Km remains under attack for church, with no re-enforcement from Mother
A few of our members have reached out to us with great concern for the well being of our own direct church, and so we assured that they now have our undivided attention via this article addressing it. What has been expressed in which we now relay, is in the direct victimization that our members are experiencing in their personal lives because of the lack of effort or support from our mother.
What the first member's issue is specifically talking about is to do with the KM Sanctuary land in Central Eastern Oregon, a state that our Sachem says she sees no way of getting back down to anytime soon, but we have gained permission to speak of it ad let everyone know what's going on and too, what's not being done and the adverse effects it's having directly onto our members because of it. This member has been being victimized Daily since 2014 defending the whole of ONAC and remains among our most victimized of all members who still continues to willingly endure it. This ma has lived in below "Rez" standards by a long shot,while being tormented and antagonized by all so called officials encompassing the sanctuary.
In addition to the harassment and slandering of he and even his daughters character, they have illegally arrested him, and all the legal violations that come with it, especially when ultimately in the end it proves all completely illegal to even the Federal level, but just recently, they've now illegally stole Everything he has to his name, including irreplaceable souvenirs from loved ones who have passed. That was the first time the mother church Personally promised to defend him And include his suffering into a lawsuit and didn't, and now he fears this will be the last one they break the same promise to him yet again. "I've been hanging on trusting in the integrity and promise of the mother church and James, and going through literal hell, now am I supposed to try and get an attorney to protect and get my stuff back, and what about our land, it's been my home and there promises our hope, we've doe all hey asked, now what are we supposed to do?"
While following the instruction of our mother church, what was called an "Abatement" was initiated by the city against one of the 3 properties that make up the KM sanctuary land. On it there were two homes that ultimately were literally stolen piece by piece by many of the town residents, to the point that both homes became unsafe structures. While Sachem Graves was dealing with other ONAC issues as instructed her to do by the mother church, she was assured that the mother church was going to handle it. Last year, Graves called on a single member, a young man who just graduated high school and was on the football team,and he single-handedly tackled and took the structure to the ground. As other members tried dealing with the rubble, the city blocked them at every turn and ultimately laded a Lein of over $10,000.00 against the church, but not that land, instead the put the lein o the main sanctuary in Oregon known as the "HQ" of ONAC KM.
Needless to say, the city initiated the action, demanding everyone but Graves herself remain off the land until they had Removed the second turned only remaining structure left, the gutted second house. Throughout this, Graves and the member both were assured time and again that there would be nothing to come of it, but more criminal victimization Has and continues to come of it. According to the member who remains as close to the site as is possible for him to be, they have butchered down all the cottonwood trees that the church was praised by forestry and the police for having been maintaining as they struggle to get them to grow they say. Also the member says that they have destroyed the entire front fence that had nothing wrong nor was mentioned as ever being a target for their removal, and too, that they evidently took many things of the churches off the land without justification or accountability including several thousands of dollars worth of corregated plastic the church used for it's sacrament cultivation and many other things including the churches trailer.
But what brought the man to tears, is when he the stated "They illegally stole everything I own and nobody will do anything about it." According to the member, he first began defending the sanctuary from a make-shift scrap-wood built structure, and that everytime he began making progress toward getting the land prepared for ceremony, the local officials would block him. As of now he says he believes there threat of having him arrested should he return to the sanctuary, but he says it's his literal home. "I'd finally got a trailer to live in, and everything that I had to my name except the clothes on my back was in it, from my food to sacred things i got from family members who are now passed like my father, to the most treasured things of my heart like things from the birth of my children." As the member fights back tears he insists he has proof that the reason they've done this ti him is because he is a member of ONAC KM and the officials have made it clear they do not want any ONAC there. "My trailer and all my stuff was NOT ever listed as being part of the Abatement, they've stolen it and Sergio personally guaranteed me that he and the mother church were gonna handle it and get my stuff back and me back on that land, I really need and am counting on them to still do it."
Obviously KM has room to point out that we too have a concerning issue as to what now is going to go onto the land she inherited from her family and agreed to convert into Sanctuary for the whole of ONAC. "They promised they would handle it and that no matter what they'd make sure I did't lose the land, but now thanks to a corrupt church, who Knows what they're going to do or not do that they should in their honor and integrity mean anything to them." Though there are a small handful who can confirm hearing that promise, Graves says it is oe of the things she does fear because she has no proof in writing, at least that she can remember she said, but that she will review her correspondences with them about it after she completes some important sacred ceremonies she's in the process of going through. "That land meant the world to my father, he was an hoorable man beyond measure, and too he believed in the purpose of this church, it would be a shame to see Both lost, which I've been promised from then through to now it would not be, but if it's the case, there's nothing I can really do, especially in the position they've left me in now, high and dry as it might be other than realize and learn not to be so trusting and believing in the future, I just wish I had the promise of any fines being paid in writingbecause if they don't it's likely to be lost for sure, and I never would have risjkd that land had I realized it would."
