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ONAC KM response to Media

To begin with,, Oklevueha Native American Church members are highly upset with all the slanderous division going on between they and members freedoms, rights and civil liberties at the hands of main stream media, first because no media is actually inquiring with Oklevueha nor it's elders, leaders or even members. This makes for one sided stories, and too, leads to mis-statements, half truths and out-right lies being published.

High Times Magazine of all proves point number one. They were so quick to print a half truth artile that they overlooked the most common of facts before them - that the Oregon medical cannabis program was voted into Oregon law in 1998, not in 2007 as their story reads... and they should know that fact first-hand since they were among Jack Herer and our sachem as they gathered the signatures, got the ballot before the voters and helped to ensure it passed into the states law for heaven's sake! But this is only butt one example of the mis-announcement of facts, it continues on and only grows worse as it progresses.

Here is their entire article so you can see for yourself why it is that ONAC is rather irritated with them:

Members are upset by their use of the word "schismatic" when describing Oklevueha Church... Why High Times would belittle a group determined to liberate cannabis religiously as well as medically is beyond us - one would believe High Times actually was in support of cannabis liberation, especially the efforts made in honor of legendary global cannabis defender Jack Herer, but apparently they are leaning toward the bread and butter spread thick by cannabis sellouts pushing for legalization over those of us defending and pushing for it's liberation - sad indeed considering how much money they've made of the suffering of the plants users.

High Times goes on to pull some sort of justification for the division of the liberators by emphasizing that Sachem Graves isn't rgistered as a "tribal member" with the federal government. Perhaps they are unaware that it is not a Requirement to be federally registered as a tribal member, or in fact that no bloodline requirement is Required for membership in Oklevueha Native American Church - that ALL native born Americans are welcome to be members of ONAC, or the fact that even that is Not a requirement to be a member of the churh. Mooney and Graves have both explained thi to media and the public and have even announced and confirmed that ONAC has members who are Not native born to the American continents and that they do have members residing in other countries across mother globe.

High Times, as are many media sources, are giving credit to a tribal judge of a small Dakota tribe as if she is an expert speaking on behalf of all native tribal people, which simply is not an earned position for her to be platforming on. Research into this womans publications reveal that despite the fact that she is absolutly racist against all non-tribal people she apparently immediately gains respect because she holds the title as a tribal judge. The funny thing is, that when researching into the woman, she reveals ever-so-briefly that she too is not pure-blooded tribal herself, that she has scottish blood within her veins. Multiple of the womans publications reek of racial slurs against any who try to bring honor upon the wisdom of the tribal elders, and that she is among those who stand against the historic tribal teachings, especially that of White Buffalo Calf Woman who declares that it is during this time period upon the earth, that "ALL SKINS must join together as one tribe" in order to attempt to save mother world and all future life upon her.

The High Times artlcle quotes her in insenuating that Oklevueha Church is actually "Stealing" the traditions and ceremonies of the tribal people. By discounting White Buffalo Calf Womans instrutions as she so obviously is, this woman continues to feed into the seperation attempts of the government who victimized and has geared for the suppression of all tribal people from the rest of we native born Amerians - why, because division makes for easier conquer. In quoting the late Great Russell Means - "We are all the new indian - the government is none of our friend, welcome to our boat."

The point Oklevueha hopes to make in the minds of the people who tend to follow and feed into people like her's fire, is that it is regardless of a persons skin color, eye color, hair color or anything else attempting to divide and separate the people of this land, that we are all born native to this land and all equally inherit it and all that comes from it... that bloodline doesn't dictate nor change the fact that it's Creator's decision alone which determines from which hoop all the people are born into, and that all born on the American continents are in fat native born to this land and are equal, period.

You see, there is a separation which has affeted the progression of the defense of both mother earth as well as our nation, and that is the goal of ONAC to mend - to bring all the people together as the one tribe under Creator that he alone as instructed that wee strive to acomplish during these the 7th sacred fire times. There are the "tribally born" native americans, and then there are the rest of us - the mongrul native born Americans, meaning all we non-tribal bloodline registered.

A follower of this judge by the name of Jacqueline out-right asked Sachem Graves "On your birth certificate, what skin color does it say you are - White doesn't it?" Sachem Graves response was clear in that "I believe it actually says caucasion, though I don't see what point there is to be had in that question, as there are many born in Africa whose birth certificate also indicates they have caucasion skin pigmentation, so what is your point to such a question." Though it seemed to quiet the hater down and was thought to have actually made her Think, apparently as time would reveal, she missed the point and remains in the position of tribal bloodlines being the only factor deemoing a person a true Native born American - miseducation which will continue to cause an uphill road for all seeking the instruction of White Buffalo as well as Great Creator.

