City of Seneca Oregon up to shady shit against church
It has just come to our attention that the City of Seneca is gunning for the central east Oregon sanctuary of ONAC KM, and are using illegal means in the hopes of getting it. Yes you heard that right, they are out to get church land and are breaking multiple state and federal laws in the hopes of gaining it!

Joshua Walker, (pictured) the official city "leader" of Seneca, Oregon has initiated an illegal agenda for the city counsel meeting scheduled for the 13th of June at 6PM where he is calling for the city counsel to authorities him to initiate an "Abatement" action against one of ONAC KM's 3 parcels of land in the small questionable "City". What Walker seems to have no regard for is that such an action is in fact a Violation of multiple state as well as federal laws. According to the state laws as well as state officials, Walker has absolutely No Right to suggest city counsel to get involved in such an attempted action, nor do any "City counsel have the right to even consider such an action.
Here nor there, Seneca officials plan on holding the meeting, scheduled specifically for ONAC KM's land period. "Whether or not they attempt to take any action, they have already violated multiple laws by just entertaining the concept" said Sachem Graves "and Mr. Walker himself has already violated multiple federal laws as well by merely attempting this." Graves reports that she and Walker have had"battles" in regards to the land for some years now. and that rumors around Seneca are floating that Walker has even approached the county agreeing to BUY the land should they foreclose on it, which the county is set to begin on the 15th - 2 days After Walker's meeting with the city counsel.
It is said that Walker is upset that a church member and his daughter Remains on the land in effort of clearing and preparing it for ceremony. "Josh Walker has made it very clear in front of many publicly that he does Not "Like" Oklevueha Native American Church and that his goal is now to ensure it and it's members get out of "His city" and the sooner the better in his perspective. Multiple residents confirm that Walker has had his eye set upon the churches land as well as others since he was entrusted into the position as city official. "He is trying to take over the town" say many residents "and something has to be done in effort of stopping him before he runs us all out."
Contrary to what Walker may comprehend, is that the lands will NOT be seeing foreclosure any tie soon as church members along with some of the cities residents have risen up in effort of saving it. "For Josh Walker to think that the church would lose it's land by failing to pay $45.68 in delinquent taxes is rather ignorant of him" says one neighbor to the land "but in his ind he is already developing on it for he and his families profit" The man, whom will remain nameless has since given the church $60.00 to ensure Walker does NOT get his hands on it!
For those of you unaware of the so called City of Seneca, it is a small little town of people that once-upon-a-time ago actually Qualified itself as an incorporated city. Sachem Graves and her family began buying land out there in 1999 and since have accumulated 3 separate city lots, all which border one another. In 2013 the land began being officiated as ONAC KM sanctury property, and since that action, Josh Walker began attaining a bitter taste for said land in his mouth. "Three years ago this month is when Josh Walker in the name of the city began profile targeting the land, which ultimately brought the county sheriff into the picture" according to the Graves family.
In June of 2014 the sheriff and his department Illegally trespassed onto the land and ultimately tore up their sacrament garden as well as arrested and formally charged two of the members who were present making efforts to improve the land for cultivating their cannabis sacrament. When Sachem Graves attempted to educate the sheriff as to the many laws he had broken by his illegal action, Sachem Graves quickly too found herself indicted for the garden and was threatened with 0 years in state prison should she find herself convicted.
As the criminal case proceeded, Graves was able to assert "Religious Defense" for she and the members, one who had already fled out of fear of more illegal victimization against him. Graves and the remaining church member, Raymond Scott Martin stayed firm in their position and continued battling until the residing Judge, William Cramer ultimately entered in his opinion that the case against Graves and Martin needed to "Promptly dismissed." All charges pending against the three members were promptly dismissed by the petition of the District Attorney's office within moments of the judges opinion being entered into the official case record.
"In that case, we were allowed to confirm our right to Religious Defense as the prosecutor refused to object multiple ties to proof of our churches standing was submitted into the record as evidence" according to witnesses to the court proceedings who were volunteering as "Court Support" for The Human Solutions International. "Several ties the judge Encouraged the prosecutor to object, and even had offeredd a recess so he could consult with the head DA who was present in the courtroom for the proceedings. The DA prosecuting the case insisted that it was not necessary and stated over and over again to the court on record that he didn't object as he didn't understand how Religious Defense was going to fit in to the charges pending against them. You could see the frustration on the judges face - he struggled HARD to restrain himself from expressing the fatal mistake of the prosecutor for not objecting" explain witnesses who were inside the courtroom as the proceedings continued, and ultimately now it is This case which ultimately led to the recognition and protection of ONAC KM within he state of Oregon, without room for ANY legal question.
