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Why We Do what We Do

1. We believe in ethical and smart utilization of NATURAL Medicines.

2. We believe in educating the people to the TRUTH about NATURAL Cannabis Medicines.

3. We believe in the free right of CHOICE whether or not to uitlize ALL NATURAL Medicines.

4. We believe in the right of SAFE ACCESS to Natural Medicines.

5. We believe in preserving and ensuring QUALITY Cannabis Medicines.

6. We believe Cannabis is important for All living thinggs on and includin Mother Earth.

7. We believe industrial Cannabis products are superior

KM Hemperor's Global Hemp and Cannabis Foundation is designed and structured to support, and Strive to better Benefit and Flourish awareness and connection to the worldwide Cannabis movement, especially for and regarding spiritual and medicinal purpose in ways that ensure the safety of the public as well as the Creeds of our ancestors are preserved and nature is respected. We do this in many ways such as by DOING research, tightly regulating the projects aimed at studying the active principles of Cannabis and providing information, opportunities and platforms that help the interested as well as the concerned people to minimize the risks entailed in fear of their existence, use and/or consumption.


Rest assured in that protecting public health, consumer safety and safeguarding the environment and all life dependent on its health and flourishment are and always Will remain top priority for and within ALL operations of KM Hemperor's Global Hemp and Cannabis Foundation so long as we remain in operation, and Honorable INTEGRITY will Always remain at the "True North" of our moral and ethical compass.


The goal and objective of KM Hemperor's Global Hemp and Cannabis Foundation to educate and enlighten humanity of the FACTS regarding Cannabis and push for possible solutions that best benefit our people and planet as a whole. Even though the history of the uses of ALL of the various Cannabis plant strains date back over Thousands if not a MILLION YEARS for spiritual, emotional, and medicinal health & wellness, not All of them are "Lawfully Accessible". Cannabis, as well as their oils and extracts have once again been becoming very popular within mainstream society all over the world and proving to still willingly offer spiritual and medical benefit to those who freely wish and choose to utilize them. 


SOME of our Cannabis are either restricted, constricted OR out-right Prohibited from having accessibility to them because of their NATURAL Genetic make-up. Of the Few cities, counties and/or states within the United States as well as other nations that currently do permit the use of our "Federally Controlled" Cannabis (Sativa) for medical or adult use do so Unlawfully as they have NOT applied for nor secured an Exemption from the US Law known as the "Federal Controlled Substances Act which govern and empower them, making said actions Unlawful on their part whether acting personally And/Or under Color of Law.


By these cities, counties and states within the United States do so by "SELLING" persons to the illusion they can give them ANYTHING (document, certification, etc.) allowing research, cultivation and authorative permission to possess these "Federally Controlled" Cannabis is a LIE and a SCAM that Causes a DANGER upon the individuals who do so, and upon the public if and as they suffer because of it.


Furthermore, without Researching Cannabis (IF Complying with the federal laws that govern them which state that WITHOUT federal exemption status that they CAN'T lawfully do), they are creating a Compelling Government Interest as to the Health and Public Safety of the people of and within their corporate nation because there actions are in Our Opinion and from Our perception as KM, is RECKLESS of them and on their part, especially while doing so presenting from within their Professional capacity.


Additionally, by them knowing proceeding to unlawfully act pertaining to Cannabis or even Attempting to consult with entities such as Kautantowit's Mecautea whose had and maintain subject jurisdiction and wisdom and knowledge over the ones their laws raise question and concern around, not only do these of our Mannas remain illegal under federal law, but those caught with them become subject to federal prosecution.


AND SO WE, the KM Hemperor's Global hemp & Cannabis Foundation have our work cut out for we ​LEAD THE LAWLESS BY LAWFUL EXAMPLE.


How We Do What We Do

We strive against obstacle, adversary and PROPIGANDA to provide our members and Community as a Service by ensuring All of our dealings with Cannabis products are safe, accurate, quality and beneficial for those who choose to utilize them in professional way and in compliance with all FEDERAL and UNITED NATION Standards. We accomplish this by putting forth the following energy and efforts without creating a Compelling Government Interest of concern upon or around our productive action and efforts... LAWFULLY:


1.We secure and ensure all legal requirements are met necessary to possess, study and produce quality Cannabis at beneficial Medicinal quality.

2. We secure, ensure, and take on all financial requirements necessary to study and produce quality Cannabis are met and handled in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws.

3. We ensure and guarantee to Only work with and produce quality products that prove safe, effective and beneficial for those who utilize our Cannabis for spiritual, medicinal and industrial purposes.

4. We ensure that each and every individual we work with, produce and provide Cannabis and hemp that align with our highest of core value and meet if not exceed our quality assurance standards.

5. We encourage and educate to ensure the Mannas are administered in a safe and beneficial way by those choosing to use them.

What DO We Do

KM Hemperor's Global Hemp & Cannabis Liberaiton Foundation is designed and structured to support, and Strive to better Benefit and flourish the worldwide Cannabis movement, especially for and regarding spiritual, medicinal and industrial purpose in ways that ensure the safety of the public is preserved and nature is respected. We do this in many ways such as by DOING research, tightly regulating the projects aimed at studying the active principles of the Cannabis and providing information, opportunities and platforms that help the interested as well as the concerned people to minimize the risks entailed in fear of their existence, use and/or consumption. Protecting public health, consumer safety and safeguarding the environment are and always Will remain top priority for and within ALL operations of KM Hemperor's Global Hemp & Cannabis Liberation Foundation so long as we remain in operation, and Honorable INTEGRITY will Always remain at the "True North" of our moral and ethical compass.


