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The Last Supper (The Sacramental ingestion of the Body of God)

Writer's picture: kautantowitmecauteakautantowitmecautea

KMHQ March 19, 2021

As taught by KM founder and elder grandfather tyrned ancestor before his time in effort of si00ressomg this wisdom, the concept of the literal ingestion of the body of "God" and "Jesus" is highly downplayed by Religious scholars of today, so much so most ministers don't even know and find it hard to even FATHOM being the true Core reality of the "religion(s)" they proclaim devotion to.

Many questions should be asked about this Cosmopolitan idea of the Sacramental Substance. Unfortunately, the religious experts shun the notion, insisting that the entire idea is nothing more than symbolic, some even going so far as to declare such truths are "blasphemy"!

Truth be told, a symbol points at something else, not usually at another symbology. (wink-n-grin)

The Catholic church in the early 1100’s decided to have the final word on this subject by establishing (under Emperor/Pope Innocent III) the “Doctrine of Trans-Substantiation”. This it whereby: The Priests, by their holy power, claim to be able to say some magical words, and ordinary bread turns into the “Literal Body of God”. This event is one of the biggest evil deceptions of all time, is an undermining of the basic esoteric aspects of the religion, and is arguably the most horrible and damning event to ever happen to Christendom. Jesus clearly describes the Manna that he calls his body in the book of John.

Bottom line is: Jesus was/is this mushroom AND this is the true sacred substance most Christians are instead fed a little unleavened wafer - No Wonder all who partake do NOT experience the "Enlightenment" the bible describes, which in turn up's their tithing suggestion (wink-n-grin)!

Repeatedly describing the “Thing”/Manna as a substance hidden from the world, but revealed to his disciples. The last supper tale is as simplistic a story as you can get when trying to decipher the event. Adamantly; Jesus says, “Take and eat, This is my Body”. This is “THE” TRANSFORMATIONAL and MAGNIFICENT event. By intentional misrepresentation it has been stripped down (by self appointed or politically correct AUTHORITIES) to rhetorical run around and ridiculous dogmatic symbolism by enthusiastic religious Stumbling-block throwers.

The Holy Bible, as we have it today whatever the spin-off version you might read from, should not be regarded as a historical document. This is not to say that it is not very interesting Conclusionary perception, but it must be read keeping in mind that it is a re-translation, of a re-translation, of a re-translation, of an initially altered plagiarism which Creator instructed Everyone to NOT do.

The book itself is a complex document that must have required some pretty intelligent minds to conceive in itself, but it wasn't meant to be made known to the non-Adamite species hence why it was safe guarded And hidden and too is why Hebrew has always been considered and declared a "Dead Language". It is this complexity which so overwhelms those of limited intellect that it convinces many that it could only have been written by the hand (or direct inspiration) of the God of the bible. Yet the Bible pales drastically in comparison to the thousands of Hindu or Buddhist writings in complexity and substance, and least we forget - the Sumerian stone pillars waaaay pre-date the Adamite arrival to our mother earth as well. But back ot the topic...

Most who read the bible never know this because the ministers are instructed to steer clear of any other religious writings from their teachers, the church and too, the US Internal Revenue Service in exchange for a 501 non-profit loophole to untaxed money, "lest they become deceived". Having the proclaimed "Authority to "Uncannonize" texts also helped suppress the bread food/ flesh from most people as well.

Those who become “completely blown away” by the conceptualization of what it must have taken to write such a document have never seen or attempted to really look at anything else similarly complex. Therefore, they have no point of reference, other than their own intellect, and the one book they believe to be the only true word of God. But once they Do open their minds to the concept, it's not too long before they admit that it makes perfect sense.

There is enough written there to speculate in awe, what those who wrote it were all about. Meaning; had we been there, at that time (6000 years ago), to read the original text (Cuneiform), and were reading it in our own native language, AND had been partakers of the heavenly gift (the mushroom), it must have been an incredible thing indeed. It is important to note, just briefly, that the concepts and doctrines which specifically referred to reincarnation in Biblical texts were extricated from the cannon by ecumenical council.

This is another corruption which has obscured the understanding of life in general for all those believers who will never know this happened in which KM has been instructed and entrusted to dispell from our founding grandfather, who was by the way a descendant of the "Priest Lines" of the Adamite people - 7ouknow, the ones entrusted in Exodus to retain authority over such medicines Exclusively as far as the Adamites were concerned. It is of the "Secret Knowledge" King Solomon was made privy to while sitting on his throne.

“Manna” means “Mushroom”. However, if you reject the philological (linguistic) evidence proposed by John Marco Allegro, who was entrusted by scholars of England and approved by the Pope to "Analyze the Dead Sea Scrolls" and concluded this reality of fact...and others such as Terrance McKenna, and of course too, our elder turned Ancestor, perhaps a simple read of the relevant scriptures will sway you towards the possibility, and perhaps you may also begin to OVERstand opposed to understand how the mushroom, anthropomorphically, can become the body of the God.

Exodus 16-14 And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground. Exodus 16-19: And Moses said, let no man leave of it till morning. Exodus 16-20 Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto Moses; but some of them left of it till the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with them.

Mushrooms grow from moisture, such it is that they grow after the dew falls. They appear miraculously because they grow from spores (which are microscopic) and have no seed. In fact, they seem to disappear as mysteriously as they appeared, leaving no visible trace. Mushrooms, as any mycologist can tell you, left in the sun, or otherwise left to their natural process, begin to rot, breed worms, and also begin to stink. Manna means mushroom philologically, linguistically, and, as you can see, mushrooms physically fit the description given of the substance in these texts.

For more enlightenment regarding this sacred wisdom and about this and our other sacred medicines, please stay tuned, and Thank you for our continued interest and support!


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