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Oklevueha Native American Church attacked by Racist Tribal Judge

This story begins emerging in the well known publication "Indian Country", where from way out completely Beyond left field, an article was published in Indian Country, authored by Ms. Hopkins, without any indication once-so-ever including too Any attempts of personal inquiry at all as to whether or not she had Any factual basis once-so-ever at All, to Blantently begin attacking Oklevueha Native American Church, and we cannot find any other apparent reason for her to do so, other than to express hate toward people born with lighter skin than she apparently has, particulary those who respect the wisdom of the Majority of her bloodline, and we say it that way because you see, the truth is, she's not "100% Tribal Bloodline" either herself... she contains Scottish blood as well... or "White" as she so racially would call it. Case in point - by disrespecting others in such ways, she too Is in fact disrespecting her ownself as well as some of her biological ancestor relations!

Despite what many may think, this sort of hate has long been a part of human history, though usually it's best known for being the other way around, historically speaking, meaning that usually it's emphasized as having been the "Whites" as she calls'em, with their Hitlers and their KKK armed with pitch-forks and ropes wearing lilly-white robes and pointy hats heading out to find a person of darker color, not realizing that too, this kind of bad spiritual medicine has long gone around helping to damage Creator's sacred hoop many moons, and has always gone in many ways against all the peoples across the land and well beyond the 1400's!

What is highly concerning to us, is that Ruth Hopkins however, is not your everyday class citizen, regardless of race, class or living enviornment... she is actually a "Chief Judge" over the Spirit Lake Tribe in North Dakota, which in turn makes it reprehensable! Why she has suddenly targeted both Oklevueha Native American Church as a whole is yet a mystery, and why too she believes she will find honor in attacking our Elder, James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney personally also yet remains unanswered, but in her so-doing, essentially she is accacking the very foundations of her ancestral culture and the ways of their belief systems. From whatever side of the coin you look at the "Founding of the New World"... the ones declared "Indian" were depicted as being PASSIVE... Welcoming, and overall not geared toward posing themselves any "Threat", and as harsh as this might sound, the fact that the tribes have dwindled down from among the high populous to the closest human species here to the declaration of extinction!

You see, Not that Any of Oklevueha Native American Church were ever ASKED, and contrary too those like Ms. Hopkins who instead of seeking truth declare we're "Trying to play indian", quite the contrary... we are Native Americans who appreciate, respect and wish to preserve the dwindling history and cultural wisdom of the First Peoples... and to ensure clarification, that Does include spiritualism as well as planatary wisdom, meaning the sacredness of as well as the ALL of things Creator gave upon our land and world. We hear the words of Crazy Horse when he said "One earth, one mother... how can the people sell the earth which the people walk upon. We take his word "Sell" to mean "Sellout", are we wrong? We do not declare ourselves "Indian", we do not seek to try and Be something we are not... we are Native born American's, the same as all born here, including long before the crash landing in South America by Columbus... we are the human beings that Creator born upon This Land right here, and we, like Ms. Hawkins "People", know and accept that we have a responsibility and an obligation to attempt to preserve and protect it... to the best of Our ability.

We know that we cannot undo over 500 years of damage done to this land, we know that the ways of those who've done it are Wrong, and we know that we must seek out the Right of how to turn the cycle around so that it doesn't further continue. The earth has taken so much, she shouuldn't Have to endure anymore, but she will until the masses of the people of this land learn the proper ways of living With her instead of Off her, and too, we believe that it's the Elders of the First Peoples bloodlines who maintain the majority of that knowledge. We are by No Means attempting to over-step their position... we are not trying to teach the wisdom only they alone can teach. We are instead buinding the bridge of unification their ancestors taught them about, the Rainbow Bridge that would need to come in order to unify all the people of our land together at the feet of the tribal elders so that all can be properly educated to Great Creators will and expectation.

Ms. Hawkins begins her attack on James by stating that his "Ancestry is sketchy", which is interesting that she would Question the authencity of an official DNA test. She then goes on to say that it's He who is declaring himself "Indian", when in fact it was the federal government who've declared him so, thanks to her BIA friends. But she doesn't stop there, Ms. Hopkins then proceeded with her still un-founded attacks on James by stating that he is "Not recognized by a federally recognized tribe" when the truth is, that statement is an out-right Lie, and there is a photo-copy of his "tribal card" publicly available including on this churches facebook page and album open for public viewing issued him back in 1944 that proves it, and proves her statement is in fact an our-right Lie! And my personal favorite of her rant, was when she declared that James was No "Medicine Man" and scoffed at the fact that Oklevueha is open for all to join,stating that it's not Typical practice of the Native American Church to make such an offer, but then acknowledged that he was instructed to "Take the Medicine to the White Man" by tribal healers. Take What Where Ms. Hopkins? Whom were the ones who Told him that Ms. Hopkins? It would seem the shade has suddenly disappeared~

