depending on the species, extraction method, dosing form, and amount. Each part of the plant has a different level of chemical compounds making it versatile for use across a wide variety of mediums. The uses of cannabis are also highly dependent on the extraction process.The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) consider any CBD products containing more than 0.3% THC as a Schedule I drug in states where the recreational use of marijuana is not legal.
The plant is also known as hemp, although this term is often used to refer only to varieties of Cannabis cultivated for "non-drug" use.
Over the years, advocates including KM founders traveled around the world working to educate the public about cannabis

Cannabis Indica
There is perhaps no more contentious discussion in cannabis than what makes a plant an Indica. French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, the first European botanist to classify this type in 1785, received his samples from India and dubbed the plant Cannabis Indica in recognition of that fact.
Conventional wisdom holds that Indica strains produce a laid back, relaxing high, Most Indicas are a rich source of the cannabinoids THC, CBD and CBN. While Cannabis Sativa often produces a higher proportion of THC compared to its other cannabinoids, Cannabis Indica often contains significant levels of all three.
Another factor in why indica works the way it does is its terpenes. Also known as terpenoids, these compounds are what give plants their flavonoid and aromatic properties. For those who enjoy rubbing on a bit of eucalyptus or lavender essential oil, the scent that uplifts or calms is due to that plant’s terpenes. While terpenes create different scents, they also affect the body in different ways. Myrcene, for instance, is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory that has a relaxing, sedative effect. Pinene is another anti-inflammatory terpene that, like CBD, helps counteract the effects of THC. Geraniol is a terpene that researchers believe may be helpful in treating neuropathy.
The cannabinoids in indica-dominant strains of marijuana likely work in combination with the terpenes to create various effects in the body. As more research is done, scientists and doctors will better be able to isolate each chemical and understand how they work—both individually and as a cannabis chemical “entourage.”
Generally speaking, Cannabis Indica is a more compact, thick-stemmed bush than its cousins, usually reaching a height of less than two metres. The foliage is generally a dark shade of green, some examples appearing to have almost blue or green-black leaves. These leaves are composed of short, wide blades. Indica plants tend to be shorter, with broader leaves and a shorter flowering time. Sativa plants tend to be taller, with narrow leaves and a longer cycle from seed to harvest.
Cannabis Indica strains are cultivated almost exclusively for their medicinal and psychoactive properties, and may be the most commonly used medicinal marijuana strains. Cannabis Indica’s firm stem and thin bark make it unsuitable for fibre production. Many indica-dominant marijuana strains have extremely high levels of THC. Because THC is known for causing an increased heart rate and sometimes even anxiety, this fails to explain why indica strains can still cause users to feel sedated and relaxed. That’s because THC is only one part of the puzzle; it works in concert with other cannabinoids that can help mitigate its stimulating effects.
Cannabis indica is useful for much more than insomnia, however. Strains that are indica-dominant are excellent for the following conditions:
Indica marijuana strains work well to reduce pain levels. They’re especially helpful for people with chronic pain who wish to avoid taking opioid painkillers over the long term. Indica-dominant strains are excellent treatments for people with painful conditions such as cancer and fibromyalgia.
Muscle Relaxer
The indica body high means that it is an exceptional muscle relaxer or antispasmodic. It’s a helpful treatment for those with diseases like multiple sclerosis—diseases that cause painful muscle spasms. Because the effects of marijuana kick in fast when it’s smoked or vaporized, this makes it an effective way for patients to get quick relief.
Indica’s pain-relieving properties make it a wonderful headache remedy, particularly for people who suffer from migraines. Cannabis can be a helpful alternative for patients who have failed to respond to pharmaceutical headache medications or who cannot tolerate the side effects from those types of drugs.
Due to their calming effects, indica-dominant strains are highly suggested for those who deal with anxiety and panic attacks.

