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KM Hemperor's

Global Hemp and Cannabis

Liberation Foundation

Who We Are

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Kanas (Celtic)

Kánnabos (Greek)

Kaneh Bosem (Hebrew)

Pakalolo (Hawaiian)

Cannabis (English botanical name)


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About Us...

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Our Mission

We believe in ethical and smart utilization of NATURAL Cannabis. 

The goals and objectives of KM Hemperor's global Hemp and Cannabis Foundation include but are not limited to the following:

To educate and enlighten humanity of possible beneficial solutions to be ad by Cannabis. Even though the history of the uses of cannabis dates back to 5000–4000 BC and that more than half of the states currently permit cannabis for medical or adult use in the United States, it remains illegal under federal law. 


To research and study the cannabis plant and its compounds based on historic scientific facts research projects aimed at studying the active principles of cannabis and provide information that helps people to minimize the risks entailed in its consumption.


 To support the worldwide medical cannabis movement.


to celebrate its achievements and collaborations in the hemp industry


advocating for hemp in regenerative agriculture, climate-smart practices, food security, additive manufacturing, and housing stability. 


protecting public health, consumer safety and safeguarding the environment.


truly holistic approach to the benefits of medicinal and/or therapeutic development and research

Hemp is also considered to be a carbon negative raw material, which means that it absorbs more carbon than it produces. Production of this crop requires very few pesticides, and it does not require any herbicides.

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Notable figures in American history such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson were all cultivators of hemp for industrial purposes

Legal History

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 On December 2nd, 2020, the United Nations (UN) removed cannabis for medicinal purposes from a category of the world’s most dangerous drugs by 5.1 which included a 27 “yes,” 25 “no,” and 1 abstention vote.

It is a fact of record that all faith perspectives practiced on Earth have used  Cannabis from before recorded history to the present. Any who seeks Cannabis for the healing, integration, balancing and harmonization of body, mind and spirit please state that interest please reach out to us 

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