KM Members put Government on public notice
Friday was a big day for Portland, Oregon, and also too, for Oklevueha Native American Church members across the pacific Northwest as members of the Independant branch "Kautantowit's Mecautea" put the federal government on official notice that the church was filing an injunction against the US Postal Service, the US Postal Inspector General, and even the United States of America itself.
Kautantowit's Mecautea of ONAC were invited to participate in the cities all day rally to represent the currches position in defense of America's Rights, Freedoms and Civil Liberties because of the violation and victimization they endured in the rose city just one month prior at the Post Office located at 715 NE Hoyt in downtown Portland when a care package the church had sent across country to a member was illegally seized by a postal inspector there by the last name "Melvin".
Church members had already protested the Post Office, asking and even demanding their package either be delivered as promised, or else returned to the church. Postal officials have yet to do Anything with the seized package, including to even send out official notice to the church that they have in fact seized the parcel. Church members contend that the package was stolen by postal officials because of that, as well as because they failed to obtain a warrant to investigate the package in any fashion.
Sachem Joy Graves, leader of the Oregon church Kautantowit's Mecautea points out that the very same postal entity had just been corrected by the Oregon Appeals court May 30th 2015 for having done the very same thing, which was "To remove mail from the Flow of mail without proper authority such as the obtaining of a search warrant authorizing them to legally do so", and emphasizing that what this situation is "Is not a seizure of confiscation, it's out-right theft of our mail, plain and simple", which she adds "Is in fact a Crime."
As members of the church were publicly announcing their legal filing, and handing out hard-copies of the actual documents to and in front of multiple media during the rally, they noted to have gained significant attention from local authorities whom they believe in turn notified local federal officials. One local reporter was seen sharing their copies of the paperwork with a city police officer, who as they describe "Then disappeared with the papers for more than 10 minutes, and then returned to the rally with 5 state police troopers as well as a member of the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Members say that they, along with an total of 5 portland city police then "Stuck to us specifically like glue" throughout the duration of the rally and march, and even well after the day's events were officially over. Though members genually felt strong their would be an official unpleasant encounter,they were somewhat relieved to have all gotten out of town without having one. Graves emphasizes that the filing is intended to protect All Oklevueha Native American Church members "Across the board", in the hopes that they will not have to endure the victimization felt by she and her members.
"We have rights as a church" Graves said tearfully, "But too, as Native American Church we have extra rights of protection... by pulling this they didn't just infringe upon that, but they've also infringed upon our effectiveness as Medicine Healers as well... by stealing our package they have done irrepairable harm to our church and church members, in a double impact way because they haven't just stolen our spiritual sacrament, they have stolen a members Medicine at the same time... unexcusable and unforgivable, and near Christmas too, they should be a Shamed of themselves."
The filing reflects the church as having two Civil Rights attorney's handling the case, Matthew Pappas of southern California, along with Michael Rose of Portland, Oregon. Pappas is renoun as being the "Legal Warrior" of Oklevueha Native American Church and Michael Rose as "The Best Constitutional attorney in the state of Oregon." The duo along with Pappas's team are planned on making a public address via a press conference in the rose city in the fairly near future and hopefully too, a permanent partnership for church members as the case progresses onward as well. "The church is growing rapidly because it's the only way individuals can collectively protect and preserve our Creator given rights, having an attorney team like this is seriously comforting to say the least."
