Prayers requested for Elder Counsel John Trudell
It is with great concern that we come to you requesting your smoke and pray
ers for ONAC KM Elder Counsel honorary member John Trudell as he is not well and would surely appreciate some compassion and support.
Despite his ailments, John once again took to the stage of Portland Hempstalk this evening, encouraging as well as educating the masses to the clear coherant realities of life upon Mother World during these trying times. As he spoke and sang his songs, a double rainbow formed overhead, smack dab over the top of Trudell and Jack Herer Memorial stage.
John's position as a true hearted warrior of Turtle Island goes without Any room for question. He was among the top influences of AIM thru the 1970's beginning with Occupy Alcatraz and ending with the burning of the American Flag in Washington DC in 1973... and the seige of Wounded Knee.
John is an immeasurable and rreplacable treasure to all upon Mother World, someone we cannot afford to lose anytime soon... and we cannot emphasize this reality enough. SweetGrass was given to him which warmed his heart... but it's his body neednglove, rest and healing now more than anything.
Renoun for his poetry and music and too his activism and professional movie acting... John s a true prophet as well as a lving example and teacher of our times. Blessings of healing smoke encompass him as he battles an alment he's not yet wanting publcally known... pray for him Please~