Among her many additional Insulting statements toward James, from members position and perspectives though, is when Ruth Hopkins describes him as someone "clinging to" and "trying to prove" he's "Native American". This is insultive for many reasons, first, James for a fact was born in America, as were the great Majority of us reading or encountering this publication. It's not something Any of us need to try and "cling to", and as far as "prove" - that's what our Birth Certificate is recognized for, and in turn our Passports then confirm... those of us born here Are in fact By definition "Native American", period. If she is referencing to his DNA, then the DNA test should dispell any of her concerns, as well as his tribal card, which ultimately as far as the oppressor is concerned, makes her just as "Tribal" as he is... presuming of coarse she also has been issued a federal tribal card. Here nor there though, ultimately, the position of the tribal elder ancestors passed, "If you have even only One Drop, are you Not of that Tribe"

But second, and even more Importantly than that, is that such statements only publicly re-enforce the 550+ year old Mis-Education that ALL of us have, as our children Continue to endure in whatever the "School System" that ultimately is enabling the destruction of our existence... The same as we All continue to All suffer from the Repression Ms. Hopkins mentions in print as well, and that a great many living upon this land suffer from sub-poverty limits determined by the same oppressor also. Why she would defend the ways of the oppressors of her people is beyond comprehension.

Ms. Hopkins instead, sadfully apparently chooses to add to the blur of those factual lines in turn making it appear as if Poverty, Homelessness and sub-standard life qualities are only found within reservation boundaries alone, which as we All know is far from the case, but she's attempted to do so to again, re-enforce those insignificant lines of separation presented us by All of our Oppressor in attempt to weaken us as well as to constrain our minds into a position of powerlessness as the whole of the people, meaning the All of the Human Being, which is ultimately what we are and were designed to be, nothing other than being human being... but she, instead of following the teachings of her ancestors, adds depth To the division of the people of the land and discourages us away from the bridge of proper unification Creator wishes and White Buffalo came to teach and instruct for us to do.

That's right, you heard us say it, Ms. Hopkins is Failing to respect the prophetic teachings along with the wisdom of Her ancestors, the warning of division and submission as well as the harm to the entirety of the earth that it would bring. And too, she is conveniently side-stepping the wisdom of the elders assuring the Need for Unification of ALL we the people of this land in the times of the here and now for the sake of Mother Earth and Creator's bigger picture. She instead feeds her fuel toward the division sought after by her peoples oppressors opposed to following the instructions given by her elders... and does so as the voice of all the tribal people as she does it. Oklevueha is and remains blessed to work with a great many other tribal peoples of the land, most older than her, and too, many of PURE tribal bloodline quantum, but the difference is we do not judge them based upon their being, we embrace them as brother and sisters because we are all human... just as Great Creator instructed.

It is puzzling as to why Ruth Hopkins fails to give hommage to the importance of James Mooney's willingness to be the tribal elders tool and vessel in the physical initiation of the 7th sacred fire times... his success to not only Bring the wisdom and the medicines of the elders Off of boundaried lands called "Reservations" but too Out from the enemies "Blood Quantum Requirements" for learning such pertinently necessarily Emergent wisdom If the future generations are going to have any life here upon the earth at all. We are but a strand in the web of life here upon Mother Globe... that's some of the wisdom that Her Elders have long passed down, hoping the descendants would honor and respect it's need to be.

So many people think stereo-typical things, like "Native American" meaning "Indian", but thinking and believing them does not make them true. After over 550 years, only Now, during the 7th fire times, are you seeing racial mascots being removed and replaced within our nations societies. Only now are we seeing people strive to use proper terminology, though obviously still grossly getting it Wrong... over 500 years of mis-teaching will do that to a people afterall. We see this more often than not in gereral society, people thinking these things, but the problem only comes when they Finally "Decide" that their conclusion is right and just... you see, That's when their mind closes to factual reality not yet considered into the whole of the bigger picture that is true reality.

We ALL whom are born here are in fact by definition "Native Americans" - that is determined on the location of our physical birth upon Mother world. All born upon the "American Continents" are in fact "American", including even the "Mexican" and the "Canadian" and too the "Alaskan" peoples too. Skin color, eye color, hair color, all these things do not Matter and technically speaking should Not be factored in to that equasion, plain and simple Period. Instead, what should be generating into the minds of the human beings of this land, is "Why"... why would they (and have they to and our ancestors) be intentionally mis-educated to the facts of such reality, and then the bottom line fact shines through - "Control"... the oppressor wants Control over the people and by dictation and intimidation they present themselves as the authority over the whole of we and the land, and in turn do with it and us as They will.

