KM Member denied counsel by a Third Attorney
Michel Minter, elder member of ONAC KM of Oregon has been declined legal representation by yet nother attorney.
Susan Taylor, a private attorney who was requested to represent Mr. Minter against an assault charge by the second court-appointed counsel has officially told him that she cannot represent him in the incident because she feels their is a "Conflict of Interest". Minter apploed for and was granted right to having court appointed counsel aid in his legal representation for this situation.
Although this attorney as well as Shannon Douglass, the second "Court appointed counsel" whom included her into this mix both concur that he is and should maintain the claim of Self Defense as his position regarding the incident, Ms. Taylor says that because the second ONAC KM member charged with assault invilving this incident, Mr. Corey Busby was, a former court appointed client of hers from the past, that it would be inapproperiate for her to represent Mr. Minter in this case. The original court appointed counsel didn't get so far as to even meet with or speak with Minter had no position or situation to offer Minter at all.
Ms. Douglass has officially petitioned (and presumably granted) to be relieved as Mr. Minter's court appointed counsel due to a "Conflict of Interest" which she states resulted from Mr. Minter having filed a complaint against his First court-appointed counsel, Ms. Julia Hyde for failing to communicate with him., How this can be is an intersting story in itself soon to be forth-coming in it's own article, just to ensure it get's the attention it itself properly and rightfully should be entitled to, especially for the sake of those residing within the state of Oregon's boundaries.
Ms. Taylor stated that she believes that the court will likely consolidate the case of Minter and Busby together once the court acknowledges that both members will take the case to trial, which would create a "Conflict of Interest". Ms. Taylor stated to church leaders that though she believed Minter's case is clearly a "Self Defense" position that in turn Should stop the victimization of courts and threats of trial and punishment against him, she was confident that the case will continue forward and ultimately lead to a consolidation of the cases against both he and Busby, which ultimately would justify her belief of a conflict, and noted too that personally she would perfer not handling any degree of legal representation involving Busby.
Ms. Taylor does confirm as well as encourage that Minter take his case to jury trial and has said that she will aid in him finding counsel to represent him in trial as she believes that Minter should be found "Not Guilty" of assault charges against proclaimed "Victim" Dennis Campbell, a transient who attempted to asault ONAC KM Sachem Joy Graves while she and other church delegates were visiting member Corey Busby's home back in May 2016 at which time the now "Defendants" Michael Minter and Corey Busby are being officially charged with Assault.
Minter is being persecuted for having pushed Graves out of the way from a close fist punch to her face which ultimately led to him taking the blow himself, followed by two other physical attacks and the literal loss of a clump of his Hair before the situation resolved. Busby too is being charged with assaulting Campbell encompassing Minter's situation, but as of now, it appears as if the state is uncertain as to what it is Illegally that these two men actually may or may not have done involving their "victim" that day at all.
As previously reported on, multiple witnesses actually present during the day's events at the Busby home all concur that it was Campbell who was the aggressor and initiator of any and all physical confrontations which took place between he and church members that day. Additionally we have confirmed through many eye witnesses that Campbell was "extremely intoxicated" as well as have been seen "taking multiple handfull's of pain medications while drinking alcohol throughout the coarse of the day." These same witnesses confirm that because Campbell was known of having extreme mental health as well as medical issues, both alcohol as well as medications were not allowed by Campbell while being allowed to stay in the Busby home. Corey Busby himself noted that this "Was not the first time Dennis broke the rules Or got out of hand" and said "He has assaulted people before while at my house because he was under the influence of such substances, including myself."
According to Taylor, she represented Busby in an assault case situation more than 20 years prior. Taylor says Busby "Is a person one doesn't easily forget" and because of her having been court appointed to represent him then, that once this case progresses forward within the court system will "Create a conflict of interest" on her part in the case should she represent Michael Minter, so she has informed both Minter as well as church heads that she is declining representation of Minter, though has promised to help him find an attorney who will "Fircely try this case."
This is the third attorney Minter has been instructed to coordinate with regarding this "case", and too, the third to turn him away. Although 2 of the 3 attorney's he has met with relate that they firmly believe there is no way he can possibly be found guilty on the charges pending against him once the entire facts of the incident are heard in court, without having counsel will obviously cause yet another continuance to be ordered by the court and ultimately a delay in justice regarding the time frame of the final outcome, especially in regards to the "True victims of this case" which Graves says "Are without any room for Doubt our church members who are the true victims here."
What has been learned by Ms. Taylor though, is that Minter is no longer facing an "Assault 3" charge as he was initially arraigned on. Taylor explained that the "Grand Jury" refused to support the Assault 3 charge, a Clas "C" felony, which is completely approperiate as the incident does Not meet the definition of being an Assault 3 situation in any fashion. Taylor explained to Minter and his clergy is that as of now, the charges pending against Minter are instead "Assault 4th degree and Strangulation", both Class "A" Mindemeanor charges instead, with a punishment maximum of "Up to 1 year in jail" opposed to the Assault 3 charge which was threatening Minter with actual Prison. As far as it is still known, Corey Busby on the other hand remains charged with class A felony Assault 3.