Cannabis Sativa
Cannabis Sativa L. is normally a tall plant, and is generally a lighter shade of green than the other types. Its leaves are made up of long, narrow blades. Cannabis Sativa grows taller than the other types of cannabis, gaining height all through its vegetation, or growing, and flowering phases. This is due to the tropical origin of Sativa strains. In the regions close to the equator, the amount of daylight hours does not change very much throughout the year. Cannabis sativa is found primarily in hot, dry climates with long sunny days. These include Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia, and portions of Western Asia.
The ‘L.’ refers to Carolus Linneaeus, the Swedish botanist who first gave this common yet celebrated herb its scientific classification in 1753.
Female Sativa flowers are usually less dense and weigh less than Indica flowers, despite being equal or larger in size.
There is perhaps no more contentious discussion in cannabis than what makes a plant an Indica, and what is a Sativa. Conventional wisdom holds that Indica strains produce a laid back, relaxing high, while Sativa strains are upbeat, energetic, and better for the daytime. Scientifically speaking, that’s simply not the case.
The terms Indica and Sativa refer solely to the morphology of the plant (how it looks and grows) and have nothing to do with the actual chemical profile of the plant (which determines the high/effects caused by the herb in question). Generally speaking, Sativa plants tend to be taller, with narrow leaves and a longer cycle from seed to harvest.
Because sativa has very specific effects, it’s useful for particular medical problems. Here are just a few of the diseases and ailments that sativa can help ease:
Sativa-dominant strains of marijuana are useful for individuals with ADHD because while they provide energy, they also increase focus. This makes them excellent for ADHD sufferers who need intense concentration to get tasks done.
Because sativa elevates mood and increases the desire to get up and move, it’s also a helpful treatment for depression. Many sativa strains have abundant amounts of CBD (cannabinol), which has been proven to be a natural antidepressant.
Appetite Stimulant
Patients with cancer and anorexia struggle with nausea and an overall lack of appetite. Sativas work as an all-natural way to stimulate hunger. Cannabis is also excellent at relieving nausea, which makes it a powerful medication for those undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy.
High amounts of THC make many sativa cannabis strains particularly effective at relieving pain. Because of their energizing effects, this makes sativa a more useful treatment than prescription painkillers such as opioids, as the latter can cause drowsiness and limit the patient’s ability to function.

Sativa is "Marihuana"
Nearly all hemp grown for industrial purposes is Cannabis Sativa. As the tallest variety, it produces the longest fibers and therefore has the widest range of industrial uses.
Cannabis sativa varietals that have more than 0.3% THC (much more) are commonly referred to as marijuana. Hemp is a genetically distinct plant varietal of Cannabis sativa that contains less than 0.3% THC (i.e., trace levels), and it will not get you high.
Sativa fibers are considered as one of the strong member of bast natural fibers family, which are derived from the hemp plant under the species of Cannabis. It is estimated that the hemp market entails more than 25,000 products, ranging from textiles, clothing, rope, home furnishings, industrial oils, cosmetics, to food and pharmaceuticals. The durability and high strength properties of the cellulose-rich fiber from the stalk make it a valuable product for rope, paper, construction, and reinforcement materials. As a fiber crop, hemp provides a high yield; it produces 250% more fiber than cotton and 600% more fiber than flax, from the same acreage
Hemp fibers can be used for:
Artificial sponges
Course fabrics such a burlap and canvas

Cannabis Ruderalis
Cannabis ruderalis is a variety, subspecies, or species of Cannabis native to Central and Eastern Europe and Russia. Scientists agree, though, that ruderalis was common in what is now Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and specifically Russia. Ruderalis was often used by Russian and Mongolian herbalists for treating depression.
Cannabis ruderalis is hearty, resistant to disease, grows in a variety of climates, and isn’t overly picky about the soil in which it lives. Cannabis ruderalis commonly grows near roadsides, on agricultural land that is fallow, or on other land that humans have disturbed and then left alone. Ruderalis grows between one and two-and-a-half feet tall.
Cannabis ruderalis was a key ingredient in crossbreeding existing cannabis sativa and cannabis indica strains and creating autoflowers. The auto-flowering ruderalis strain will grow for a certain number of days and then flower regardless of the amount of light it gets (as long as it gets enough to thrive, of course). It contains a relatively low quantity of psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Cannabis ruderalis, on the other hand, typically exhibits less than 3% THC.

Who We Are
Our Mission & Objective
We believe in ethical and smart utilization of NATURAL Cannabis.
All of our products are carefully selected to ensure they align with our core values.
The goal and objective of KM Hemperor's global Hemp and Cannabis Foundation to educate and enlighten humanity of possible solutions. Even though the history of the uses of cannabis dates back to 5000–4000 BC and that more than half of the states currently permit cannabis for medical or adult use in the United States, it remains illegal under federal law.
Cannabis and hemp oils and extracts have become very popular all over the world.
research and study the cannabis plant and its compounds to educate and inform people in a way that is easy to understand and based on historic scientific facts.
to support the worldwide medical cannabis movement.
research projects aimed at studying the active principles of cannabis and provide information that helps people to minimise the risks entailed in its consumption.
protecting public health, consumer safety and safeguarding the environment.
All the funds raised by donations
using Cannabis sativa L. (hemp) to benefit the people and planet. Because of our beloved Hemperor and is warriors, numerous countries are engaged in the global cannabis economy
contains no more than 0.3% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive substance in cannabis.
truly holistic approach to the benefits of medicinal and/or therapeutic development and research
On December 2nd, 2020, the United Nations (UN) removed cannabis for medicinal purposes from a category of the world’s most dangerous drugs by 5.1 which included a 27 “yes,” 25 “no,” and 1 abstention vote.
It is a fact of record that all faith perspectives practiced on Earth have used Cannabis from before recorded history to the present. Any who seeks Cannabis for the healing, integration, balancing and harmonization of body, mind and spirit please state that interest please reach out to us