Hughes still legally claiming ONAC despite Excommunication
Well, to many including Oklevueha but not necessarily to us, we're sure you might find it interesting to know that the recently Dissolved...

Hughes Victim Matt Potter Scheduled for Pre-Trial
According to the court record, on 01/04/2019 an "ORDER" was officially "FILED" into record by the court that has DENIED Mr. Potter's...

Hughes case set for Pre-Trial
For those of you seeking an upate on the case of the state of Michigan vs Jacob and Mary Anne Hughes, please know that this is the...

Hughes enter 1st Amendment Defense
Well we knew This was coming, and yes ladies and gentlemen, indeed, here we go again with yet Another pair of canna-exploiters trying to...

Hughes Case Brings News
For the many of our readers and followers who have been inquiring as to what went on in the Pre-Trial of the Hughes criminal case in...

Hughes scheduled for Pretrial in Michigan 9/12/18
For those of you just now coming up to speed with a situation going on in the metropolitan area of Detroit, Michigan 03/21/18 the...

Hughes Bound Over for Circuit Court
Well ladies and gentlemen, we told you we would update you when we got word, and we have, so here we are as promised and here is the...