KMHQ April 1, 2121
As we stated in a previous post, the KM Spiritual Collective Confederation has filed what's referred to as "The Grand Case" in federal court in the Washington DC.
The core of the case was received electronically by the court last Thursday. This Monday evening the filing fee was also received. Today, confirmation of it being put into motion came:
At the top you will see the case number the Grand Case has been officially assigned by the court! And don't worry, the requested documents were promptly provided so all is well, and the frontline warriors can take a moment to breathe a sigh of relief and strengthen their grounding
This one is for You Abba... We Love, Miss and Honor YOU and all our elder turned ancestor warriors that fought the battles that led us to this final ending to their insane War on earthly LIFE! A'ho!
Thank you for your continued interest, support and passion for enlightenment - may we ALL progress forward in good medicine way. Stay tuned for future updates@