Medicine Pantry Project
As a "church controlled nonprofit foundation" focal to our beloved mother medicine cannabis, we are in a very unique position as to how and what we can do with this sacred medicine. Our goal is and forever remains to strive toward ways of benefitting the plants as well as those who need and/or wish to honorably utilize them in a positive fashion.
One way revealed by divine vison is by establishing our medicine pantry project as we feel it will successfully accomplish those goals as well as a whole lot more and be found as among our most beneficial projects offered. As so with a food pantry, so too does KM see the importance of establishing our medicine pantry project as well. So many people are in need of cannabis for medical reason and benefit but cannot afford the retail market prices, or at least not in time before Czar orders it off the shelves and render it trash. Hence why we have included it in our Canna~Sanitation Project... it is essential!
Never before anywhere on mother globe has such a project been established or offered or executed in the way KM Hemperors Foundation is doing it, but too, who else besides KM Hemperor should honestly.

KM Hemperors medicine pantry program is a community-based program that collects and stores medicine and household products for distribution to needy people who cannot otherwise attain them due to lacking monetary means. Our pantry system has the mission of providing patients and persons with a safe, secure location to obtain quality cannabis and cannabis products at a fair price from a compassionate, professional, knowledgeable staff including. emergency medicine assistance when the need is critical. It is an essential system of service, advocacy, community involvement, partnerships and membership in the foundation’s distribution system.
Our social services experts have an awareness of the need and experience with working to meet those needs. Networking with members of the community from the start builds a vested interest in the program’s success and lays the groundwork for volunteer recruitment and information and product exchange. We know and understand all too well that for many, pain is a daily part of life and that nobody should have to live in pain when there are treatments available. Medical Cannabis has many medical benefits that ease the pain that traditional medicine cannot offer.
Our hope is educating and enlightening the community at large with regards to the benefits of Medical Cannabis and how to legally obtain it and help those seeking to safely benefit .by it.
Donator Contributions
Many establishments such as cultivation facilities and dispensaries throw away quality medicine each week that could be used by pantry clients. Donated products are collected from our local communities. These can be direct donations from retailers and dispensary operators as well as from individual community members.
Because we are a church controlled nonprofit foundation, any and all material donations are completely tax deductible, meaning We Can receive these products and prefer to provide donors with a receipt, so they get Full market value credits back on their income tax returns.