First and foremost, KM Hemperor's Global Hemp & Cannabis Liberation Foundation Research and study of our cannabis and hemp and their compounds are ESSENTIAL to ensure an option of a better quality of life given to us by our Divine Creator for our lives. 

1.We Carefully select Qualified individuals to research the benefits as well as adversities to be had in and from the use of our Cannabis and hemp plants.

2.We research, secure and provide cultivate and produce Safe, Quality beneficial Cannabis and hemp medicines.

3. We ensure ALL of our Cannabis and hemp are tested and that All of the Cannabis and hemp Medicines and industrial products we produce are safe for use and consumption.

4. We educate so to ensure the Cannabis and hemp are administered in a safe and beneficial way by those choosing to use them by hosting, partaking, supporting and creating platforms that open the opportunity to truth, fact and personal enlightenment.

Second, KM Hemperor's Global Hemp & Cannabis Liberation Foundation continuously strive opportunities and social platforms to Educate and inform people about Cannabis and Hemp in a way that is easy to understand, based on historic scientific facts, and in beneficial ways ESSENTIAL for the public's Health and Safety as well. 


1.We maintain and rely on our and other Qualified individuals research and experience regarding the benefits as well as adversities to be had in and from the use of Cannabis and Hemp.


2. We offer opportunities for interested persons to learn about Cannabis & Hemp exclusively within the KM School via Classes, Courses, Workshops, Seminars, Discussions, etc. in the hopes of enlightening those who could benefit by utilizing Cannabis and Hemp for spiritual, medicinal and industrial purposes and offer healing and ceremonial services.


3. We offer "Open Door' and participate in public event platforms that present a opportunity to educate and enlighten people to the truth and facts regarding Cannabis and Hemp.


4.We offer exclusive opportunities to ensure the Cannabis and Hemp are produced in a safe and beneficial way by those choosing to utilize them by hosting, partaking, supporting and creating platforms that open the opportunity to truth, fact and personal enlightenment.

5.We maintain and rely on our and other Qualified individuals research and experience regarding the benefits as well as adversities to be had in and from the use of Cannabis (and hemp).


6. We offer opportunities for interested persons to learn about Cannabis (and hemp) exclusively within the KM School via Classes, Courses, Workshops, Seminars, Discussions, etc. in the hopes of enlightening those who could benefit by utilizing Cannabis for spiritual, medicinal and industrial purposes and offer healing and ceremonial services.


7. We offer "Open Door' and participate in public event platforms that present an opportunity to educate and enlighten people to the truth and facts regarding Cannabis (and hemp).


8. We offer exclusive opportunities to ensure the Cannabis and hemp are administered in a safe and beneficial way by those choosing to utilize them by hosting, partaking, supporting and creating platforms that open the opportunity to truth, fact and personal enlightenment.


All the funds raised to flourish KM Hemperor's Global Hemp & Cannabis Liberation Foundation are acquired by donations and contributions in accordance with

What this means for You is that Some of the Donations made to the SRCF can qualify for charitable contribution deductions on your personal United States Income Tax Returns. Combined federal and state income tax can reach as high as 50% of your taxable income. Thus, for every dollar you donate toward the SRCF, you may be able to reduce your income tax by 50 cents. Contact your tax advisor to determine your exact tax benefits.


Please know and find reassurance in that:

A. Because KM Hemperor's Mannas Foundation is Incorporated with the state(s) we actively operate in that we are and remain subject to the oversight and audit of the Oregon and California Department of Justice Charities Registration Division as applicable and the IRS,

B.  Because KM Hemperor's Mannas Foundation is a 501(c)3 public charity that we also and further we actively operate in that we are and remain subject to the oversight and audit of the IRS.

C. That we operate (including with all funds) in an honorable and lawful way and that all events, campaigns and fundraisers are registered with the appropriate jurisdictions and subject to audit by government agencies as well as the Compliance and Legal Committee per the foundation bylaws.


 For further information regarding the foundation’s management of funds, please visit the Internal Revenue Service at or the Oregon Department of Justice at for more information.

 How Can YOU Help

Our efforts would Greatly be benefitted by YOUR productive action in the following ways:


1. Join our Foundation. Power is in Numbers... counting You helps Us thrive and survive.

2. TELL Your Friends! Welcome them to our "Open Door" functions. Sponsor them for Membership.

3. Devote your TIME towards our efforts and cause by VOLUNTEERING as able and needed.

4. Extend your gifts of wisdom, experience and professional expertise to the Foundation for utilization for a fare gratuity. Our efforts are aligned in a Spiritually Honorable way as an act of Charity for those we can help better their quality of life.

5. Offer your quality products and/or accessible resources to needed products needed by the Foundation for a fair (wholesale or below) rate. Doing so is a tax right-off for you and a much needed gift of blessing we need to benefit the masses.

6. Support our efforts and endeavors. Attend our functions, workshops, seminars and events. Support our associates and seeding sponsors.

7. DONATE! By gifitng us your time, effort, material items and monetary support, you help us help the masses in need, our mannas, and ALL of our natural world... which is tax-deducible for YOU.

We strive to ensure that our Cannabis and hemp are factually understood and respected and that they are accessible to those who choose and are benefitted by them LAWFULLY to the very best of our ability as a Foundation in every way and opportunity possible.


KM Hemperor's Global Hemp & Cannabis Liberation Foundation maintain our focus on enlightening, with emphasis, the importance of maintaining a truly holistic approach to the benefits of medicinal and/or therapeutic development and research


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