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Its not about Blood Quantum... it's about us!

This weekend has truly been a sad one for many reasons and in many ways, but in effort of turning it into a positive learning experience for our future generations, we will ensure it is one of wise educational wisdom, as that is what and how it would want to be embraced and accepted, in the hopes of keeping our focus on Good Medicine road, and so we're gonna look at addressing something important... Race and the racism that comes of it. Before we get into this please make no mistake that we as onac KM do not promote, encourage or Support any acts of racism straight across the board. Our position as far as Kautantowit's Mecautea is this, plain and simple:

As some of our most treasured members and associates whom we revere as our own personal council continue to be pointing out, is that This is where all of our focus needs to be on addressing now, and it goes well beyond our position as a church, this is about we the people, the human being.

It's important that we understand that John is not just speaking of our tribal brothers and sisters but All we human beings who've lost and forgotten how to be human. Always, when we find ourselves having to address this issue, we turn and point the attention toward the wisdom of the tribal elders, and so that is where we wish to begin here today with all of you as well, and so we ask that you please take a few moments to watch and hopefully learn from the following video which is just under 4 minutes in length, please, thank you:

We quote the granddaughter of legendary icon and warrior of Great Creator Mr. Dennis Banks, who was tearfully layed to his final physical rest recently in Minnesota on the Leech Lake Reservation in Minnesota. Dennis Banks is a very well respected tribal elder who endlessly advocated for the rights of tribal people:

Nita Rose Sayers "Spirit sister ♡ after these past 4 days at Grandpa Dennis' wake and burial I've had a real eye opener about my Native American heritage. Us indigenous young adults are the ones of the future that have to keep the culture alive and going. It's not about blood quantity - it's about being human. For our elders we are going to sweat. We are going to Sundance. We must keep the Native American heritage alive.

This is the message that we relay as it is the most basic first step into accepting our individual place in this reality that we know, understanding the importance of the created being that you are, and that your being has essence, that you matter and you Belong. You are here because Creator has determined that you need to be here in this time and place, dealt whatever all you are, and there's reason for it all right down to the micro-detail even if we ourselves never come to realize or even comprehend it all, we trust there is purpose in our existence, and it's our place to make it either good or bad medicine for the rest of creation especially here upon mother globe.

We prefer to now turn your attention toward another legendary prophetic figure of our generation, Mr. Russell Means to briefly explain it and share his pearl of wisdom with you in the hopes you find it enlightening:

As we hear here below, Obama explains that all citizens of the U.S. are descended from immigrants. Here is the part we feel is most pertinent of his speech that he says: "And it's really important for us to remember history. Unless you're one of the first Americans, a Native American, you came from some place else, somebody brought you. The Irish who left behind a land of famine; the Germans who fled persecution; the Scandinavians who arrived eager to pioneer out west; the Polish, the Russians, the Italians, the Chinese, the Japanese, the West Indians -- the huddled masses who came through Ellis Island on one coast and Angel Island on the other. All those folks before they were us, they were them. And when each new wave of immigrants arrived, they faced resistance from those who were already here. They faced hardship. They faced racism. They faced ridicule. But over time, they went about their daily lives. They earned a living as they raised a family, as they built a community, as their kids went to school here. They did their part to build the nation. They were the Einsteins and the Carnegies, but they were also the millions of women and men whose names history may not remember, but whose actions helped make us who we are, who built this country hand by hand, brick by brick. They all came here knowing that what makes somebody an American is not just blood or birth, but allegiance to our founding principles and the faith in the idea that anyone from anywhere can write the next great chapter of our story,and that's still true today."

This message has long been emphasized as being among the most important factual realities that we the peoples of this land "Turtle Island" are in need of embracing. This is our church's position in regards to our spiritual reality and why we continue to strive to secure our right to exist as the human beings we were created to be. The following video is just over 5 minutes long of one of our own personal elder councils to our flourishment into KM and then ONAC KM especially specifically with and to our sachem personally.

So as you hear, no matter what our bloodline may be or consist from, we're all human being, meaning we're all the same created species, and by letting our oppressor continue to cause insignificant divisions between us like this has been too easily done and devastating to us for too long... our species should know better by now. What's sad is that it's beyond a two way street, it's like the knot in the Los Angeles freeway system, where many intersect with one another, and cause traffic jams Daily, for themselves and also for one another. Even-though we know we're gonna get caught in that traffic, we still willingly get on that freeway during that busy time of the day, because it's the pattern we know and have been accustomed to, so ultimately we have no one to really blame but ourselves.

Now that you have heard that powerful wisdom for and as the factual reality that it is, we feel that the final message that there is to be made in this article here, is again best heard from a respected tribal member, Russell Means, may he be at peace encompassed in the love and honor of his ancestor relations while his wisdom lives on with us:

We would like to take this opportunity in sharing with you a fact Many don't know because it's taught nor emphasized But too, its Definitely something you should know ad be aware of, especially come "Independance Day" this coming next year...

You see, racism is an old acceptable tradition implanted into the minds of All of our self consciousness, be it skin-color, ancestry, social or economic class, what sex you are, what religion you are and on and on their division go, Why? To separate we the people from one another, from ourselves, and from the whole of Creator and the creation, for a few different reasons, one being the profit to be had in your exploitation, but for two, so they alone can control us... one world controller... and they want it to be government! The more the divide, the better their odds of conquer. But make no mistake in that the racial hate card was meant to accomplish what it has, in being a double edged sword that ultimately cuts both ways.

Everyday, babies all over the globe are born with all skin coloring pigmentation's. We personally see no point to be had in it other than to discount hem emphasis placed upon such a thing. A prime example is found on every application in North America just about... asking if a person's "African American" knowing there's no such Thing!

Either your born on one or the other guys, can't be born on both Especially when they're so far apart as these two are! What the true options are is either they are From Africa meaning "African" or they were born here upon the America's "Turtle Island" but it can't be both it can only be one or the other. The child can be born in America and still be of another descent but skin color doesn't Guarentee you will be able to determine such difference, not every-time anyway. KM's position is this whether any stand with us or we stand alone, and we share this pearl of wisdom directly to you:

As always, we Thank you ever so much for your continued interest and support and we hope you stay tuned. Blessings to All our relations... even those beyond our species!

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