Immediately after the dismissal of the case, Graves and other church members were confronted and even Threatened that should they resume efforts of bringing the land into operational condition, that Graves would re-face the 20 year sentence, and should they "replant the garden", they would be additionally charged and ultimately Graves would then face a total of 40 years in prison. Being the "Mecautea" (Warrior Soldier) she and this church is, Graves Immediately returned to the land and began making the efforts needed to get the land ready to host ceremony, but not without threats and attempted intimidation's by Walker. .
According to church members, Walker "emerged" at the property insisting that they had to get the land cleaned up, something which was being done to the delight of the residents of the town Until the sheriff's department stepped in and violated their rights and sanctuary land. As the members gathered for ceremonial blessing and to resume clean-up, Walker was far from enthused. According to neighbors, Walker began target harassing Any and all residents who took or made any form of effort in offering assistance to the church members - threatening to turn off their water to their hoes should he catch the assisting the improvements to the land. "At that tie, we had 2 separate structures between the three lands, two houses that Graves and her family had completely restored as of 2002.
"When I found out that my only nephew had been killed in Southern California on the freeway fro an accident, I closed up the houses and land and went to offer consolement to my family" says Graves with a tear in her eye at the mere recollection of it, :and when i returned a few months later, our houses were being literally stolen by the towns people piece by piece." Graves and another church member gave us a brief tour around the so called city of Seneca, where they were able to point out the new roof she had installed on one of the houses which were now on 3 separate houses in the city Not owned nor even associated to the Grave faily or the church. "In addition to these houses here" the member explains, "There are another 2 houses in Burns (a city 56 miles south of Seneca) that have the rest of our roof on their homes." When asked how that could be so, the member stated that "Family members of Seneca residents who had stolen the roof Admitted to taking it and giving it to family and others they felt needed it More than we did."
According to the sheriff's office, multiple complaints of theft fro the property were reported by both Graves as well as her father, accompanied with the DEMAND that they take swift legal action against those stealing the homes and all contents in them, but ultimately the lack Of effort on the sheriff's part was due to Seneca being legally deemed an incorporated city. "The Sheriff said that beings Seneca is an incorporated city, that it was not he nor the counties Responsibility to proceed with any intervention or action" says Graves, "he said it was the city of Seneca's responsibility to deal with it." Clearly the city did NOT lift a finger other than to continue stealing fro the land, ultimately leading to the situation in which Walker is Now trying to justify as his illegal attempt of abatement.
in 2015 ONAC KM continued onward in their goal of getting the property cleared and ready for ceremony. At this point there were left reminents of the two homes now gutted from top to bottom. "Each house we had just installed PEX pipe, which cost us $10,000.00 Per House to have installed" Graves says, showing the actual Proof that it's what the family had paid in 2002. Graves also flips through receipts showing more than $8,000.00 just for the supplies to replace the roof on one of the homes that is now spread across the grooves of many whom aren't even really known by the family who paid for it. "The gap spacing was the smoking bullet Proving it was our roof, but even though the sheriff acknowledged it, he continued shifting the responsibility onto the city of Seneca to handle, which they never yet have" according to Graves, which she says is beyond frustrating to she and her family.
Upon touring the structures, one would quickly conclude it looked as though they had gone through a very aggressive tornado. The inside of both buildings roof's had Clearly been torn apart by humans. Sub-boards have been taken from the roof to the point that the sunshine beams through inside more than when standing in the front yard along the young aspen trees. Everything from mirrored tile to appliances and cabinetry is completely Gone and only dirty rings showing their positions remain. Walls and even main support beams have also been removed fro the property without a trace. Windows that are broken beyond use are the few that remain- most obviously removed and taken, even entire floors in one bathroom were also about completely gone, revealing a small piece of PEX pipe that had been left from having been cut to free the bulk of it from the house and with, from the looks of it, a very dull butter knife.
When looking at the photos of what was in 2002 verses what stands today, leaves no room for doubt that Graves and the land have fallen victims by some pretty malicious human beings for sure, and that, combined with the harshness of the weather and lack of "unmolested attempts and efforts", all seem to concur in that efforts should continue forward in getting the land up to a safe and operational standard. Sachem Graves says that the "timeline" of events prove a conspiracy on Mr. Walker's part to intentionally profile target the land, but Why was the underlying question being learned. That answer is found in the wisdom of the elder residents of Seneca.
"The Walkers, mainly Josh Walker is trying to have dominion over the entire town" reports one resident, while another states "That's not the Only property in Seneca he is getting ready to pounce on come foreclosure season.", while a third resident chimed in and stated the most interesting thing of all, which was "Josh plans on buying that land so to run Scott, Joy and that church outta here once and for all."