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'ONAC' vs. 'NAC HI', the position of Peyote medici

According to NAC HI attorney Michael Glenn, it is the position of NAC HI healers to use the Mother Medicine "Cannabis", aka "Marijuana" as a "Generic Substitution" for the Grandfather Medicine "Peyote" during ceremonial rite and rituals where Grandfather Medicine is to be explicitly used. Glenn testified to this point of fact on behalf of NAC HI in the 9th Circuit Court in Hawaii December 2015. Glenn stated to the panel of judges that NAC HI does this "When it's too hard to aquire peyote for the church."

The first point needing to be made, is that NAC HI is in No Way associated with nor to Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC), period, nor have they been for over one year Prior to when NAC HI founder Michael Rex 'Raging Bear' Mooney decided to sever all ties and declare himself leader of his own church "Native American Church Hawaii Inc."

.There was initially a connection between NAC HI and ONAC as NAC HI foundationed in Hawaii as an independant branch of ONAC known as "Native Amerian Church Hawaii, but more than a year ago, NAC HI founder Michael Rex 'Raging Bear' Mooney, son of ONAC co-founder James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney was excommunicated from Oklevueha Native American Church by the Elder Counsel. What this did was complelly severed the ties and dissinigrated the blessing of "Raging Bear" as a representative of ONAC leaving him without blessing and bonafication to continue forward as head healer of any Native American Church. .

Raging Bear in turn, established his own church "NAC HI", and obtained his own employee identification number reflecting himself as such as proof he is a founder and leader of his own church. Whether or not he has obtained the needed blessing from tribal elders with such authority to be declared a bona-fide Native American Church or not is unkown by us, nor does Oklevueha know if NAC HI meets the required percentile of the IRS's 14 point standard system, or even if NAC HI has obtained their own 501c3 status... it is not ONAC business nor our place to focus on the doings of others, especially when there's so much to be focusing on within ONAC as the whole of the church we are and need to be accomplishing, such as securing the rights, liberties and freedoms of each of our members in regards to our spiritual and medicinal practices, as well as protecting and Attempting to preserve the honor and dignity of Creator's Creations as the whole for the whole of life upon as well as including mother earth and father sky.

Having said that, questionable as that position may be for NAC HI to openly boast about having the ability to "Substitute" sacred sacraments long used specifically in Extremely sacred ceremonial rites, especially while declaring themselves a Native American Church to the globe no less, ultimately remains their right to declare so, so long as they're not Infringing upon the rights liberties or the freedoms of others, and overall, though not our place to judge, we as ONAC do not think that they are doing so. We personally would not give kidney medication to a heart patient, but that's their own choice to make as their own organization, and in turn should only reflet upon them, not Oklevueha or any other Native American Church.

Oklevueha Native American Church does NOT Agree with that position of teaching practice personally as our whole, we honor that Creator gave us all right, access and benefit of all his earthly creation to all creatures of life each needing their own unique ways they can be benefitted by his medicinal creations, and that ultimately it's Creator alone who provides the best medicines each according to his own will and disgression. In regards to ancient ceremonial rituals, ONAC ensures they're done traditionally, honorably and right... same as our ancestors did them throughout the past generations, without Any "Substitutions". But note too, Oklevueha is the emergence of the whole new realm of expansion, of physically the 7th sacred fire times being initiated and so fufilled as Creator has fortold our ancestors many generations ago... including we the "Mungral American".

What this means is the unification process has officially begun, and we the valid independant branches of ONAC are to build the bridge of that unification, and so along these ways, new wisdom and knowledge is revealed when it comes to the utilization off Creator's medicines upon mother globe. Oklevueha was the official breaking of those constricting chains keeping the plant and mother earth medicines supressed away deep within "indian reservations". That being no more initiated we physically entering into the 7th sacred fire times, and only by ONAC continuing onward in our mission will we or our children be blessed enough to enjoy Mother Earth during the times of the 8th fire generations fortold us by our ancestor generations.

ONAC do not see cannabis as a "Substitute" for Any of Creator's medicine and Damn-Sure do NOT view her as a "Generic" in any way, shape or form Either... that's like saying their is 3rd class citizens, and to Creator's standards, that's just plain Wrong and not any or Our places to judge! We further attest that we remain confident that she stands upon the firmest of foundations when it comes to the fact she is a primary and necessary natural plant medicine whose harmless and an all-heal blessing for all the world in a great many beneficial ways... beyond healing and even beyond spirituality, that Mother's Medicine can literally almost single-handedly Heal all life upon mother world Including mother globe herself period, and that makes her Far From a "generic" to Anything!

Oklevueha Native American Church also too has complete and up-most of respect for Grandfather Medicine and his ways, as well as his significance and importance into the spiritual, cultural and medicinal practitioning of Oklevueha Native American Church. Certain lessons only Grandfather can teach, just as certain lessons only a mother or a father are expected To teach. A father cannot truly replace a grandfather, nor can a grandmother relace her granddaughter, nor the makes in a childs life replace the each are unique as well as loved and blessed by Creator in their own way with our own path and purpose... lessons learned are the points of wisdom to be gained along our journey, and as they are, honor is gained us in the eues of Creator. One day the granddaughter gros up, and may evolve into the role position of grandmother, and only then will she truly understand the importane of traditions being maintained in their proper way... long after her own grandmother had since passed away. If she is taught to appreciate that respect when she is young, she will find more of it when she is elder.

To us, there is no "Substitution" of or for Grandfather medicine being needed where it's required in the traditional ceremonies and practices of those called the "First Peoples" of the land known as "The American Continents". We do not believe that one can substitute Any plecebo and expect the proper outcome, and when it comes to these, the most highest of sacred sacraments... ONAC believes their simply are No "Substitutions"... maybe medicinally Alternative options, but ceremonially, no. If a ceremony planned calls upon Grandfather, but Grandfather is not there... the ceremony cannot go on. Now perhaps a different ceremony or a ritual can instead go on, but no ceremony calling for peyote can, nor should it be attempted to... Creator alone decides all things, including the absence of despite how strong it the human selfish desire.

One of the many lessons to be learned when dealing with Creator's Medicines, is that thought they're many, some compliment others while others detriment others... and that some work alone while most work more effectively with others... especially in the realms of medicinal healing, but so too in spiritual healing as well and true of a great many cultures going back thru the beginning of their time accountments! We do not stand for some and against others, we honor, value, treasure and utilize them all according to their gifts as decided them by Great Creator... and too, are always Thankful for them.

Having said that, let us close with this. Oklevueha Native American Church believes in and fully supports the rights of all individual people born upon not only "America's" lands, but of All the people upon Mother globe, whatever hoop Great Creator decided you were born upon, regardless of your bloodline, and especially regardless of your skin pigmentation, hair color, eye color or Anything else, or what you individually feel spiritually inclined to practition as far as your individual faith is concerned, and so, though we do Not Agree With the position of "substituting sacraments" during ceremonial purpose, we ultimately do stand in support of their right to decide to do so. Their individual decision should in No Way reflect upon Oklevueha Native American Church, and for any within society to attempt to make it a reflection upon us, in intentionally judging and condemning us un-just.


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