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"The Mongrel American"

It seems that there exists a class of people upon the land that is being completely abandoned and overlooked as having been also born upon this land called the "American Continents", specifically right here in North America... that is the Mongrel American. The Mongrel Amercian are all the people who are Not born upon "Federally Recognized Reservation lands" or "Declared" that racially slur word "Indian", and apparently too, if their birth certificates do not note a "red" colored skin pigmentation noted" as well, at least according to tribal haters attempting to discredit Oklevueha Native American Church "Because we obtained legal recognition honoring the expansion beyond such poposterous limitation, dictation or Racial Discrimination thanks to James Warren "Flaming Eagle Mooney's willingness to physically initiate the 7th sacred fire times of ancient prophecy" according to sachem Joy Graves of Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea, independant branch of the Pacific Northwest.

It would appear, as far as the BIA, NARF, and even a tribal judge on a South Dakota rez (and followers), all feel that only what's called "American Indian" people have the right to declare themselves a Native born American, which absurb as it may be, seems to be creating enough confusion to blur the lines of right and wrong as well as fact v. fiction as far as media reporters are growing in attention-wise, which is rather disappointing as well as concerning because NAC seems to be building fear toward ONAC. "Nationality is among the alienable birth rite decisions Creator alone decided and dictated for all of us" says sachem Joy Graves of ONAC KM, "None of the Created have such say, it's among the many things in which none of can control, we simply have to accept and progress forward, surely the elders within NAC know better, it's the teachings of their elders in which they weren't deprived of after all... it's we whom are the uneducated and miseducated when it comes to such wisdom, not them."

Sachem Graves commonly when discussing this, explains it in this fascinating way:

"Let us begin by explaining this: If a child is born within let's say, "The United States of America" - it doesn't matter the state, just pick one. Now let's just Say, that the child is born with a dark skin pigmentation... the childs birth certificate might note the child as being "colored" or "black", but more importantly to the point regarding Nationality is that the birth certificate will note the child as being born a native to America, Regardless of the "color" of the childs skin - that is the Point trying to be made here in which Oklevueha alone is in such a "legal position" needing to willingly be stood.

Now, let's fast-forward this child into later years some, and assistance benefits are being requested for his behalf, either from himself or maybe by the parent for the childs behalf... either which way, in the paperwork is Sure to come the question they Insist doesn't matter when it comes to submitting the appliation though it Does or they wouldn't Demand it be answered... and That question is "Race".

This child was born a native American, but if the child noted so on the application, it would Not be accepted - Why, because the child cannot Produce a card showing them as owned property of the federal government assigning them to a "federally recognized tribe". So, not being able to Honestly answer this question, which lie is the child left with to choose from. "African American" is the answer the agency expects and perfers to see, but how inaccurate could that choice be... the child was NOT born in Africa, and it's not geographially Possible for ANY child to be born "African American"... the lands are too far apart!

The point that this child is born a Native American is determined Before any benefits can be sought... in that the child will need a Social Security card and number issued, which, along with the birth certificate confirm that ultimately the child is for a fact born, a Native American by proper definition. The child may be of the bloodlines of African Descent, then again, the child may not... skin pigmentation has no place nor bearing in anything pertaining to defining a persons Nationality, plain and simple - that's by Creators decision alone, same as is each persons hair, eye or even their skin color - they do not define whom is born native to which land of or upon the earth."

Graves adds in another pertinent point when she says "What if the black skinned child was born on a tribal reservation" Hoping to have helped make the point clear in regards to the pertinent facts defining an individuals nationality, Graves then adds this... "Their are many skins born upon the lands that are Mother Earth, with many variations of skin pigmentation being blended among them as they are born. Contrary to what people presume, their are "caucasion" skins Born in Africa as sure as their are "colored skins" born in England as well as right here in America. The truth is, in "The United States of America", there are all skin pigmentations born here, everyday, especially in big cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and even Dallas, Texas - red ones, yellow ones, black ones and yes indeed White ones too, but as we say, many more color variations And in a multitide of shades as well."

The ultimate point in explaining all of this is - that color has no bearing on Where a person is born or what their true birth rite nationality is, and that if your born Anywhere upon the "American Continents" then the bottom line Is that you in fact by definition ARE a Native born American, and that no fenced off boundary established by Any sort of "Government" changes that - Creator alone decided as well as dictated it about each and everyone of us Without even our own imput and say... it's just one of those things one must accept and then learn to properly Deal with.

Oklevueha's position is clear in regards to this - "It doesn't Matter to us what "skin color" nor "Race" you think or have been taught that you are - you are a human being created by Great Creator, just the way you were supposed to be created and because of that love, YOU are Welcome among us as our brothers and our sisters period and we extend a warm welcome to you. We also extend the hand of brotherhood and unification Beyond even the boundary of Turtle Island, to all the human being across the globe, and welcome you to be human being with us, help us honor and preserve all life and all of Creator's creations!"

Graves says that once you discount the insignificant lines which have no purpose nor meaning to Great Creator, such as the lines of color, class, sex, political association, race and religion,'re left with the bottom line facts of significant reality, including the fact that Canadians are by definition "American" as they too are born upon the North "American" Continent aren't they, lol... and too, so are those called "Mexicans", were never nor should have been treated as a third class or a lesser class form of human being, Creator decided them equal all along - on and beyond the true boundaries of this land, and Graves sarcastically adds "What a concept!"

