Hughes still legally claiming ONAC despite Excommunication
Well, to many including Oklevueha but not necessarily to us, we're sure you might find it interesting to know that the recently Dissolved child church chapter known as ONAC of Metropolitan Detroit's leaders Jacob & Mary Anne Hughes seem to be legally maintaining their claims of being an active and legitimately functioning "Native American Church."
We ask that if interested you please take a quick look on the link provided immediately below to see for yourself first hand what it is we're talking about, noting in your Minds that this "church" was officially denounced and dissolved from the Oklevueha NAC organization as of April 11th of 2018 due to multiple accounts of unauthorized operations and that the Hughes were excommunicated from the whole of ONAC due to conduct unbecoming of a church leader:
As you will see the Hughes incorporated their chapter of ONAC with the state of Michigan June 29th, 2016 as a "Domestic Non-Profit" organization. The official address of the sanctioned "church" is recorded as being: 2900 FORD RD WHITE LAKE MI 48383. This is one of many a residence maintained by the Hughes but was the ONLY ONE that was sanctioned by Oklevueha to be established as a chapter headquarters. As it would turn out, it was one of a small handful of locations across Michigan in which the Hughes deemed as being their "church sanctuary" but according to police it was actually nothing more than a residence in which illegal deeds were being conducted by the Hughes under the Guise of being legitimate church operations.
Apparently the Hughes as have many become under the delusion that obtaining a "blessing" as a child church of ONAC somehow magically entitles it's leaders and members to soar above the law when it comes to cannabis. Please know that we are Not talking about simple possession nor use but illegal drug trafficking empires that they believe to be tax free as well as legally untouchable by law enforcement officers (LEO) but as they are learning fairly quickly is that it is not the truth after all. You see, Jacob and Mary Anne Hughes are among many "church leaders" setting up shop and then publicly stepping forward with these claims and illegal dealings that are subsequently finding themselves arrested and their churches raided and shut down. In the case of the Hughes poilce executed a search warrant on the Ford Road address and found literally hundreds of illegally growing cannabis plants, hundreds of pounds of dried cannabis and hundreds of more plants actively illegally growing under lights in a shoppe Jacob Hughes claims was his "construction business". In addition to all this police additionally found and seized multiple of firearms which were illegal for Jacob to even be around as a convicted felon more than $30.000 dollars in CASH laying on the kitchen counter and all sorts of various evidence ranging from packaging materials lists of clients and amounts of money and product going between them and many electronic evidence confirming illegal drug trafficking at the interstate level, all of which was Unauthorized operation activities according to ONAC officials.
Though ONAC admit that they were already in the process of taking disciplinary actions against the Hughes for these things, Oakland county police took action on the Hughes before ONAC officially could but as a result of their action ONAC was quick to serve an official notice of distrust and excommunication upon them after learning of their raid and arrest.
For those who missed our article including it here is the official letter to the Hughes from ONAC about it. Please take a quick moment or two reviewing it and too, please note the DATE in which ONAC officially REVOKED their blessing and put an official end to ONAC metro Detroit church chapter:

Now looking back at the information provided in the link above, please note that according to the state, Mary Anne Hughes as the "Director" of the now dissolved chapter apparently decided to take it upon herself to Disregard Oklevueha's position regarding the chapter and continue to operate it as an ONAC anyway. .. otherwise the state records would show that it has been Dissolved. To us personally it's no surprise as it remains their only hope at escaping criminal prosecution for their illegal drug trafficking operations as far as a legal defense is concerned! Here nor there ONAC has made it clear that they have been in direct contact with Oakland County prosecutors and that they have sent a copy of their official dissolution letter to the Hughes to the court and the DA's office as well to ensure it's known that they nor their actions were authorized or protected by ONAC in any way shape of form despite the Hughes insistence that there dealing is protected as a church right because they are church leaders.
This is a problem we see emerging from coast to coast across America and many of us who operate churches in an honorable way are hoping to see an end put to people like this claiming to run what we call "Hallow Churches."
so you know, they Still maintain a website listing seeking financial contributions to date as ONAC of Metro Detroit church! Here is a link to it for your review:
Oklevueha expresses that they are doing everything within their power and ability to both "Clean Up" their organization from sham snakes like the Hughes and others like them, and too that they are notifying local law enforcement agencies as they find and weed out child church chapters like them and they Apologize to All the great many people being affected in a negative way because of them and they've asked us to pass along their apologies to all of you at this time with the reassurance that honor and integrity are inportant to their organization.
We thank you for taking the time to read and review this as well as for your interest and continued support for our efforts at keeping you informed about this and all other article topics of issue.. and we Hope you stay tuned!