This is not a new thing, it's a long used and proven effective coarse of action when seeking authority, power and control over something which your not destined to have control of. Historically it has gone on long before ole Columbus thankfully found this lost land filled with incivilized 3rd class beasts they deemed "Indian". The patterns all repeat such as this one, the only difference is that it's adapted and improved upon as time goes. The proof that the oppressor is not the friends of the people of this land is all around you...

You can Also find it in the fact that the oppressors are now Legally Declaring that potential police officers can only have a certain level of intelligence that is Not very high from the sounds of the way they're saying it!

Think about it...A "Low IQ"... why would those whom are Supposed to be Protecting us Want the enforcers of the Laws of this land to be assembled of only those with a Lesser of an IQ opposed to welcoming and embracing those potential candidates with a Higher IQ - because they're easier to control and dictate too if they have a Lesser opposed to a Higher IQ level... those with a higher IQ may one day come to find themselves Questioning the instruction given them by their "Superior Authorities"

It's seemingly apparent that it would be safe to say that she missed hearing the words of the ancient elders, whom in their days as chiefs over the "tribes" of the first occupiers of this land, when they made such statements long since repeated by great men such as Black Elk and Crazy Horse as to say "All the skins of this land will come together as one tribe" or when the instruction was given for us to build the "Rainbow Bridge", and that she too missed the wise words of those like Russell Means and John Trudell who out-right Said that All of us here are in the same boat, under the same corrupt oppressive government polluting and plumiting Our Land across the board for their own selfish reasons and justifications nor acknowledging the fact that it's causing the same devistating impact for All of our descendants and future inhabitabts of All forms of life upon the entire Planet?

Ms. Hopkins, Judge Hopkins, Ruth Hopkins, whichever title she perfer to Represent in regards to this interaction with our church and her attack upon thereof, continued in her "article" to disrespectfully slander the integrity and belief systems and rights to our "Name" including "Native American Church" as welll as 'Flaming Eagle' personally in an extremely Racial manner fueled by her hatred toward non-reservation born people, to the point that we feel it needs to be addressed, corrected, repented and then retracted.

Here is the link to her article:

The elder Counsel of our Mother Church Oklevueha, reviewed Ms. Hopkins article of defamation and degredgation of our church and co-founder, their decision was made that a "Rebuttal" would be published to address the mis-information Ms. Hopkins had publicly printed in the hopes she would do the honorable thing and promptly correct it as well as apologize for any damage or harm her harsh racial incorrect words caused, but she didn't, so it was left as it were, all in print and for the world to see, and unfortunately too, misapproperiate into justification to further attack Oklevueha Native American Church.

Now, as they say and most of us all know, haters are gonna hate, why-ever their personal fuel motivates them to, they will because it's their way and their path and their personal choices to do so, but when such unfounded Hatered spews out of the mouth of Anyone claiming themself a "Judge" of any type of courtroom position or setting that is Supposed to contain Bias Justice, especially from such a position of authority as a Judge... a Judge people, a Judge... we believe the proper thing to do is to force the addressment and correction directly and quickly so that honor and justice are swiftly restored. You will see some of them as comment posters to that as well as the second link we're about to provide you here which is titled "ONAC Rebuttal":

But ladies and gentlemen, this roots far deeper than her uncalled for attacks upon James or our church, and quite frankly it's what makes this so unsettling, it's her pride on having a deep-rooted hate toward the "white" as she calls them people. Just that hate in itself has Long pointed ignorant... for all who have geared such bad spiritual medicine on the pigmentation of a persons skin... presuming that's what she's meaning when she continually attacks and says degrading things aiming them at "White People". As you will see here in these Two printed publications she's authored, this is an issue of great concern, especially again noting she Is a "Judge":

This kind of racially motivated Hate being demonstrated "off federally declared reservation lands" as they're called, Is in fact illegal to the point of legal consequence... meaning that not only could she be subjected to civil litigations, but also too, criminally prosecuted and punished with jail or prison sentence. It's not tolerated because the people of the land, apparently only Outside of the fenced off and or fenced in lands of the "Indian" recognize the ignorance and the error of such ways of thinking and no longer wish to tolerate it, so strongly so that now they in fact punish those who display it.

To hate a "White" is no different than to hate a "Black" a "Mexican" or an "Asian" just because Creator decided their pigmentation would be different from another. Do you hate a person because their hair is blond or their eyes are blue or green? Do you hate a boy or a girl because they are a boy or a girl? Next you will hate the snow because it is white, or the sea because it is blue.

