KMHQ - February 22, 2021
As we covered in a recent post, the relationship and authority of states and the federal government are governed by the U.S. Constitution. The federal government is delegated certain enumerated powers while all other powers not otherwise prohibited by the Constitution are reserved to the states. This seems to be encompassed by illusions and delusions among the people of the nation and is seen by KM as needing clarity and coherency if justice as well as due diligence are to be preserved.
Because KM is a flourishing church rooted foundationally within the boundaries of Oregon, we felt it was important that we focus some of our attention educating those with interest, especially so our many members who reside there as to the state of Oregon's official legal disposition as presented to the citizens in the Oregon State Constitution .Before we jump into the meat of it regarding religion though, it's important first that we emphasize to you the "spirit" of the state of Oregon's "laws" though, which is noted as being reflected in the PREAMBLE, which reads as follows:
" We the people of the State of Oregon to the end that Justice be established, order maintained, and liberty perpetuated, do ordain this Constitution. —".
This is important when you begin painting your mental picture as to what the spirit of the state disposition entails, meaning what the reasoning, goals and agendas are as far as final outcomes are concerned, especially in the proclamation of proper justice is concerned. Now, let's begin...
Article 1, Section 1: " Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —"
Article 1, Section 2: " Freedom of worship. All men shall be secure in the Natural right, to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences. —"
Article 1, Section 3: " Freedom of religious opinion. No law shall in any case whatever control the free exercise, and enjoyment of religeous [sic] opinions, or interfere with the rights of conscience. —" this is a very important disposition declaration to have and know IF you're "religious" practices become hindered or inf3inged upon in the Oregon boundaries.
Article 1, Section 4: "No religious qualification for office. No religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office of trust or profit. —"
Article 1, Section 6: "No religious test for witnesses or jurors. No person shall be rendered incompetent as a witness, or juror in consequence of his opinions on matters of religeon [sic]; nor be questioned in any Court of Justice touching his religeous [sic] belief to affect the weight of his testimony. —"