KM Federal Case assigned!
It is with great honor as well as relief that we are able to share with you the updated status report on the federal injunction we have...

Many have been inquiring lately as to the true position we personally maintain as a church, especially with the division now between we...

The truth about Thanksgiving
The story began in 1614 when a band of English explorers sailed home to England with a ship full of Patuxet Indians bound for slavery....

A true Thanksgiving story for childen
Some of us don't like intentionally finding ourselves lying to our children,m but when it comes to such things like Thanksgiving, it's...

Water Protector warriors continue Black Snake battle
On the eve of what our nation refers to as "Thanksgiving" which they Say is a day we should stop and be Grateful for all the good we...

ONAC KM returns from deep council 1
For those of you who showed consideration for us while we took a sort of "Time out" so to seek the wisdom and council of our elder...

ONAC KM goes into Deep silent councl with parent church
If we could have everyone's attention please, we feel that it's important that you are made known that as per the instruction of our...

The Connection that caused it all...
As many of you know, it was Not by the choice of OAC KM that we found ourselves ass deep in having to deal with the aftermath of our...

Its not about Blood Quantum... it's about us!
This weekend has truly been a sad one for many reasons and in many ways, but in effort of turning it into a positive learning experience...

Km remains under attack for church, with no re-enforcement from Mother
A few of our members have reached out to us with great concern for the well being of our own direct church, and so we assured that they...