Hughes scheduled for Pretrial in Michigan 9/12/18
For those of you just now coming up to speed with a situation going on in the metropolitan area of Detroit, Michigan 03/21/18 the following people included in this article were formally charged with criminal drug activity while claiming they are allowed to be doing so lawfully because their a "Church", and not only that, but that they are "Spiritual Leaders of a Native American Church" at that. As if that in itself doesn't explain the connection of our interest, then perhaps your knowing that these so claimed spiritual leaders personally reached out to KM directly begging our consideration of defending their standing as such based on our reputation. It should come obvious that we as KM concluded to ultimately have absolutely No Standing as far as them having any legitimate credentials as being an upright church Nor of them even sincerely Trying to represent a Native American Church at that. Of coarse that wasn't received well on their part, and so our attention continues to extend upon them.

We look first at Case Number 2018-267391-FH which is known as: PEOPLE vs. HUGHES, JACOB JAY, STATE ID # 2028257M.
We look at Jacob Hughes first for two reasons, first being he is the figurehead of this operation, and second because he faces the most as far as sentence goes should he be convicted.The Circuit Court Judges name presiding over the case is DANIEL P. O'BRIEN.
DATE SET FOR PRETRIAL ON 09/12/2018 @ 08 30 AM
Though this may well prove to be continued Again as it was from last month to this date, especially given the new filings that have gone on since the last appearance they had in court on the case.
So you know, Jacob's charges include:
333.74012D1(C) CONSP. TO DEL 45 KILO MARIJ
333.74012D1 C/S DEL/MAN 45 KILOS - MAR
333.74012D1(C) CONSP. TO DEL 45 KILO MARIJ
333.74012D1 C/S DEL/MAN 45 KILOS - MAR
07/09/2018 the prosecution filed a "NOTICE SEEK SENTENCE ENHANCEMENT" for Jacob as he has already been convicted and sentenced to state prison for charges just like these already, just less of them according to the records we've seen thus far. Now, this is where we feel that important information is to be had, especially for the sake of the co-defendants involved in the case. On 08/28/2018 a "MOTION FILED SEPARATE TRIAL". What this means is that Jacob's case is being sough to be separated from his co-defendants, question is, which one(s). From what we can tell thus far, the "All Law" attorney team is seeking to have Jacob's case separated from co-defendant and spouse Mary Anne Hughes case alone, not from the other codefendants facing trial and conviction because of his selfish greed. Why is a logical question and too, one which could bring many different answers of reasoning. The first that comes to our minds is because Jacob has already been convicted for being a rug dealer in Michigan courts, meaning any who stand beside him for such charges are sure o be tainted in their integrity should they claim legitimate reason for having been caught up. Another reason we suspect is to do with the future custody of the Hughes minor children, which remain tucked away across country under a temperary loophole of Guardianship to his in-laws done after their arrest by their attorneys. Obviously Jacob will likely not ever be trusted around or with any sort of custody of his children, especially afer hearing him state that he plans on not only continuing his drug dealing career after this case is over, but too, that he had full intention of taking his children along with him as he did into far more dangerous situations than he did having them subjected to the White Lake raid in late March of 2018. To us it appears as if the Hughes might actually finally be factoring in the future of their kids afterall, just not in a right or honorable way as a parent, in our opinion.
09/05/2018 MOTION PRAECIPE FILED FOR 09/12/2018
So if nothing else, it sounds like September 12th will prove to be another interesting day in court for the Hughes indeed, one of many it seems yet to come for them. Now let's move forward to the next person that should be of interest to you, Mary Anne Hughes.

Mary's Case Number is
and is known as: PEOPLE vs. HUGHES, MARY ANNE
Again, Judge DANIEL P. O'BRIEN is thus far scheduled to oversee the case, of coarse as noted, now that the attorney team are moving to separate the husband and wife teams case, this could change, or at least, will soon face a trial of it's own regarding this cases legal disposition.
9 felony charges remain pending against Mary, which include:
3 counts of statute # 750.227B-A which is "WEAPONS-FELONY FIREARM" charges. Please note that until this raid, Mary Anne Hughes had no prior felony convictions so knowing that and then seeing these charges really should speak a volume or two as to the seriousness of these people and their seriousness about getting and protecting their money! Additional charges against Mary Anne Hughes include multiple counts of:
333.74012D1(C) CONSP. TO DEL 45 KILO MARIJ
333.74012D1 C/S DEL/MAN 45 KILOS - MAR
Again we feel it's highly important to emphasize that on 08/28/2018 that a "MOTION" was "FILED" seeking that a SEPARATE TRIAL be held for Mary than opposed to her standing trial for these crimes with her husband and partner in crime as it is something people really need to contemplate in their minds, especially knowing well that they are in this greed-seat 100% TOGETHER... at least until now it would seem should the court agree to let them be tried separately. At minimal this is an effective way for the Hughes to create a Stall in the legal proceedings likely to be tossing them into prison cells soon as convicted drug dealers. We shall see on the 12th what Judge O'Brien decides and as soon as we get word we will promptly let you know.
