KMHQ March 15, 2021
Here is the latest information we have to reveal regarding the action KM has in motion regarding defendants Collin Snyder and Jeff Frieze:
According to the documents, Collin Snyder is a deputy which we confirmed is true of the Douglas County Oregon sheriff's department. As you can see, several right violations are listed including civil rights violations, Religious right violations, color of law violations, and unlawful acts upon and inflicting the churches plant and animal enterprise which according to 18 USC are deemed as being and or including acts of terrorism.
Note that though the sheriff's department itself is not named as a defendant, there is reserved up to a total of 1,000 John/Jane Doe slots that can be filled with additional defendants as the case proceeds forward in court. KM spokespersons say that they do anticipate additional employees of CSO are likely to fill some of those Doe slots, they are confident that slots will also expand beyond that particular department.
What is being asked by the DC district federal court regarding this situation is as follows:
Thank you for your continued interest and support. Please stay tuned for future updates regarding this and other issues of interest. Bless and Be Well