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Hughes Bound Over for Circuit Court

Well ladies and gentlemen, we told you we would update you when we got word, and we have, so here we are as promised and here is the official word as we know it in regards to both Jacob & Mary Anne Hughes, FORMER spiritual leaders of the now five month long Dissolved "Church" known as "Oklevueha Native American Church of Metropolitan Detroit"

For those of you only now becoming aware of these folks, please know that we Do have other articles regarding them in and throughout our 2018 archives and that your welcomed and highly encouraged to check them out should great spirit move or incline you to do, especially if you or someone you know and care about is or could be encompassing an association with them because there is and will come more detailed information about them that really paints a picture as to who they are and what kind of integrity they actually sincerely Lack as far as our opinion and position is concerned.

Long story short as to how the picture paints is that the pair came together about a decade ago and share 2 minor children together between them, a daughter and her little brother. These are the first and only children of Jacob but Mary Anne has another underage daughter and one that is grown. After joining together in holy matrimony, Jacob found himself being convicted in Michigan Circuit Court, this very same one in fact as we understand it, for being a street level drug dealer. From what we understand during the coarse of his arrest, Jacob shot himself in the thigh, which as you can deduce added felony firearms convictions into his ultimate fate from the courts as well, which it did and off he went to Prison.

According to the records, Jacob was released from prison for that in 20--, and from what our investigation has thus far gathered from all sources including the Hughes personally themselves, the new plan was that the couple would "Buy a Blessing" from "The Mooney's" of the Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) in Utah and proceed in resuming as well as expanding their drug dealing ways. In our archives throughout about April to date, you will find multiple articles throughout regarding these people, each which contain important details that especially those anywhere around their association likely would Appreciate being made aware of.

You see, one of the Hughes many homes spread about from throughout the metro Detroit area all the way over to the leased house in Vegas, was raided, it was located in a suburb of the Detroit metro area known as White Lake, Michigan. The raid took place at the end of March of this year (2018). It was the house they and their children ALL were living in, but apparently too, they were also illegally cultivating literally Hundreds of plants (and we're not counting clones thru teens) and too, headquartering their Inner-state Church Trafficking operations as ONAC Metro Detroit as well.

In addition to the hundreds of mature still drying plants as well as the hundreds of pounds of already dry illegally produced cannabis, and the tens of thousands of dollars in cash siting next to their cash counting machine, all sorts of additional evidence was obtained including ledgers, text communications regarding transactions and all sorts of packaging supplies including labels and declarations and disclaimers regarding the plant, some even with out of state addressees information already made out on them. All sorts of things ranging from cell phones to laptops to security surveillance equipment were seized, as were a small handful of firearms as well, none of which should have been anywhere around Jacob Hughes ever again thanks to his previous conviction.

Short after, while at their arraignment in the lesser court it now transfers from, came via Discovery to the state officials from the hand of ONAC announcing complete Distrust and excommunication of Jacob and Mary Anne Hughes from their church organization and also too, the complete dissolve of ONAC of Metro Detroit forever and listing detailed reasons including noting multiple "unauthorizied" church locations being spread around, lack of respect for tribal culture, and for interstate drug trafficking in the guise of being sanctioned church activities condoned of them by their "mother church" which they continue to plan on insisting gives them a right of "Religious Defense" regardless of having been stripped of their only ever credential validating them as a church. .

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