This to us proves to be very interesting as we hope it does also o their other co-defendants. They are trying to separate their cases from one another for trial though thus far they have all stood together. It's concerning to us on the outside looking upon those who seem rather duped by the Hughes into this situation as now co-defendants, especially the one whose attorney has Yet to attempt to separate them from the Hughes tained and pretty damning defense position. It raises question to say the Least as to the efforts the attorney has in attempting to defend their client as even the Hughes attorney team seem to understand that any including his own wife to stand beside Jacob Hughes as criminal proceedings continue against them for These types of charge are Sure to feel some undue wrath from a judge and jury due to the whole "guilt by association" concept alone. If they're making such strides n trying to spare Jacob's 100% partner in these crimes from suffering because of his colorful past record, all the more reason you'd think that the Other co-defendants attorneys would be doing the same thing on behalf of their clients, right?
And here we note another interesting fact that likely is Yet to be known by the Other co-defendants in this case Not named Hughes, and that is that on 09/05/2018 according to the court records, a "MOTION of PRAECIPE FILED FOR 09/12/2018 pretrial hearing in regards to Mary Anne Hughes disposition regarding this case. Now, for those of you who don't know, what this means is that the plaintiff's attorney has filed a motion to withdraw. Again this is interesting to us because both Jacob and Mary Anne Hughes have always stood confidently in their attorney "Team" which happen to be members of their so called "Church" to which they're trying to hide behind in the hopes of getting out of their accountability as drug dealers and interstate traffickers. Could this be just another stall tactic on their part, or is this a sign that there is troubles brewing in the Hughes drug camp? At this point it's hard to tell for us as we know that one of their attorney team was actually caught up in the raid with them and subsequently arrested along with the Hughes and their other co-defendants though of course he has yet to be formally charged for anything, though during the Hughes trial that could well change.
Should the court approve the attorney's withdrawal from her case, it most definitely will result in a continuance on Her case for sure, but too, it leaves the remaining co-defendants still in the same boat, only with Jacob Hughes left trying to paddle them into the clear - some Spiritual Leader you have in Mary huh, way to really go that extra Mile in protecting your congregation members, jump ship and leave them on the Titanic with your pre-felonious drug dealing husband... how Nice and considerate of you!
Speaking of the Hughes co-defendants, we turn now and take a quick look at two of heir co-defendants currently facing rial with them. We look first at the case of Matthew Steven Potter. Now, for those of you who don't know, Matthew "Matt" Potter is according to the official records, the "Treasurer" of the now former "ONAC Metropolitan Detroit" which is the "church" that the Hughes swear up and down they were honorably running, which our readers know well was proven to be NOT the case at all. For those of you interested, we refer you back to our archives around the date of April 11th 2018 as in there you will find a letter from ONAC disassociating both Jacob and Mary Anne Hughes from their church, and Dissolving ONAC Metropolitan Detroit for NOT operating in an Honorable way at all, specifically for the unauthorized drug dealing, trafficking and manufacturing among other things, and ultimately too, you will find they were permanently Excommunicated from ONAC even as individual Members personally themselves BECAUSE of their illegal drug trafficking activities as well as for having been maintaining multiple illegal drug houses while Claiming they were protected by ONAC which again, they were NOT. In our archives you will also find a SECOND RAID which took place on one of these illegal trap houses in July 2018 which ultimately led to the arrest of another associate of the Hughes who THOUGHT they were somehow protected by the Hughes "ONAC Church" but who ultimately now faces criminal prosecution and incarceration as well - this man's name is Derray Davis.
But let's focus back on the criminal case at hand, and again, let's take a quick look into the official disposition of Matthew Potter: So, the official Case Number for Potter is: 2018-267389-FH

This case is known as: PEOPLE vs. POTTER, MATTHEW STEVEN
The presiding Judge this far is DANIEL P. O'BRIEN
Thanks to the Hughes and their greed, Mr. Potter faces
3 Felony charges including:
333.74012D1 C/S DEL/MAN 45 KILOS - MAR
333.74012D1(C) CONSP. TO DEL 45 KILO MARIJ
What's interesting and too, a little bit alarming to us is that there has yet to be a motion entered in that would separate his charges from Jacob and Mary Anne Hughes. Why not? A motion has been filed requesting that Jacob and his wife Mary's cases be separated for trial.
