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Lifestream Radient Therapy

Stop being diminished by the daily grind. Regain your birthright of natural balance and wellbeing. After the age of about 24, our “battery” starts to deplete; about 10% for every 10 years after 24 (e.g. by 34, you will have 90% of your battery power). Cells with a weaker voltage result in an environment of disease, sickness and emotional ill-heath. However through exposure to radiant energy cell voltage is raised. This optimizes cell voltage bringing about a state of balance.


The Lifestream generator “jump starts” your life battery back in the same way a jump start will get your vehicle runnable from point A to point B, and when jumped daily over the course of 8 weeks, your life batteries are estimated to rejuevanate themselves to 90+% which increases the efficiency and capacity of your body to heal.


"Sessions with the Lifestream literally shift the patient into a state of parasympathetic, or “healing mode”. It allows the body and mind to restore itself back to its natural state of well-being." ~Jaz (Healing Practitioner)


The Lifestream Generator uses Radiant energy waves to send a Unified Field of Energy through the body and in the process raising the cell voltage of all parts of the body thus bringing back a balance to oneself and allowing the body and mind to bring itself back into well being.  Our therapy balances the body’s acupuncture meridians in just a few minutes. 


The LifeStream Generator uses harmonious electromagnetic waves to increase energy in the human cellular system and rebalances the nervous system. Your body and mind will balance on its own and will gain the youthful energy it once had. Your body and mind will optimize. This device is a Radiant Energy Device and has proven to show to be an important connection for all life on this planet.


From humans to animals and plants. Radiant Energy Technology when produced causes oneself to re-connect to the natural state (unification) and will naturally bring you back to balance from all surrounding exposures to energies that cause imbalances (EMF, RFI, power lines, etc.)  Lifestream therapy normalizes action of the cellular electrical voltage potentials for a healthier metabolism.

The energy emitted from the Lifestream is a noticeable energy. You will feel it. You can interact with it. You can transfer it to others. The benefits are nearly instantaneous. Your body and mind will relax within minutes and will proceed to eliminate your stress centers of the imbalances that cause the body to store or hold these harmful imbalances.  


 • Clear your Meridians • Minimize Aches, Pain & Spasms • Improve Performance

• Achieve Goals • Eliminate Stimulants and Dependencies • Improves wound healing – post-operative wound healing, better scar healing •  • Increase Memory •
• Reduce Visible Aging • Pain reduction from various causes – arthritis, back pain, bursitis, muscle stress, etc. • Aids in treating physical 

• Restore Mental Balance • Increased Energy • Manage Stress

• Be Healthy • Increase Longevity • Sharpen Mental Clarity • Live in Perfect Balance

Sitting 15min a day in the Lifesstream's radiant energy is all it takes.

History of the Lifestream

The Lifestream Generator was invented by John D. Riley in 2005.


John combined technological achievement based on 100 years of research from Nikola Tesla, George Lakhovsky, and George W. Van Tassel.

In the last 17 years, John manufactured by hand over 1000 devices that were built per order and shipped to over 20 countries. Now finally in 2022, a recent proprietary technological breakthrough allows for the production of more significant numbers of generators.

Benefits of the  Lifestream

As stressful lives and rampant E-Smog take their toll on our health the time is ripe for radiant energy.

Videos of the Lifestream
KM's Lifestream Testimonials

 As an older male Aquarius I must admit I was very surprised to find undeniable benefit in the Lifestream therapy KM provided. I was a mixed martial artist for over 30 years, and during my cage fighting days both of my ATL's were destroyed. I had surgery on one but the pain is about as bad on it as is the other knee, so I figured I was just going to have to live with it and also my legs popping out of socket at whim which is excruciating pain and just be grateful because the doctors said I would never walk again.


In the one session, the facilitator did my meridians and focused the remaining time on treatment on the knee that is worst.  Not only did the pain completely stop in that knee within less than 5 minutes, but it didn't start hurting for over 3 weeks after that one session, less pain than before the session though. Also my leg didn't pop back out of socket for over a month and a half where before the treatment it would slide out at least once maybe 2-3 times during a week depending on what I was doing throughout my day.


I am very impressed and am encouraging all mixed martial artists with injuries to seriously give this therapy a try!
-Mike, age 56

 I tried the Lifestream Therapy for my neck pain and I felt instant relief as well as a lift in my mood which I didn't even know was an issue. I also noticed that my physical energy level raised and I didn't feel as tired and drained as I was prior to having my Meridians cleared. Thank You KM, I highly recommend your therapy and look forward to future treatments!
-Tim, age 59

 I was very skeptical to try the Lifestream Therapy because of all the metal rods, screws and bolts in my body from a severe motorcycle accident but I can honestly say that it did really help relieve a lot of the pain the surgeons said I would have to live with. The energy did feel weird where all the metal is inside but it didn't hurt, just felt weird feeling it. I hope to get more treatments
-Timmy, age 42

 I arrived to KM's healing center in So-Cal in a wheelchair unable to walk even a few steps without tremendous pain from a hip injury that has been wearing me down for years. After a session on the Lifestream combined with a few other treatments (Red Light, Vibrational & Ozone) I was able to walk several football fields daily for over a week with very little pain at all. I look forward to continuing treatments with KM Hemperor's and my grandkids and I Thank You!
-Gerald, age 64

Hi. So I went to KM's healer in pain from what I Thought was because of the diagnosis of Kidney Failure. Only half of my meridians were able to be cleared in my first session but when she focused on the pain in my kidney area, the only way I can describe it is that it felt like the ball of pain turned into a little mouse and it began running from her! I didn't want to sound crazy, but she could tell I was tripping that it had moved. I told her it had scurried up to my shoulder like a rodent, and as she chuckled, she continued slowly following its course with a single finger.

As she got close to the shoulder, again I felt that pain rodent scurry down my arm to the other side of my elbow. Again I tripped and she noticed and chuckled and I told her what it felt like to me 'a pain rodent on the run". She continued to my shoulder and then down that arm and as she got to my bicep, that pain rodent Literally felt like it ran out my wrist and was gone - no pain at ALL for over 2 weeks. A new pain rodent has since began growing back so I'm Definitely planning on another session for sure! This modality and Jaz are Amazing!

~Joy, age 50

Non-KM Lifestream Testimonials

 I loved the Lifestream Generator. I saw the energy off to the side of me, above me and in front of me. The energy I saw was a golden color with a hint of light blue. I could feel myself vibrate on a cellular level, as the energy traveled through me. I wish I had one in my room!
-Andrew, age 15

" I am a Type-I Bi-Polar who was not diagnosed and medicated until I was 45 years old.  Bi-polar medication turned my life around; however, I still struggle with my mental disease even after fifteen years of amazing success with bi-polar meds!  I have been using a Lifestream Generator for just over one year and it is the next key thing in my recovery.  My Lifestream Generator does not replace my bi-polar meds, but it clearly aids me in my daily struggle.  Using my Lifestream Generator has improved my mood and has been a remarkable aid in my sleeping patterns.  I am now able to get to sleep much easier and obtain a deeper and more rejuvenating sleep.  Regardless of your mental health I believe you will be more relaxed in your daily routine and will achieve faster and deeper sleep if you consistently use a Lifestream Generator. "

- Ken, 2020

I hurt my back when I was in high school 30 years ago. I have had zero relief since then I started taking some lessons on learning this new technology that my friend bought called the lifestream generator. It uses radiant technology to increase cell voltage in the body.. well when I tell you that my back pain is gone I am not joking at all but I want to know if anybody else has had similar experiences because I’m thinking about purchasing one!! thanks in advance.

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