ONAC KM under Another attack by Oregon "authorities"

Well happy Fucking Valentines Day to us - Police in Douglas County Oregon, the county that we have been filing Harassment complaints against for YEARS now, including with the FBI mind you, has seriously viciously attacked our church, this time arresting our president on bogus trumped up charges, and are demanding $500.00 in Extortion ransom to get him freed!
"We are Tired of these attacks and will tolerate them No More" says Sachem Joy Graves, CEO of ONAC KM "They have declared WAR on us and by gawd we are not going to sit here and be their bulls-eye".
Apparently, Sachem Graves was transporting ONAC KM president Timothy Timm to pick up the glasses he needs thanks to the Lane County sheriff's office having beaten him unconscious back in 2012 as a favor for Douglas County sheriff's officials which left Timm with multiple blood clots throughout 3 of the 5 realms of his brain and a hemorrhage that the state Refused to allow treatment for.
According to Graves the back tires were not even off the sanctuary driveway when sheriff's deputy "climbed so far up our vehicles Ass that we couldn't even see what type of vehicle it was., bright lights on and blinding all mirrors." Graves went on to explain that upon her getting the church vehicle "maybe 500 feet" to a stop sign at the nearest corner to the sanctuary property. Upon coming to the complete stop at the stop sign, the tailgating car then hit their overhead lights indicating and confirming that it in fact was Douglas county Sheriff's deputies now attempting a traffic stop on the vehicle.
Graves says she rounded the corner and pulled in front of the long closed down store. She notes it was pith black inside as well as out of the vehicle, and there hadn't been Time for her to have done anything wrong to warrant a stop... other than retaliation for having filed suit against the government, and notes that this incident "is not the first retaliation we have endured because of it." and that the deputy stated Timm has had the warrant for "awhile now, I've been looking and waiting for him."
Graves points out that the front of the street where the sanctuary sits is actually a "Dead End" from the diretion the deputy came at them from and says she believes his words that he had been waiting for Timm alright, but states that beings how dark it was inside and out, that she believes there is no way the officer could have seen a passenger, especially from the trajectory the officer emerged as aggressively as he had. "If he could have seen a passsenger, there's No Way he could have deciphered that it was Mr. Timm sitting passenger." Graves insists that since the last retaliation from Oregon state police she feared traveling about in the daytime so was sure to wait until it was pitch dark before leaving the sanctuary property, and that no lights lit up the vehicle inside in any way.
Graves believes that this is pure retaliation on law enforcement's part against the church and says that she believes they keep targeting the president because he does have a criminal past, unlike Graves who doesn't, other than driving without a drivers license. "My license was suspended in 1990" Graves says "And I hadd a federal judge release me from the tickets that kept me in suspension, and ordered my license be reenstated in 1995" but states that a disgruntled city Judge of Salem Refused to honor her federal order and instead chose to add to her debt and declare her "Indefinately suspended" as well as a "habitual offender", and included an order to "Arrest on site if caught behind the wheel of a motor vehicle." But that wasn't their goal here - taking the churh president apparently was.
Graves was cited for driving while suspended, but that was all as far as she was concerned. ONAC KM President Timm on the other hand, was arrested and transported to the county jail where they Now demand $500.00 in ransom Before they will release Timm from police custody. "They emphasized it has to be CASH" that the kailer said "because it's all we will take." Graves is rounding up the bail extortion from church members with the hopes of getting Timm released later today.
In a press conference held in Portland, Oregon by church attorney Matthew Pappas of California on we Believe it was January 17th, that they were going to be filing a Restraining Order upon the state of Oregon in effort of stopping such victimization which ultimately was delayed. Pappas also stated to media in a radio interview just last week that the restraining order was intended to be filed this friday. Graves is unsure at this point if the attorney's had gotten it filed, but if so, she says they have then Violated it by doing what they did here last night with this incident.
Hours after the injunction and restraining order was filed and made publicly known last month, that she was encountered and ultimately arrested by Oregon State Police. "5 state cops followed us specifically all over during the protest/rally/march pertaining to legal civil rights, with the head of the DEA and that they stated that "the only reason we're out here in this mess is because Your church is here." Graves says she was victimized during that stop in part beause she was illegally disrobed by the arrestign male officers.
Graves has been meeting and begging state government officials to help STOP the attacks on she and her church and church members since 2010, but that she had just gone over it with a state senator just a few short days ago. Unfortunately though, it would seem her efforts at peacable resolution have proven to fail Miserably, and that the proof of that lyes in her presidents incarceration. Graves has attempted to remain sovergn with these officials despite multiple attacks of this nature and says she will flat not Stand for this any longer, "Period."
As Graves awaited to speak with the deputy, she says that the deputy instead of approaching she as the driver, that the officer Immediately went for the passenger side of the vehicle and "Flat opened the passenger door without saying a word." Once the door swung open, Graves says the deputy, with tazer in one hand, Grabbed Mr. Timm's arm with the other hand and pushed the tazer into Timm, who had his hands up in the air unsure of what was going on. When Graves said to the deputy "What the fuk you think your doing", the deputy quickly responded "I'm taking Mr. Timm into custody, he has a warrant." Both Graves and Timm asked what the alleged warrant was for but would get no response until Timm was long in the back of the patrol car, handcuffed, that's when Graves was told Timm had a warrant for "Assault and harassment"