KM officials had the opportunity of meeting and getting to know Mr. Potter a bit while we were physically on-site per the Hughes request conducting our own personal investigation as the Hughes had begged KM to claim and put our reputation on the line in attempt to legally protect them from prosecution. Of coarse based on the outcome of our investigation, logic dictated that we steer far from them and in NO WAY shape or form associate KM to the Hughes OR their so called "Church" which was completely dissolved out from under them by their now Former "Mother Church" as we mentioned before, but they were in the Process of trying to establish Another one, which they now call "SpiritKeepers Native American Church" and are desperately in the process of trying to publicly present as being an upright Native American Church. It seems that the Hughes fail to comprehend the importance of INTEGRITY among our tribal brothers and sisters, though when it comes to them making money, it seems as though they have yet to CARE who they infringe upon, endanger, or SHAME, including All tribal cultures.
Our opinion, based on our perspective, is that Matthew Potter is not necessarily cut from the same cloth that way as are Jacob and Mary Hughes. To us Mr. Potter came across as a humble man who does have respect for tribal culture more than the Hughes who openly boast at not having a single Drop of tribal bloodline unlike Mr. Potter who does though not enough o be federally recognized.
We also think it's important to be known that despite the Hughes paperwork and declarations as to Mr. Potter being the "Treasurer" of their church, that both he and the Hughes expressed Multiple times during our investigation that Mr. Potter in fact NEVER had control of a single cent of the Hughes church drug money, in fact, both Jacob and Mary Anne Hughes emphasized that all of their money from dealing went straight to their attorney team and was put into trust accounts for them in the event that they would one day need it for defense in a criminal situation such as this, and too, that the attorneys oversee all of their "investments" and "dealings" saying "How cool is that."
The Hughes did note that that they were able to go into the money whenever they needed, and too, that the majority of the vehicles that were seized by officials during their raid in March were in fact purchased with that money as was the house they are currently leasing outside of Las Vegas, Nevada where their young children are being kept from Michigan Child Services with Mary Hughes parents, at least until After their criminal trial and fate is decided by Judge O'Brien.
Anyway, back to Matthew Potter. As we say, thanks to the Hughes greed as well as their ability to sell their story to unsuspecting people, as of 08/13/2018 Matthew Potter's case reflects as being the "DATE SET FOR PRETRIAL ON 09122018 08 30 AM"
Now, on 08/17/2018 an ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT was FILED PRETRIAL(18-267388-FH) which as you might Notice is to do with Mary Anne Hughes case number! We are not quite sure as of the moment exactly What this filing was specifically for, but from he sounds of it, it's purpose Should be revealed com September 12th at 8:30Am. Those of you who Can and are planning to attend, we Hope you will SHARE what you learn as we have many interested in the disposition of this case who would Really Appreciate you're letting us know so we can clue them in.
Another interesting thing to note is that on 09/05/2018 a MOTION to "PRAECIPE" was also filed for 09/12/2018 pretrial on Potter's behalf as well. Again, we are hoping o learn more of this at the pretrial from those of you who are able to attend and are willing to keep us updated as to how things progress and play out.
Our humble suggestion to Mr. Potter remains in that he first should attain the complete Discovery of evidence planned on being used against him in court by the prosecution and that he Should immediately file a motion to Separate his case from Jacob and Mary Anne Hughes cases, especially since they are now separating from one another's case in effort of protecting one or the other from conviction as are other co-defendants Except him thus far from what we can tell. We also continue to suggest that he NOT Count on attorney's hired by Jacob and Mary to defend or attempt to protect Him from prosecution. We also strongly encourage Potter to enter in a motion of "Religious Defense" on behalf of his situation as from what we are told, he does remain in Good Standing with ONAC and remains viewed by them as having fell into the Wrong Association with the Hughes sham church and that he may well have sincere integrity and intention when it came to his involvement with the cannabis medicine for spiritual and religious purpose. It would sure be ashamed to see he and the other co-defendants thrown under the bus for the Hughes greed. Our understanding from having talked with Mr. Potter personally is that his elderly mother whom he cares for full time is sanctioned as a medical cannabis patient in Michigan and he joined the Hughes church in effort of resource in the hopes to better provide her with the medicine needed.
Which brings us now to the final case we know to personally follow regarding the Hughes March raid and bust, which is Case Number 2018-267390-FH. This is a case not Yet included into our other articles regarding the Hughes bust. It is known as: PEOPLE vs. HANNAN, JULIA ANN. This case remains consolidated in with the Hughes case thus far though on 08/28/2018 a "MOTION FILED" seeking she too wants a "SEPARATE TRIAL" from the Hughes and the other co-defendants in this case - wise move on her part in our opinion to do indeed! But according to the courts, she remains scheduled for her case to be heard before Judge DANIEL P. O'BRIEN also on September 12th at 8:30Am. The charges currently pending on her include:
333.74012D1 C/S DEL/MAN 45 KILOS - MAR
333.74012D1(C) CONSP. TO DEL 45 KILO MARIJ
Mrs. Hannan reflects as being "BOUND OVER AS CHARGED" which again is a bit concerning to us personally as this is an elderly woman who from what we were told by her directly, is a sanctioned medical cannabis patient who also had became associated with the Hughes under the guise of their "Church" being a feasible and honorable solution for her to gain access and resource to the medicine she needs to continue her fight with cancer. All involved in the raid on the Hughes side continue to insist she was merely "In the wrong place at the wrong time" which is sad as all too frequently people in her shoes find themselves also convicted and too, in prison. If this is the case with her, then our hearts and prayers remain with her.
