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The Connection that caused it all...

As many of you know, it was Not by the choice of OAC KM that we found ourselves ass deep in having to deal with the aftermath of our Mother's ignorant adoption association whatever we call it to Sugarleaf Rasta Church, which by the way was just back at the end of February, yet look at ALL we have to deal with and attempt to clean up because of and thanks to them. This is in fact yet another mess from them we've found ourselves expected as well as encouraged ad promised protection if we did so, as a favor if you will for our mother church and ultimately too, for the good of the whole ONAC family we keep being told we're supposed to be being here.

For us this position established back in early 2010 when we took our first official stand under the blessing of The United Cannabis Ministry, which evolved from there into additional ordainment's in which cannabis was used as sacred spiritual sacrament, and this was while our sachem at the same time was also becoming respected as a patient advocate for our beloved plant as well, obviously. About the middle to end of 2012 she established and incorporated our own church which is known as Soldiers of Jah Ministries, and too, which introduced our respect and sacramental use with fungi. By the middle of 2013, after having established and too, gained state recognition as such, our sachem received the recognition via a tribal blessing she had sought to which we became known as :Kautantowit's Mecautea" as well, meaning Great Creator's warrior soldiers who fight off evil and the enemy, and if you stop and think about it, is but a tribal variation of our original independent name Soldiers of Jah (God/Great Creator). The following Day is when ONAC would officially extend their olive branch of our grandfather medicine peyote to us in exchange that we would martyr our sacraments for the whole of Oklevueha. At that time is when it was agreed by both churches leaders that ONAC KM would be born and become martyr for both cannabis and fungi for ONAC, and per their meaning ONAC's request, Cannabis would be our starting point.

So we're all clear here and before we proceed ahead, note that Sugarleaf came to our Mother Church by way of our former screw-up attorney Matthew Pappas, who found his way to us thanks to our now proven treacherous too "Kenwood Case" who Was a ONAC and now has made up his own small handful of seemingly Rasta claimed churches. What is OUR connection as the Rest of ONAC to this mess you ask... All was embraced and trusted by our Mother church's judgement. And too, All of them have caused beyond shame, each in their own ways upon us all, and wounds we are even still Now having to suffer because none have been Fully dealt with yet and are still actively causing bleeding upon innocent victims which Will continue to splatter onto all of our faces because it was all done under the Blessing of our mother. Had our and other ONAC member ad leaders warnings been heeded, we wouldn't be anywhere near any Sugarleaf mess at all, ad perhaps it never may have ever manifested as it did. We admit, Pappas was a complete broadside to us from left field where ultimately our mother church threw him at us from, but we own our mistakes in having blindly trusted he and their judgement on him for sure.

Now, while we are in about the Middle of the Sugarleaf Mess, boom, presented smack dab in front of us is a brand new situation. Another ONAC official is found in the mix of the Sugarleaf mess, so what do we do, we poke around a little bit more and when we see more than enough needing dealt with, we turned to our mother, who in turn was Very clear inn what ad how she wanted us to deal with it - Expose them, smoke them out, all the bad ones "even if it's me or the mother church" says the instructing founder, the figurehead himself over it all. Insisting the surety of exposing these guys, cautiously we put our toe into the water, and with one very direct ad yet bland article leaving out much detail, the Parana's quickly pounced and when we turned to our mother for the support promised of her, she just stood there.

Then came a text "Get'em" and so we stood our ground and yet tried to remain diligent as was possible, but they kept chomping trying to put us in fear they would gobble our bones. Again we turned to our mother, who assured us we had done nothing wrong, and encouraging us to maintain our position and ground. And as it excelled to putting innocent non-members at risk, again we turned to our mother who then attempted to play dumb to it all, responding only with three question marks as response to direct answer. Finally, reluctantly, we were asked to dishonor our own integrity because apparently as we were told, these disobedient adopted children had beennow found in question to be, especially the one who elected to then threaten and attempt to intimidate, not only our own mother, and that it was being Accepted, but us too, and with them joining in other siblings!

Distance, that is what our mother Demanded we attain between we and Sugarleaf, which seemed not impossible, until this second mess popped up into the middle of it. With it came too much proof to try to hide, lie and deny, as you can see from the persons public posts on one of our social media sites about it all. Had we been able to get our second toe into that pond, we would have revealed the second shame upon ONAC for the mess involving the dishonoring of our church as well as all of tribal cultures across our land which ultimately would have confirmed it was not a witch hunt o him but by his own doing he was now helplessly burning with his lying ass on fire publicly.

So this is ONAC's bad dude #2, his name is Sidney Newton (the one in the picture with the feathers), we call him #2 because he has yet to react to the situation in any way honorable or not that we know of. He claims himself to be a Navajo "Medicine Man" perhaps you recognize him because we;re kind of intrigued to know more about and maybe even speak with him? Rumor has it that since their focal point of bad medicine has since been neutralized, that the poor guy along with the other have both been reported to be very sick internally speaking and it leaves us wondering if he has been made aware of the seriousness of the situation that bad child what we call #1 (plaid shirt in the photo above of the three men together) is trying to keep him drug in to, maybe not so much earthly, but if he understands the Spiritual bad medicine he is being drug into between he and Creator, not to mention all the tribes disrespected too. This also hopefully explains to those wondering why we hadn't addressed bad child #2 until now, but want to make sure we get everything pertinent out in case we're attempted to be silenced.

Now, we all apparently continue to await official word and response from our mother church. In the meantime, we Thank you for your continued interest,support and contribution toward our endeavors, and hope you stay tuned.

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