Graves says that it saddens her to see the most oppressed of the people of the land still following the dividing lines of Great Creator, especially going against the prophetic teachings of their own direct ancestors in these the times of the 7t

h sacred fires, the times emphasizing the importance of unification of all the people of the land into living and finctioning as one people. "Until we accomplish this, we cannot present ourselves to the bigger of Creator's hoops, the hoop joining all we human beings of Mother World into that unification wanted and expected for us by Great Creator, and until then, Mother Earth continues to suffer until she can take us no more and initiates the completion of the 7th sacred fire times."

Graves says that her father explained it best when he told her as a child "All Mexico is, is the biggest reservation land Uncle Sam established to contain the natives of the land", and as usual, it appears as though my father was right once again."

So back to Mongrel America, which is all of us American Born, but not "reservation owned" born... we the caucasion, the hispanic, the asian, the colored, the islander... we all the non "Red" colored skin pigmented peoples born upon the Americas aka Turtle Island... it is YOU that Oklevueha Native American Church not only Stands for, but hopes to stand With as it's your individual rights liberties and freedoms in which ONAC are here to defend and preserve... the birth rite inheritances that Great Creator gifted to you and I Equally. "It is our place as Oklevueha Native American Church branches to build the rainbow bridge, to initiate the ability of the unification desperately needed for the sake of all Creator's earthly creation" Graves says "We need a blear path to the feet of the Wisdom Keepers which are to be found among the elders of the tribal nations... they are our inheritant teachers too, and Oklevueha Native American Church strives forward seeking the great unification."

We, the unclaimed native born peoples, according to Graves remain shunned by the masses and intentionally force-indoctrinated with mis-educated so to be and remain Deprived from the cultural Inheritances by our being born upon this land... even from the "First Peoples" born here - declared something that they're not by people who were lost... "Injuin"... they claim themselves American Native because they were born here, as were we, and because their Parents were born here, as were most of ours. Why are we deprived of the equality intended for us by Why are we discounted and excluded by our fellow brothers and sisters also clearly born here? "Blood quantum is moot when it comes to having been born upon the land Great Creator decided to be our earthly inheritance, as is skin color or anything else."

Graves says the divide and conquer method long used by the foreigners from other lands, "Insignificant lines" Graves calls them, saying that only by the masses mis-education emphasizing some importance in skin color have they had suck long easy sucess when it's come to the division of we Creator's human being species. "One would hope that after so long and so much suffering over such bullshit insignificant lines, that this land especially would have overcame such ignorance, but unfortunately apparently we haven't yet as the masses of our people yet, at least not here on this land."

The history of this land, and the ways and traditions by the peoples are ALL of ours claims Graves, yet it's we mongreal Americans whom all apparently decided should not be learned... so Graves asks the question: "Who are You to over-ride and discount Creators decision that we be born here, upon the red hoop of Turtle Island - to draw new lines upon the sands of turtles back and say you are Superior and we the Infearior of the native born American peoples, of the human being species that Creator created... we are eager to know of which your authority became superceeding of Creator's law, desires and command- tell us, wont you please... now?"

Graves says it's they who stand upon the edge of these lines and point to them as if they're significant who dishonor Creator, not those whom gather such as Oklevueha Native American Church. "You, the voices of attack from within NAC who speak against us from within your boundaries of "reservation", it is you whom not only shame Creator, but too, who shame the teachings and belief's... the instructions of your own very ancestors! Who are you to overlook the wisdom and instructions of White Buffalo Calf Woman, or the re-emphasis by CrazyHorse, Chief Seattle, and all the other wise elder leaders of "Your People" when they all said to welcome this unification and fortold you about the rainbow bridge that we now physically build in honor of Creator's wishes. To hate us is to hate Creator and his instruction, not we the individuals he destined to physically fulfil it!"

According to Graves, "The only Shame that we the Mongrel American born's carry, is lack of insisting your acceptance long ago before now... in allowing ourselves to remain deprived from the cultural wisdom and practices entitled us as long as our previous generations have allowed us to be being born of this land as were you, our tribal brothers and sisters - to have allowed ourselves to have become so disconnected from Creator's reality to the point that we need the rainbow bridge to get to the feet of the elders who were entrusted with the wisdom we now need to save the earth from anymore suffering and pain than she's undeservingly has been left to endure while we remain in such extreme ignorance."

Graves says that Oklevueha Native American Church is to be the mixed-skinned tribe prophecized long ago that would rise up and defend the sovergn nations of this land so that the people can unite as the one species of being Creator created the human being to be and learn his ways to live as one with the earth and all creation. She insists that Oklevueha is not "the defenders of the tribes" but that instead ONAC is to be the "shield securing the preservation of All of our spiritual as well as physical birth-rite inheritances as the people born upon this land, the America's first and then on a global level."

"We stand here NOW, before all of the globe's human inhabitant's, United as Oklevueha Native American Church, and declare ourselves Mongrel America... but too we demand the respect due us because we are Native born Americans, and we will no longer accept nor condone Anything less than the equality Creator ensured us via our birth rite inheritance. This land is OUR land And this land is Your Land, from California to the New York Islands... from the Redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters - Creator made and gave THIS LAND to you as well as to we... so move Over you self righteous selfish ASSHOLES... we're HOME and we're not going Nowhere anytime soon!"


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