Again, while KM officials were investigating the Hughes drug raid on location per their request, our Sachem had the opportunity of speaking with Mrs. Hannan to which much compassion and sympathy in regards to her was revealed during the emergency meeting as to how KM would stand in regards to the Hughes defense as being a "Church" as far as the current case was concerned. Our understanding is that Mrs. Hannan is a very thin and frail appearing elderly woman who in addition to now facing felony conviction thanks to her misplaced trust and belief in the Hughes, was also literally thrown to the ground with force by police during the Hughes raid. Though procedure it might be, it broke our sachem's heart just the same.
Thanks to the Hughes, we were unable to secure a direct means of communication with her but we HOPE that if anything Mr. Potter if no one else will relay to her our advice as suggested to Potter, which is to immediately have a motion filed to Separate her case from the Hughes, to retain legal counsel of her own to protect Her best interest, and to also assert a Religious Defense IMMEDIATELY on court record! Though we await confirmation on her official status as far as ONAC is concerned, we are certain hat surely She will be found to be a person in good standing and with a sincere belief in her right and need of cannabis both medicinally as well as spiritually and religiously and we HOPE that the wheels of justice in Michigan will spare her anymore undue suffering because of the Hughes disrustability, lying and scheming during the course of their LUST for fame and endless fortune.
According to the court, as of 08/13/2018 Mrs. Hannan's "DATE SET FOR PRETRIAL ON 09/12/2018" which as of right now remains scheduled for 08 30 AM along with the Hughes and Mr. Potter's case. Also again we find it noted in her case file that on 08/17/2018 an "ORDER OF ADJOURNMENT FILED PRETRIAL(18-267388-FH)" which again is to do with Mary Anne Hughes case. We WONDER if she or Mr. Potter are AWARE that Mary and Jacob are attempting to separate Their cases from one another. If this happens and Mary's is removed from Jacobs and the others are Not, that they will ultimately stand trial With Jacob Jay Hughes, which is the one who has already been convicted and even imprisoned for the same type of situation a few years before - Drug Dealing. Hopefully for the sake of Mrs. Hannan, and too Mr. Potter (if he gets a separation filed soon), that the judge will grant these two that right so they don't suffer because of Jacob Hughes anymore than they already have had to - Mary on the other hand WE FEEL should be ordered to remain standing right beside Jacob as She is deserving of nothing less from our perspective, especially given our knowledge that it was her greed more than even his own which led in all these people facing criminal trial and potential prosecution.
You see, it's important that you understand the sincere DANGER of people like Jacob Jay and Mary Anne Hughes, running around convincing good and trusting members of society that They have a way of protecting their rights as human beings under legal protections as a "Church" knowing damned good and well they have Absolutely NO Intention at all of sincerely operating or conducting themselves as an honorable upright Church with merit and integrity. What makes people like the Hughes even More dangerous is in that they intentionally set out to target prey such as Mrs. Hannan who is a seriously sick woman and who honestly believes that the right thing for her to do, especially in a medical situation such as hers, is to turn and put her complete faith and trust into a Church. To find a church in this day and age Willing to extend the hand of attempted protection in "law" in regards to cannabis medicine is literally a presentation of a possible lifesource to people like Mrs. Hannan.
Though it should Not come to a persona having to consider Joining a church in effort of preserving our Creator given rights to all earthly creation, especially a harmless all-heal plant medicine such as cannabis, for many, it is an only option of hope. It should NEVER be grounds for condemnation and suffering such harm as Mrs. Hannan has thus far found herself having to endure... in Our opinion anyway. Meanwhile both Jacob and his wife Mary Anne Hughes have purchased and obtained Michigan Medical Cannabis recommendations admittingly in effort of sparing conviction as well, though even if they had done so beforehand, there's absolutely No Way their hundreds of plant per garden operation ever would have been protected as being a personal or even collective grow operation, the Hughes are blatant profiteers plain and simple and beings they don't care about endangering heir own children, any with any since would realize fairly quickly they have no regard for anyone else's safety or well-being either, and if ya don't believe that, stay tuned for updated information about Derray Davis!
As always, we thank you for your continued interest and support as well as your information and contributions. We hope you stay tuned.