KMHQ March 25, 2021

From KM Spiritual Collective Confederation
March 25,2021
Let it be known to all interested Persons, that a total of 12 individual member churches of the KM Spiritual Collective Confederation have officially submitted a Civil Case in the Federal District Court in Washington DC which was received as of 4:09 PM (1609 hours) on March 25th 2021.
The case is seeking injunctive action and relief against the following state governments for Violation of Civil Rights, Religious Rights and liberties and also for acts of Racketeering and operating kingpin level criminal “Drug” Enterprises:
California, Florida, Oregon, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Utah, Florida, and Louisiana.
As many know, these (and other states) have been operating Canna-businesses despite the federal controlled substance act specifically regarding our beloved sacred Mother medicine Cannabis, and that Oregon has since begun attempting to expand their illegal enterprise to include our sacred manna medicines as well, at least one of them anyway… psilocybin mushrooms. This is insulting as well as unlawful of them to do and we have decided we will be idle no more when it comes to such tragic atrocities being committed by them, especially while they continue to disrespect, target and attack our churches and our people, especially without consequence.
For us, clarity needs to be affirmed as to “Subject Jurisdiction”, which no government agency or entity has over any church but to which the Federal government does have over the state corporations and governments as a whole and who are in turn blatantly disregarding their federal rules of “law”.
Make no mistake in that our case is NOT to eliminate or constrict the right of accessibility of our sacred medicines for all persons but to instead lessen the constraints as well as to make sure that the state governments comprehend that they do Not have subject jurisdiction over we churches OR our members and to officially note on official record that in fact it is Them who are breaking the “rule of laws” of their employers (the federal government) and not us.
We are also insisting on clarity in regards to cannabis regarding the federal controlled substance act and how their employees handle it and those who use, cultivate and possess it. Too many, including the majority of the proclaimed “cannabis community” remain clouded in the illusions and delusions that the government have any authority or subject jurisdiction over cannabis indica and cannabis ruderalis, which they do not and have not ever tried to assert at or on the federal level… meaning just as the CSA has stated since 1973 and also Jamestown law since 1619 and all regulatory “rule of law” in between. All the US federal government has wanted or had was “Control” and “ regulative authority” over cannabis SATIVA, and their reasoning behind it rings clear in that it is for financial commerce and gain and absolutely No Other reason, which has no bearing on churches period.
This is why among our goals of this filing is also to ramify for the whole of American citizens while emphasizing that churches are in no way subject to any form of regulation including cannabis sativa! We don’t seek just Clarification but too, LIBERATION of our plants and our fellow human beings once and for all And we want their employees to be trained properly meaning Corrected to thus reality OR terminated and replaced by employees of there’s who can.
The petitioners of our case (churches, not the Confederation itself) are as follows:
Kautantowit’s Mecautea (KM) rooted in Oregon;
The United Cannabis Ministry (UCM) rooted in central California;
Rolling Spirit Sanctuary of KM (RSSofKM) rooted in Utah and Idaho
Michigan Mother Medicine church of KM (MMMCofKM) rooted in Michigan;
Reap What You Sow Genesis 1:29 Global Ministry (RG129) rooted in Indiana;
Anointed Life Ministries (ALM) rooted in Louisiana;
Windigo Kahn of KM (WKofKM) rooted in Minnesota
The Church of the Only Begotten Son(COBS) rooted in Colorado;
KM Church of Florida (KMofFL) rooted obviously in Florida;
White Wolf’s Den of KM (WWDofKM) rooted in Oregon; and
Wolf Daughter Medicine of KM (WDMofKM) also rooted in Oregon.
Obviously as you can see, the case weighs strongly toward and against the state of Oregon. The reason for this is because we feel that it’s Oregon’s state government who is being most reckless regarding our beloved sacred medicines as well as in regards to the health and public safety of it’s citizens regarding our sacred medicines and beyond, such as reveals in the enactment of ballot measures 109 and 110.
Bottomline is that these states and their acts of authorities as government “officials” are unlawful according to the “Rules of Law” which employ and govern them and such actions and victimizations as the churches have and continue to suffer because of them needs to be immediately STOPPED swiftly once and for all AND such employees willfully committing unlawful acts especially in disguise as government officials Need to be personally and collectively held accountable without any form of qualified immunities!
This filing does Not seek material nor monetary damage compensation, only permanent injunctive remedy as already clearly established in their bosses “Rules of Law” and reaffirmed multiple times by the US Supreme Courts. It is the states alone who are required to file for and obtain an “Exemption to the CSA” from the DEA for each controlled substance in which they set out to explicit for profit Not Churches and too, we demand to the federal court that if they do, that they do so in a legal, safe and Responsible way which ensures the health and safety of we the people of the continental united states of America without exception or claim of ignorance.
This case is scheduled to hit Nexus next week, so you are getting Exclusive ‘behind the scene” breaking news.
The confederation is planning a series of meetings including with other similar churches, with the cannabis and manna communities, with non-profit entities and with the general public which will result in more coming updates and even a few press conferences. If you would like more information please stay tuned. If you are interested in supporting their endeavor, or possibly becoming a party to the case, please reach out as they would be honored to hear from you, just let us know and we will promptly connect you.