We bleieve that as you do choose to honor such lines as if they're significant, it is You who creates and adds to such lines of separation, given and beat into you by your oppressors, feeding that fuel of divide so that they can then divide we the human beings, the guardian protectors of Mother Earth, and have their nasty ways with her, taking from her to the point of all lifes destruction. We the human beings, are but tools of maintence for Creator's Creation here upon the world, the ways of the "White Man" - not meaning a person or their skin, but meaning the ways that come with those who came off the boats... it's those ways that we are all in opposition of, it is those concepts which in turn justify the oppressors ability to oppress... it is not the want nor the will of Creator, but too, he has factored it into this time, and that is why that by the decision of the ancient tribal elders, the knowledge and wisdom was passed, including the wisdom that it would take all of us in the here and now, to honorably fufil the mission purpose of the 7th sacred fire time period.

PLEASE, make No Mistake at All... it is not we the Warrior branches of Oklevueha that bring disrespect upon the honor of the elders... first peoples nor our own... We Know and Honor that it is not we whom are to teach the people the sacred ways long preserved by the first peoples elders, but understand our position instead in that we are to build the bridge of unification and to encourage both sides to use it... we are to prepare the skins so that they can be humbly taught the ways and wishes of Creator as was taught and in turn expected for all of us since born upon this land... "Turtle Island", or the "American Continents" or "North America" or even if you want to honor the lines declaring it "The United States"... whatever you wish to title it, this land is the land that Creator decided alone that We would be born upon and inherit as our own, as well as the expectation that we also too, take the responsibilities and obligations of and to it very seriously.

Please know that because of all of these insiginificant lines such as race, color, class etc. have deepened the lines of separation and division of ALL the people upon this land one from another, which is why Creator has said that we must come together as One Tribe - first as the people of This land, and Then as the Human Beings of Mother Earth... He Hopes, in a Good Medicine Way, meaning for the good of All including Mother Earth - that is his will and that alone his expectation and desire for us to strive to attain, and technically he doesen't even Expect us to Save the Earth... just to all come together and Try, and it's the ancient peoples wisdom alone that can help us to accomplish it.

Basically though, in short, is that Ms. Hopkins, who in addition to priding herself publicaly as a "Judge", also presents herself as being a "blogger, Speaker, Biologist, and an Author, as well as a columnist for Indian Country Today Media Network, editor/writer as well as an administrator, and a founding writer at as well, not to mention a Twitteror, so you can fairly easily find much of her past publications by a quick google search of her name. Bizzy little bee and so righteously so she Should be patted on her back by All of society for having attained such achievements and still be so young. In her defense, I will point out that usually professional publications have "Editors" of sorts that are Supposed to check facts as well as give a final approval BEFORE articles and stories are printed... to protect the Integrigity of their organization... so the Blame for this is not Just hers alone as far as the rubbish remains in print as a reflection of being a truth-based publication.

However, none of these titles she personally so pridefully claims Excuses her from such racially motivated hate to be overlooked nor endured... in fact quite the contrary, they Require her to acknowledge her conduct was wrong, her statements were untrue, her aggression and hatred were inapproperiate, and her behavior toward our church completely disrespectful to not only us, but to all of our as well as Her own relations, and that in such a public position of limelight as she has obvioisly for so long struggled to attain, that with it comes responsibility and obligation including the expectation of professionalism, because ultimately the bottom line is, people in positions such as hers are looked upon as being inspiriations to the coming generations.

Meanwhile, because Ms. Hopkins has neglected to publicly note the fact that she has been confronted in regards to her article and factually proven Wrong, the repercussions of it do continue on. You see, many whom see things in legitimate print such as "media sources" like news broadcasting, magazines, newspapers and such the like, along too with social media options such as facebook and twitter and the like If they're deemed to be legitimate by a creditable source... such as that of a JUDGE Personally themselves publicizing it~ And as we said early on, haters are gonna hate, but abandoning rather than properly correcting an article such as this, creates false ground for those haters looking for reason to hate and to prove that their hate is Justified... because they themselves are ultimately in fact, the ones seeking justification for themselves, worth and importance to the world of their own lives... whatever that may be.

Needless to say, Sachem Graves along with warrior attorney Matthew Pappas is on the situation, and wish to at this time assure you all that it will be properly resolved... Publicly in the hopes to dispell any haters thinking they have now proof of some merit! We ask for her to correct her mistakes so that we can correct the damage by them caused us.

Please stay tuned for updates along with other pertinent news fron the Oklevueha home-front!



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