So, the second members issue, is that he was promised legal protection directly from the Mother Church that still has yet to emerge. His suffering is directly because he is recognized as a high official in ONAC KM which has and continues to sit in the direct line of fire in defense for the whole of ONAC and as a result has suffered victimization more severely than many others who have also suffered abuse because they openly defend ONAC. This member has been physically beaten to the point of having sustained permanent physical injury including even his literal Brain, he has been wrongfully detained, maliciously charged with bogus allegations They very obviously manifested, and has literally drive him to become a refugee of his own home state and all his family and loved ones out of fer of multiple Death threats also made upon him By and at the hand of law enforcement officials for no other reason than he's been a front line martyr for Oklevueha Native American Church in a state that don't much respect or appreciate ONAC.
Please understand, this is but one of May of our personal members who Have been victimized while and Because they were known to be ONAC members. This is one of the Main reasons that KM has been pushing for the PDX injunction to be re-filed as assured and promised to may since it was botched last year by the Mother church's corrupted attorney. We have been waiting as we continue to be put off, now within a few Week of the statute of limitations window to about be closed. We were promised the last promise that we would have a federal attorney in place by this last Friday, which coincidentally is when our Mother church put us in the corner we're now in that has put the obstacle of questionable integrity between us. As a result of our grievance to them Friday, after Again we were assured that by "Next Friday for Sure we will have the attorney paid and the PDX injunction re-filed, we Promise." Before we could even concept much less Relay that news to our council, the corner of integrity was initiated by our Mother, knowing that we cannot compromise our standing, which is the only true hope of validating their promises of legal protections to all members as they do on their cards they issue!
In our notice, we asked whether or not the Mother church wished to continue as being part of the injunction. We Hope they would so to protect ALL ONAC members opposed to only Our members alone, but no matter their decision, the Injunction will be filed with or without an attorney because otherwise all of the members sufferings would be in Vein, and there would be no honor in that, it's the Right thing to do, and it's owed and deserved of us, especially the members who have and continue to suffer because off it being handled by their faulty attorney and lack of attention and resources or whatever all has delayed their efforts this long.
ALL ONAC & ONAC KM MEMBERS NEED THE PDX INUNCTION PROMPTLY RE-FiLED and have Earned it especially KM and our members, Earth Walks promised it, it need's to be done NOW!
A third members issue is to do with still not getting their card from the Mother Church, which at this given moment, we are unsure what to do, suggest or advise beings there is a "stumbling block" between we ad our mother church. We know this and many other members have been assured that they would be receiving their cards from the mother church Acknowledging them as valid ONAC KM members in good standing with we ad our mother church, therefore given the promises of legal protection our mother church extends to them through us. And though we know that this or any of the other members still waiting on there physical cards Remain in absolute Good Standing with we ad our mother, our situation, combined with the shifting of assignments within the Mother church has caused this delema and we Hope that the Mother church will do right and get all the KM member's cards out to them as promised a few moths ago would be done promptly without delay or issue.
Because at this moment, communication remains severed from us by our mother, the only way we know how to express such concerns of our members, unfortunately is through here so at least They know we are making some sort of effort relaying it to them so it can be dealt with. Shaun McClausland does have the list, and we have email from him containing it and noting who has verses has not received there cards. Our HQ remains ready to receive them, they're just waiting on them to be sent, so please stand by regarding that issue and we will let you know when we receive word it's been resolved.

We leave you with this insignia, and a quote from one of our personal but now passed elder council which we feel makes the point of our position clear when we see it, in regards to what it's Worth... "We already Remember, but maybe You've forgot." ~John Trudell
We Hope to see Creator's will of honor be done, and so we hope Oklevueha Earth Walks will do the right and honorable thing, which would be to at least keep your word i these things eve if nothing else of the promises made, ad even if you remain to full of stubborn pride to initiate amends... dealing with the obstacle that caused it all Would be a good start and a nice gesture, you know our love and respects will always remain when it comes to assisting in the protection of our honorable ONAC family. Thank you everyone for taking your time to show concern and interest, stick around ad soon as we get any word, we'll promptly let you know.