KM-HQ: March 23,2020
Though it's nice to see the masses starting to catch up with us in regards to Creator and Mother Earth's essential gifts of medicines, at the same time for KM it is rather frustrating.
Today we are going to explain to you how it is as salt in our wounds inflicted upon us for decades by our common oppressor and how the snakes slithering along and dumping salt into our wounds with their bogus sellout initiatives and attempts to exploit our medicines for their own selfish gain at the price of forfeiture of rights, bastardization of our creeds, smiting of our Great Creator, and unnecessary destruction of our Mother earth, etc.

Is it not enough that they plunder the earth for all other that they do, now they want to jump in and further corrupt our spiritual rights and "God given gifts" of wisdom and connections too- how DARE they!
As we've emphasized before, Denver, Colorado became the first city in America to decriminalize hallucinogenic mushrooms. The final vote was 50.56%-49.44%. The initiative stopped the city LEO (law enforcement officials) from enforcing criminal penalties on people over 21 years old who are found to have the drug in their possession which indeed KM completely and full agrees they need to do.
Oakland’s measure decriminalized psychedelic plants and fungi, which includes ayahuasca and peyote.
Psychedelics are becoming a more accepted form of treatment for a variety of mental health issues like depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as drug addiction.
Oregon however, is a deep wound in which they have blatently added a shit-ton of salt into via ballot measure 109 - something KM and others are NOT going to silently sit idle and allow to happen... especially after They aided and abetted in the murderor of our founding father and elder grandfather - not on Our watch!
WE ladies and gentlemen are among the generation who have been FORCING the masses to acknowledge and accept the TRUTH about our beloved mother medicine cannabis and KM specifically has and continues to be striving at the front lines when it comes to the acceptance and defensive preservation in regards to our beloved manna medicines above any other religious organization and aka "church" as our Hemperor insisted, declared we do and instructed of us with the sacred cannon.
Now that there is positive attention befalling upon the world on what they refer to as being "psychedelic drugs", especially during and after the initial exploitation on the other focal medicine we as KM have long been publicly actively advocating for, the reactions of the snakes of course is all about exploitation and bastardization nd forfeiture of our individual and collective rights, no to mention the right to GMO and destroy Creator's manifestation perfections.
We are the ones who have created this attention of the world because we know the right and proper ways and wisdom to use them as spiritual medicine which in turn can and does physically medicinally also treat such ailments as anxiety and depression and etc. and if nothing else including curative Does at least help us to properly prepare to face death, or as we say, "Changing of the realms".
Stay tuned and we will teach you more about this very sacred medicine and what WE intend to do about this "action", you won't be disappointed and delightfully surprised! Thanks for your interest and continued support.