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ONAC KM returns from deep council 1

For those of you who showed consideration for us while we took a sort of "Time out" so to seek the wisdom and council of our elder council and who we describe as being our "Elder churches", we appreciate your understanding and support for us during that time.

Before we proceed farther, we feel it's important to first describe and Correct some of the terminology that has been mis-used recently when some of our writers and spokespersons have addressed Our position regarding Oklevueha Native American Church to you our readers and supporters in the hopes it's better understood the true position of ONAC KM so it is clear to all interested persons and members with question and or concern.

ONAC Mother Church?

We begin with the phrase "Mother Church" which we have used in print and other public media over the last year or so when describing Oklevueha Earth Walks Native American Church. Please understand that we did so for the benefit of the child churches comprehension who ONLY are able to operate as a church Because of the blessing and or credential of Oklevueha alone, and NOT the Pre-existing churches that were established and bone-fide church on their own merit. Such churches of Oklevueha are considered "Chapters" or more commonly referred to as "Branches" of Oklevueha Native American Church. What this means is that they operate directly as off-shoots of ONAC alone as limbs of a tree.

For those of us such as ONAC KM, Geenfaith, The Hawai'i Cannabis Ministries and others, Oklevueha is Not a parent church but instead she is our sibling, one we strive to respect as an honorable sister, and if anything to us, treated with the trust of an elder, which as many of you know, has recently prove to be a decision we find ourselves unfortunately having to second guess and even publicly call into question. As we returned from council, we found an email from Oklevueha's recently re-structured Elder Council, which has yet been read or addressed in formal has been skimmed which has led to our feeling that we need to better explain it.

As as ONAC moves toward uniting all it's sub-churches together in a tribal family way, which remains needed to best structure and operate honorably as the whole of Oklevueha without undue shame or embarrassment being brought on undeserving churches and leaders the first step logically is to reach out to their branches as well as we the sibling trees and so because Most are branches opposed to sibling trees, some of our members writing reflects presenting them as"Mother Church" and we just want to make sue you understand the true perception and our stand as a ONAC KM among it.

Our elder churches as ONAC KM announced that we were going into deep council with our patent church. Many Believed we wee referring to Oklevueha but ONAC is NOT so much a parent church of ONAC KM realistically in as much as they are more of a sibling church in the eyes of the Supreme High Council of ONAC KM. Reason being as stated above, we were in fact a pre-existing legally bona-fide church Before becoming associated with Oklevueha. You see, the way this works is rather simple in that ONAC KM exists as such because ONAC extended an "olive branch" of their legal position regarding earth-based healing rites, particularly peyote to sachem Joy Graves who was the CEO ad Founder of her own church known as "Soldiers of Jah (God) Ministries" (SOJM) and had also attained the blessing of her own United Cannabis Ministry independent church along with more than a half dozen recognition and credentials as an ordained minister in their faith based systems.It was a few Years after being established that we were tribally blessed as Kautantowit's Mecautea which means Great Creator's (God's) warrior soldiers who fight off evil and the enemy, and after that, we were officially blessed as Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea, or ONAC KM as we've been come to known for short. They are the "Parent" whose council we've been seeking over the weekend, and we wanted you to know and understand that.

Our obligations regarding "Sugarleaf Rasta Church"

Because we stood in the defense of cannabis long Before our association to ONAC, and strive to maintain our positions as a protective shield for her as well as our members and their rights to freely choose whether or not to utilize her whether spiritually and/or medicinally, we feel that it is our duty to continue keeping our eye on Sugarleaf and to ensure proper justice finds it's way to them for all the harm they've caused on we, our community as well as all of the communities and residents all while lustfully greeding after the exploitation opportunities encompassing our plant under the shameful guise claiming themselves an honorable church. This decision is whether or not Oklevueha as a whole remain willing to commit to the same.

Our position regarding "Team Matthew Pappas"

Because Matthew Pappas as well as others who were presented as being"his team" caused direct intentional and reckless harm to our specific church and members, we will also be making it a point to keep an eye on them as well while we pursuit ramification options for assuring he also faces accountability for the victimization we've suffered and like with Sugarleaf, we will make sure to keep you apprised to any news and or information that we believe you may deem as either important or newsworthy regarding them.

Our Position regarding Christopher Hulliger & ONAC Greater Los Angeles Area (GLA)

Our position and opinion of Mr. Hulliger remains unchanged in that he has dishonored the reputation of ONAC by not being corrected in an appropriate regarding a very sacred tribal artifact. His handling of such from the initial confirmation forward we feel further proves that he has absolutely no regard for his own integrity nor the integrity of ONAC or even the tribes in which we as such reflect upon. All that combined with the multiple ethical code violations as well as the direct danger he has legally criminally implicated the whole of Oklevueha into from our perspective More than warrants a complete denouncement, disassociation from ONAC at minimal if not a complete excommunication as a member as well and we along with many in and beyond ONAC await such as a good faith token sign that ONAC is since in it's promises to make positive effort for the whole of the church and all members.

Our plans regarding the PDX Injunction

Though we had hoped to have been told that ONAC had finally come through on their promise to have secured council that would represent the PDX Injunction, it is with freat sadness that we find ourselves still let down as of the present time. However, we want to assure our members that we are Not going to stand idly by and let your victimization go without justice, at least if We can help it. So, we are in the process of getting the case re-filed as a new case back into the 9th Federal Courthouse in Portland, Oregon where it's been expected long before now, including by the court. As it stands now, we will likely be seeing it filed Pro Se, meaning that there will be no official legal council representing it but we remain hopeful ONAC will come through as promised and that by court we will have legal council representing it. Whether or not ONAC remains apart of it as plaintiff is yet to be seen. We welcome Any help and or resource you can possibly offered.

Our Future with ONAC...

As many of you know, right now there remains some serious trust issues we and other independent churches are experiencing regrading their judgement,integrity and future coarse of action, and too that we are awaiting a sign of Good Faith from them as of the present time. As we say, there has been a formal email from their Elder Council that has not yet been formally counciled on by the ONAC Supreme and Founding Council but we are hopeful that once completed that we will find some good if not hopefully news to sharer. If not, then while we wait, we would like it known that we will continue doing our best to operate in the best interest of our church and members.

At this time, in addition to thanking you for your continued support and interest as usual, we also want to extend our hand of brotherly love to all our members and supporters who wish to jump into action during these trying times and help us continue inching forward in our ultimate goals and objectives. Any sort of help your willing to offer, please know that we appreciate and are anxious to coordinate with you.

Again we Thank you and hope you stay tuned! Blessings to you all.

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