Kautantowit's Mecautea as the whole of our spiritual tribal family are consistently striving to do our part to better the life quality for All living breathing beings upon and including mother globe, and as the need and opportunity arises, we add projects & endeavors to our tracing board as goals in which we strive to accomplish and get self-flourishing. The KM Healing & Wellness Space Centers are among such endeavors that we feel are priority as the warrior soldiers of the Great Creator and Divine.
The times of the here today are growing a perspective of hopelessness throughout society in so many ways that it breaks our individual spirit, something a warrior cannot stand by and allow. Hard , frustrating and distressful as it all may seem as it overwhelms us one by one, we know that collectively we Can make the much needed positive difference, and that we are Obligated to try and strive forward for the sake of the greater good of All including especially the Great Divine and our elders turned ancestors before us who suffered and sacrificed before us for our sake as well as our future descending generations including those still yet to come.

Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) are eager to flourish our Healing & Wellness Space centers to the best of our and your ability for the greater good of the whole, and are eager to come together and coordinate with you.

Kautantowit's Mecautea (KM) are willing to bring our experience, sincerity and resources to the table and figure the best ways to make our Healing & Wellness Space Centers the best they can be.

Proving our integrity and sincerity to society as an honorable benefit to and beyond our communities is essential in and to our success.