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ONAC KM Elder Widow Tribal Member under Life Threatening Attack by Health Insurance

ONAC KM Elder Widow Tribal Church Member under Life Threatening Attack in Oregon by NW Kaiser Permanente. Joy C. Graves, daughter of ONAC KM Sachem Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves has been evacuated from the state of Oregon Home to her native land California in the hopes of finding angels hands at University California San Francisco (UCSF) Medical Center. Mrs. Graves was unsafely and therefore illegally discharged from the hospital in what multiple Home Health officials describe as "The Worst Patient Dump we've seen." and intentionally deprived of the needed Durable Medical Equipment (DME) and other supplies needed to properly care for her. Because of this, she now suffers life threatening physical wounds and was intentionally being overdosed with blood pressure medications spiraling her towards a coma. We ask for your smoke, prayers and blessings for she and her loved ones at this time, and attention to ensure her a safe and speedy recovery.

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