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Inspiration of a warrior's spirit, and why we honorably fight the good fight we fight

Writer's picture: kautantowitmecauteakautantowitmecautea

KM-HQ: 11/29/2020

We felt it important to reflect back in honor of one of our most Inspirational and Youngest canna-warriors whose spirit remains essential during these times of sellouts, exploitation and snakes, when it comes to the "state of cannabis" as well as All other Creator made earth given natural medicines.

Please take a brief few moments and hear firsthand CNN's report back 8 Years ago if you would please:

For those who would like to hear more about she and her families battle, we encourage you to take some time and listen to them tell their story themselves:

The photo immediately below shows Mykayla in battle

And her completely cancer free as of 2019

As cannabis continues being exploited and sold out, and many jump aboard the canna-ship for whatever heir personal reason and agenda, we who have been sincere liberation warriors keep our focus and intention un-convoluted because of the awe of our brave young warriors such as Makayla - she should not have had to find herself on the frontlines that she did, but thanks to Oregon and the "laws" of the land, and misinterpretation of them, thank Creator and the all of creation that she had And that she has maintained the spirit of the pure hearted warrior that she has.

Our Hemperor stated well before November of 1996 that the patients should Not have been put at the front lines of cannabis liberation, and especially so the Children... but preposition 215 proceeded in California and thereafter it has flourished though slowly across the nation... "Medical Marijuana" as they commonly mis-call it.

We say that because technically speaking, the federal government has never as of yet attempted to "regulate" cannabis Indica nor prohibit or constrict i in any fashion, not prior or since 1937 and definitely not since 1973 when they established the "Federal Controlled Substance Act" - only cannabis sativa year after year as the DEA continue to modify their scheduling list yet Never adding cannabis indica to date. To be clear, it was only cannabis Sativa that they have ever had interest of "controlling". Cannabis Indica is the plant used by MyKayla as well as many cancer survivors young and old Not cannabis sativa.

Truth and fact be told, the operation of "Medical Marijuana" remains an illegal guise states are using to skirt-tail around the federal controlled substance act and excuse themselves from paying federal taxes and coercing citizens to break law and risk becoming federal criminals.

This is why KM has and remains under fire from the state of Oregon despite Oregon being declared "the most legally laxed regarding cannabis in the nation." The state KNOWS we are no backing down, changing disposition nor willingly going away, and is why state officials are now aiming to "Kill" officer members of the church and continue to carelessly endanger young children, something KM will Never have Any tolerance for.

And this is why it is imperative to KM and the safety of all members that society be reminded and made aware of the true reality of facts and why we stand where and as we do. KM does no nor has never promoted the sellout exploitation of cannabis or "legalization/regulation" initiatives. We advocate for the whole of the people and especially so for the children as well as our elders, military and combat veterans as well as the disabled and the healthy for ALL the people of mother globe. Whatever your beliefs might be or entail, your natural right of Choice is what we advocate for, and that extends to all living breathing beings of the earth including mother earth herself and ALL natural medicines of her.

"Render unto Czar that which is Czar" meaning our oppressive governments- who allow pharmaceutical industries to create medications, "But render unto God that which is God's" including the entire earthly web of creation, aka natural earth based medicines, be they plant, fungi, metal, mineral, liquid etc. According to this biblical scripture government can "regulate" as well as restrict and constrict the man-made industries and products as they deem fitting BUT such as is stated in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights and Constitution of the continental United States, government is NOT to interfere or infringe upon "church" without "compelling interest" which they do Not have as the natural earth birthed medicines are "God's" and under God's dominion and authority just as we are as individual living breathing human beings, or at least as it was Intended for our lives to be.

We the people, by and for the people have instead been transformed into the pol of Pe, or in laments terms the Disregarded whereas the power is to be to we the people. Government was never intended to be our pol. KM know and comprehend this and refuse to play dumb, blind or ignorant to it, hence what we will never give up and will continue to demand respect be given as due according to the will and intention of Great Creator. We do not frequently call Creator "God" because the snake people declare themselves and their actions as being in the "name of God" while completely contradicting the instructions of their "God" according to their own proclaimed book of instruction and expectation!

We Thank you for your interest and support and hope to see you one day join with us if you haven't already. membership is Free in KM because your and our freedom Isn't unless we stand and actively defend in effort of preserving them.

Happy Holiday season to all, and stay tuned for future updates.

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