Hughes enter 1st Amendment Defense

Well we knew This was coming, and yes ladies and gentlemen, indeed, here we go again with yet Another pair of canna-exploiters trying to hide their greed behind the claim of being "Church Leaders".
These are our East coast version of the dreaded "Lepp Disease" pandemicing it's way from west to the east coast/ For those of you who haven't had the unfortunate pleasure, an who haven't reviewed our archives yet to get caught up, please allow us to introduce them to you this is Jacob & Mary Ann Hughes of the Metropolitan area of Michigan.
You see, according to the official records, including court and police that is, Jacob has been trying to make his way up to a "big league" cannabis exploiter/illegal dealer for a small handful of years now, though truth be told, so far he hasn't really had any true success at it, from our an the legal perspective anyway that is.
Jacob was not only busted for street level dealing not even a half a decade ago, but he was actually sentenced to and served a few Years in Michigan state prison for it and yet here we are again, this time with him facing enhanced sentencing on just about a Dozen felony cannabis and weapons charges... but this time he doesn't stand alone - instead he drags his wife - the mother of his kids along with a few so-called "church members" before the judge to face criminal prosecution with him... how Nice of him isn't it.
Here is the jest of it until you can review our archives and or do a little research yourselves in the hopes of bringing you up to quick current speed... Jacob Hughes is a proclaimed "100% Irish" whose beliefs predominantly encompass the Christian religion. His wife Mary Ann on the other hand is and remains a proclaimed "Witch" whose "100% Greek" and damned Proud of both facets and aspects of her life. However, the problem we now face is in that these two got the notion in their minds that if they Bought a "Church Blessing" that they could supersede all legal authority when it came to cultivating, dispensing and even interstate trafficking cannabis as well as whatever all Other "Sacraments" or as We call them "Sacred Medicines" without any rule regulation or cut into their own personal profits.
All they had to then do was proclaim themselves authorized as a Native American (Indian) Church and they were "Above the Law" and could "Do whatever we want to do" and apparently get Away with it - right - WRONG!!
Indeed they did buy a blessing, but apparently they were too greedy right out the gate, establishing additional "church locations" without authority or authorization from their new "Mother Church" and trafficking tens of thousands of dollars a shot deals from coast to coast as they set focus to California and Sin City Nevada as their new gold mine central points of expansion. For these and other things their mother grew quickly pissed, multiply informally as well as formally warned, next spanked and ultimately excommunicated from their organization all together and dissolved their blessing as a church "Branch" of the organization completely.