"Both of my members were defending a third person under definition of Oregon law, Michael was literally physically protecting Me, and Corey (Busby) was obviously rushing in to the defense of he and I both, who were about to be physically attacked from Behind by Dennis Campbell... according to law they could have responded far more than they did because Oregon law actually justified them to use Deadly Force if they so chose, the fact that he time and again wwas able to walk away Proves that my church members were honorable in their actions and remain outraged that the state of Oregon would instead choose to intentionally victimize they and their families as they are."
Additionally, both Minter and Busby contend that by them not only "Defending a third person" as clearly they both were, but too, by them "Acting in the defense of Busby's Personal Property" from criminal actions that witnesses state "Were being verbally threatened by Campbell" that they remain confused as to why this case against them is even still on any courtroom docket "Other than justice which would be Campbell being charged and facing trial and punishment IF they're so hell-bent on holding someone accountable here regarding This situation." Police reports thus far ultimately confirm Campbell himself stating to police that he had been told to leave the property and that Campbell told them he had taken all his personal belongings with him as he left as he was told by the property controller, Corey Busby.
Michael Minter maintains his position as being complete and absilute "Self Defense" and points to state statutes ORS161.209, along also with statutes ORS 161.200 (A) and (B), along with ORS 161.205 and specifically sub-section (5) of the statute defining clearly that his role in the incident as being nothing more than a simple and Honorable "Self Defense" position in the case. In Minters defensive position, church leader Sachem Joy Graves adds her finger pointing to ORS 161.219 (!) as also confirming his position which she says "Would have justified him using actual force... deadly force if he determined approperiate" to the situation in the moment of the incident and emphasizes that thankfully for Campbell, Minter excercised "Great self-restraint" considering the seriousness of the situation, "Further proof of this being nothing more than a Self Defense position" on her members parts.
Graves also adds the point that both she and Minter were specifically asked to protect Busby's home and personal property, including his elderly mothers safety from Campbell during the erratic events of that evening, which she says further protects both Minter and Busby's role in the incident according to ORS 161.225, which defines applicable action/reaction from the members toward Campbell as effort of defending Busby's home and property, and again states that the statute again justified "Deadly Force" on the members part if they so chose to determine Campbell as the imminent threat that he so tried to be during the evening in question. Graves says that the fact that both her members chose to conduct themselves as honorable warriors, that ORS 161.229 "Clearly prove that it is her members who are now victims of the state of Oregon so long as the cases alledging Assault against them continue to progress forward in the court systems.
Graves expresses great concern as well as upset because of the case being continued against her members as well as Minter being "Bounced from attorney to attoney" with all supporting his position yet refusing to help represent it, and says that the "icing" comes from the fact that the state "Still refuses to charge the actual Aggressor (Campbell) with Any form of assault charge at all, beings HE was the one who insisted on the encounter turning toward physical violence".
Graves says that this case is "proof" that the state of Oregon is continuing to "Victimize our church and church members without any form of justifiable reason" and says that this is "Exactly why our church is preparing to file an Injunction against the state of Oregon "And all municipalities". ONAC's leal counsel have confirmed that such a filing is "in process" and is hoped to be filed BEFORE Minter's next court appearance which is scheduled for September 21st. "I am Tired of our members being targeted and victimized by the state government" and states that Oklevueha Native American Church "Will be idle no more" when it comes to such "Gross Injustices befalling church members...Period."
Meanwhile, Dennis Campbell has yet to be charged with any degree of assault as both Minter and Busby feel he rightfully should be regarding the May 26th incident, nor has Minter's position of "Demurrer" Yet to be allpwed acknowledged in the courts, nor have either "Defendants" Yet to receive an entire copy of the states Discovery of Evidence planned to be presented against them. "This is a complete and intentional case of Lacking Due Process as far as our church members are concerned" says Sachem Joy Graves, whose members continue to be wrongfully victimized by the state of Oregon's criminal justice representatives in ways such as this. "To delay justice is to deny justice, and ith Mr. Minter's unique situation here right now should be clear proof that the state's government branch called justice prefers to put forth tainted fruit when it comes to the rights, liberties, freedoms and too, the Promises of true and proper Justice within their judicial system rather than to strive for the prize had in pure and honorable fruit."
Graves states that it is not Minter and Busby alone who are facing such religious persecution because of the churches standing in regards to the defense of individual and collective civil right preservation "Even just within our branch alone we have more than 5 victimiiations happening in courts in and beyond Oregon, but our branch also needs it known that it's not just On our branch or to our members that these retaliation tactics are being used on... it's happening to many ONAC and even churches that aren't ONAC affiliated" Graves says that if this is not "recognized" that "Innocent people as well as rights, liberties, freedom and the sights of justice will continue to prove irrepairably suffered."
All persons are encouraged to continue following this and other such legal situations for further updates.