Our Disposition
DEA Administrative Law Judge Francis L. Young formally urged the DEA to allow doctors to prescribe marijuana in a September 1988 judgment, he ruled:
“The evidence in this record clearly shows that marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people, and doing so with safety under medical supervision . . . It would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for the DEA to continue to stand between those sufferers and the benefits of this substance in light of the evidence in this record. In strict medical terms, marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.”
Since this was said, the old crop "Hemp" is beginning to emerge as a trillion-dollar industry with a new mantra. As our Hemperor predicted, and forewarned, the government, snakey influencers, hemp enthusiasts, and many more people are coming forward to help grow this "new industry" and "new cash crop" for selfish gain...
Kautantowits Mecautea (KM) is a is a spiritual and religious, non-profit, tax exempt organization in accordance with. 508 (c) (1) (a) Faith Based Organization (FBO) of the Internal Revenue Code. MOST "church/temple entities" established and operating/operated within the United States minimally are 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt organizations, which to KM "puts them on their Knee" meaning they are constricted by the federal government of the United States at their whim and dictations... "Or Else". To better understand KM's disposition and perceptions of this, please feel inclined to click on the link below,,, it will open in a separate tab so that you can return here as we will continue on with Our disposition as a KM Foundation.
Therefore, KM Hemperor's Global Hemp and Cannabis Liberation Foundation is a Statutory public charity supporting organization of Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) Temple/Coven/Church and Governed as a Non-Profit Foundation focused on a specific social cause, (Cannabis Liberation) in science, education, health, arts and recreation, spiritually and religiously as classified under Sections 170(b)(1)(A) (i) through (v) of the Internal Revenue Code. Surpluses are retained to serve the organization’s members and the community we serve and administered within the whole of KM via our corporate giving program.
It better preserves the existing nonprofit’s organizational culture by keeping the activities outside of the organization.
It minimizes the association between the existing nonprofit’s reputation and goodwill and the reputation and goodwill of the activities.
Contributions to 501(c)(3) organizations are generally tax deductible.
Hemp and Cannabis Sativa are/were THE SAME PLANT.
Hemp was the common name of Cannabis. Indian Hemp was the common name of the plant used for the purely fiber plant cultivated for industrial purpose. Hemp is strong, resilient and biodegradable with minimal carbon and water footprint compared to cotton.
They are in fact the same plant expressing different potentials.
Cannabinoids and other therapeutically active molecules made by Cannabis are intended to uplift all living beings physically, mentally and spiritually from womb to grave. Cannabis seed protein closely resembles protein as it is found in the human blood. seed oil provides the human body with essential fatty acids. All of the natural resources of the Earth, be they plant, mineral, energy, water, human or any that are, are intended for
Human beings have used Cannabis for millennia. Latest Archeological find of Cannabis residue in 120,000 year old cave. Much more recently a cave painting dated at around 10,000 BC. Egyptians loved Cannabis as did the Assyrians Chinese, Hindus and Indigenous Americans.
As a free human being, I claim my natural right to Cannabis, which is my Divine inheritance according to the existential reality of perfect provision for all human need.
A legal disclaimer
Privacy Policy
The explanations and information provided on this page are only general and high-level explanations and information on how to write your own document of a Privacy Policy. You should not rely on this article as legal advice or as recommendations regarding what you should actually do, because we cannot know in advance what are the specific privacy policies you wish to establish between your business and your customers and visitors. We recommend that you seek legal advice to help you understand and to assist you in the creation of your own Privacy Policy.
Privacy Policy - basics
Having said that, a privacy policy is a statement that discloses some or all of the ways a website collects, uses, discloses, processes, and manages the data of its visitors and customers. It usually also includes a statement regarding the website’s commitment to protecting its visitors’ or customers’ privacy, and an explanation about the different mechanisms the website is implementing in order to protect privacy.
Different jurisdictions have different legal obligations of what must be included in a Privacy Policy. You are responsible to make sure you are following the relevant legislation to your activities and location.