Oklevueha encouraged all who believe such an out-dated concept to speak with the elders of their tribes, to see whether or not the elders agree with Oklevueha being the physical fufillment of White Buffalo's prophey regarding he joining of the skins of Turtle Island and of our building the rainbow bridge of unification. It is understood the resentment that many of these folks generations who do contain a majority of tribal bloodlines, that they instintually resent the efforts of Oklevueha and would rather refuse the conjoining of all the skins into the one tribe of Creator, but too Oklevueha knows that despite such kealousy, that prophecy must be fufilled, and that all skins must be welcomed to the feet of the tribal elders so that they an learn how to properly live With the earth instead of off of her at all future generations expense. Without this stand and Oklevueha fufilling the prophey and initiating he unification, there will be no world for our future generations to inherit.

This judge states that the reason for her concern and upset with Oklevueha is that she feels our litigations against the government are "reckless". She and her followers state that they believe that should Oklevueha Lose our court litigations that somehow the "tribes" will lose valuable rights that realistically speaking they have nor have yet to have amde any sort of effort in defending on their own. If we biasly look at the litigations ONAC has brought to court attention over these last few decades, it has only increased the legal protetions and too the respect of all the tribal people and nations within America. While 13 cases clogged the courts in 2014 attempting to secure ONAC's rights to utilize cannabis sacrament, that the federal government threw the tribes the bone of being legally allowed to cultivate and dispense cannabis sacraments "On resevation lands". Many of the elders of the tribes conclude that the bone was thrown them because of Oklevueha's litigations in the courtrooms, and otherwise believe that such a bone being thrown them was "fishy fishy" as the tribess had yet to even consider inquiring about their rights regarding cannabis.

"The judge is afraid that ONAC will cost the tribes rights to cannabis" said the judges follower Jacqualine to Sachem Graves, which Graves found interesting beings the tribes still have yet to dive in and preserve the right to use cannabis on their own. "Cannabis is still too new to the tribal elders, they don't know how to handle it - they know of it's medical value, it's just too new to them to declare it a sarament" said Jacqueline. ONAC's position is simple - cannabis is an earth-based Healing Sacrament, sacrament meaning sacred substance, that was given by Creator for all of us to use and utilize as substence. Any who dispute cannabis is a natural substence will be deemed a fool, as will those who question or try to indicate that cannabis is Not a healing substane. Therefore Oklevueha's position becomes crystal clear - cannabis is a healing sacrament period and they will continue to defend it as such, as well as do their best to ensure all people have the right to freely access it.

"The tribes are afraid of losing rights they do not even have, which is rediculous and is contrary to the instructions of Great Creator - we are to be stewards of and to mother earth, and are to be thankful for all Creator's Creations, especially those who have the ability with such eaze to heal the people of ailments and disease that would otherwise kill them dead" Graves said. "Tribes are to be sovergn, same as our mother church is to remain sovergn... it is we the warrior tribal branhes of Oklevueha that are to be the warriors and to defend Creator's creation and all living beings rites to Creator's creation, and too, to join together all the people, first of this land, and then to the hoop of the entire mother globe together to be the one people under Great Creator - despite the jealousy and upset from those Creator decided be born within the boundaries of sovergnity."

The High Times publication dredges up the man who helped to pass the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) to ensure people that cannabis was not a part of their agenda when passing RFRA into federal law, that if any, it was peyote being and needing the respect of sacred substances. Peyote is in fat among thee most important of sacred substanes during the times of such deisions, but it doesn't mean that Only Peyote was deemed to be a sacred substance given us by Great Creator... "ALL substances given us by Creator and Mother Earth are sared" states Graves "and cannabis is among the higher of them needing respect and protection.

Further frustrating within the High Times publication is how they round up multiple people to defend the judges stand against Oklevueha and yet any of Oklevueha representatives have Yet to be contacted for any sort of statement, explination or even response to these haters alligations or positions. Many Native Amerian hurch representatives seem to lash out against Oklevueha as if they are the deiding authority over who gets deemed a Native American around here. "Creator alone decides who will be born upon which of the lands of Mother Earth... those who draw and then follow insignificant lines contrary to Creators decision and dictation are ignorant" Graves says, "The elders know who we are and why we're here, and most stand in support of Oklevueha's efforts."

To stand on the lines of division based on bloodline percentile, skin color or anything else is trivial as well as irrelivant to Great Creator Oklevueha representatives point out, and they insist that legally such things are moot, that the bottom line is that "We are all human beings living in a world where the human beings forget what it means to be human." Oklevueha leaders add that whether the tribal descents appreciate ONAC's efforts or not, they will continue forward with the law on their side and they intend on fufilling the prophecy of White Buffalo, and that "Those who are not willing can step aside and then thank us later... right now we have a plant to defend and fellow human beings to save with Creators medicine."


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