Halloween Fright for Elder Widow of military hero as Insurance continues endangering her life
Kaiser Permanente of Oregon strikes our elderly widow once again, this time manipulating a second Kaiser Permanente region facility to Illegally Snatch her from what family describe as "Angel's Hands" and back into the clutches of her devils by illegal as well as highly immoral and unethical means, and in turn then demands her medical needs and care be deprived her.
After multiple conclusions of suffering and life-endangerment Intentionally being inflicted this woman by the NW Kaiser Permanente Oregon Region, Mrs. Graves was evacuated from Oregon with the goal of University California San Francisco (UCSF) thee Ultimate in physical and neurological care and rehabilitation upon mother globe, hands down and bar-none. Admitted and kept "under the radar", confrontation was initiated by Oregon Permanente stating their suspicion Graves might be there and if so, their unwillingness to authorize any care costs... nor allow her Medicare to be utilized either - a technical illegal maneuver on their part, especially beings Kaiser is contracted as her Secondary insurance After Medicare!
As UCSF worked to get Graves medically stablized, as well as prepared for at Least One surgery, San Framcisco Kaiser Permanente would jump in and wisk away Graves claiming they were doing Her a favor "Bringing her back Into the Kaiser Network." Once accomplished however, San Fransisco Permanente would begin to realize it was far from any favor to her at all, at least as far as Oregon Kaiser would attempt to dictate to and ensure.
Debrievements were needed due to the life-threatening pressure ulcer Oregon Kaiser caused and then intentionally neglected and refused to provide treatment or supplies for, which would prove to be not enough and the need for a second surgery in effort of containing the infection... she would need treatment for the wounds on her feet as well, and special boots and a special bed even They had to rent! All refused and objected to by Oregon Kaiser Permaente... but needed to the point they were done anyway, despite even the threat of not being compensated for satisfying the necessity.