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Matthew Pappas, ONAC's Godsend Warrior Attorney

Ladies & Gentlemen, all Oklevueha Native American Church Members and Supporters, as well all other interested parties... we would like to present to you, the warrior attorney whom has been defending our churches with us, a truly spirited Sincere defender of liberty and justice for all people that can easily be found and attained within this lands judicial system and government... The man whom has devoted himself to being the primary defense counsel of All legal and secular issues pertaining to Oklevueha Native American Church as of 2015, Mr. Matthew Pappas, of Pappas Law Firm!

Matthew's defense of cannabis liberation as well as his drive for proper justice has led him into among the front line positions in Oklevueha leading us through the legal battlefield as we pave the way ensuring all of our individual as well as collective rights, liberties and freedoms are secure and Oklevueha Native American Church attainss the Respect we deserve and are entitled to as among the Only "Healing Churches" longest established in these here lands.

Matt and his team of legal eagle warriors are currently handling around a dozen legal cases for ONAC in various courts and states across the land, and the wheels of progress are now visably turning for the better.

Matthew Pappas is an honorable man rightfully springing forth from the city of angels (Los Angeles). He went to Sehome High School until his junior year and then attended and graduated from Mission Veijo High School in the class of 1985. Matt went on to graduate from Western State College of Law at Argosy University in Fullerton/ Irvine, California in the Class of 1994, and has proven himself to be one hell of an attorney eager to ensure proper justice in all aspects of the legal system, preferably on the federal level.

Matthew is founder of "Pappas Law" in Long Beach, California, and staffs about a half dozen people to assist in his legal endeavors. His fields of legal expertise include: Appellate Practice, Civil Rights, Constitutional Law, Government, and also Health Care Litigation. Aside from Matthew being a Godsend in these legal fields, he shifted his focus to expand his expertise to encompass cannabis liberation in 2009. Humbly Matt will say "I was forced into law by family and law enforcement," meaning he comes from a long line of attorneys and just couldn't stand the sour taste of injustice found within the criminal justice system. Fortunately for the world this is so because without him the wheels of change would remain rusted in our legal systems and cannabis might not Ever see liberation.

Matt Pappas is noted for his direct personality, keen instincts, elequate intellectual natural instinct of flow added with a wonderful sence of humor and positive outlook in life, fueled by his instinctual strive for liberty and proper justice for All. He is truly is a pleasure to be around and especially to see him fly into action without hesitation or any sign of doubt nor fear when it comes to the defense of his fellow human being or of that which is wrong and infringing upon.

When it comes to defending his clients, he is like a lion best heeded by it's roar, because the man has no fear or second thought at All when it comes to tearing ass to those deserving! Matt even has ran for city attorney for Long Beach in 2014 in attempt to better serve his community and fellow human being. It is said by his co-workers that Matthew Pappas simply does not have it in him to walk away from injustice, especially when it causes harm to innocent victims, and ONAC & ONAC KM are counting on that to prove true, especially as we face these uphill battles with government seeking the respect deserved us as Oklevueha Native American Church.

A little about the man...

Matt is a healthy well kept man, standing at 6 feet tall ,and maintains a well chisled broad stature with a solid 34 inch waist. Confidence reflects firmly in his deep brown eyes, an obvious confidence within his spirit both seen as well as felt in the power of his aura by his mere presence wherever he goes and whatever the situation, he spells class and wisdom and reflects an extremely high amount of intelligence and logic.

More often than not you will find him sporting glasses, a nice suit if he's on the job, and his right hand man, son figure and assistant Sergio Sandivol nobly at his side. Such distinguishment and flow of professionalism seems to work well for he and the duo, he is respected by all fortunate enough to witness his formal press-conferences as well as those he's legally represented.

Despite being divorced from the mother of his children, and all four of his children practically grown, his eldest even married, his children forever remain #1 priority in his life. He's blessed with 2 daughters and 2 sons, his youngest is a 15 year old daughter, and his oldest is his 25 year old son. His 3rd eldest, which is a son, is currently serving in the United States Army overseas, and is also preparing to go to law school soon, while one of his daughters works closely with he and the team with some of his cases in the office.

Unknown to most, Matt has a knack and a passion for computer programming as well, and too, he is a licensed pilot for both plane & helicopter! Most will never know all the faucets this prince has to offer the world because he is extremely modest and humble and tends to veer from blowing his own personal horn, but when it comes to the defense of justice and his clients, his firey passion and strength quickly reveal and his confidence proves immeasurable.

Overall, Matt is truly a down-to-earth type of guy with a well-rounded personality and an obvious high intelligence that commands respect by all who encounter him. His loves includes his children, nature and wildlife, and he dreams of a tranquil retirement in the central valley of Oregon "Right along the river, where I can wear my feathers in my hair, and fish my days away." He currently has his sites on a piece of land matching his dream and is looking forward to getting some horses for it. Although Matt plans on pursuing this vision this year, he assures all that his "retirement" is only partial, that he is "Building a legal team of warriors" that he will oversee to carry on the mission of justice as well as cannabis liberation for and beyond ONAC.

Matt is best known for a recent case in Santa Ana involving a clients raid on a legal cannabis dispensary business. Video from that raid went viral on the internet via youtube when law enforers were caught on a hidden camera gobbling up cannabis infused medables and then enjoying the free illegal stone playing darts and playing with bobble toys. Despite police now suing for having been "illegally filmed" during their pot raid party, Matt has become quickly hated by law enforcers nation wide for exposing the proof via the hidden camera film footage proving the unprofessionalism many law enforcement agencies take when victimizing people and businesses when it comes to cannabis related "crimes." (Feel Free to Watch the video Below)

Despite the powerful force of reckoning Matthew is all himself, he takes great pride is and directs the majority of the credit to his amazing legal team who are the glue that pulls all together. Among them is his

#1, Sergio Sandoval, another prominent young man of Southern California. Sergio was and remains a native to Long Beach. He joined forces with team Pappas in at the youthful age of 39 and remains at his side as a pup of 46 . Sergio went to Millican as well as Wilson High School, and graduated in the Class of .

When not on the road kicking Legal ass with Pappas,

Sergio's time is devoted 100% to his beautiful baby daughter and of coarse too, her amazing and gorgeous mother, the two true loves of his life that even on the

road he constantly thinks of. More often than not, you will find Sergio on the phone with his baby daughter, which is so refreshing to see such love and devotion to a child in this day and age. Sergio refuses to miss a single moment of her up-bringing, which to those around brings an aaaw and a glisten of delight as it's so Wonderful to see such loving devoted parenting first hand.

Oklevueha Native American Church, and especially so with ONAC KM are extremely blessed to have Matthew Pappas and his team of legal warriors willing to stand among the front lines with us as we do our part preserving the rights, liberties and freedoms for all of our members, and in our effort of preserving and defending Mother Medicine, Mother Earth and all our sacred gifts from she and Great Creator. We confidently believe that the warrior spirit of Matt and his team helps to ensure proper justice will prevail and that Oklevueha will maintain the right and respect to continue our finction and mission to help and heal our members, society and most importantly, mother globe.

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