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ONAC KM President "Out on Bail with his tale to tell"

As reported previously, ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea, the Pacific Northwest Mother Medicine based Church reported another retalitory victimization on the eve of St. Valentines Day when Douglas County Sheriff deputy Snyder, a spirited young deputy who had been harassing ONAC KM President Timothy Timm for a few Years, pounced on the church van no quicker than the tires hit the pavement like a hound-dog on a fat wounded rabbit. Less than a quarter block from the sanctuary driveway, as the church van came to it's stop, the cop initiated a traffic stop, but what happened next completely shows targeted retaliation on ONAC KM.

Deputy Snyder approached the church van on the passenger side. Without notice, the deputy whipped open the passenger door, tazer out and already aimed at church president Timothy Timm. Immediately Timm's hands went into the air, pissing off the deputy, who then grabbed one of his arms and firmly pressed the armed tazer into his chest as he ordered Timm to put his hands down and to get out of the vehicle. Timm refused to lower his hands because the tazer was pressed firmly directly on his heart - in the moment Timm believed the tazer to be a pistol and was in fear of being shot.

As soon as he pushed the tazer into Timm's chest, pressed right upon his literal heart, Sachem Graves sarcastically says to deputy Snyder "What the fuck are you Doing?!" Snyder's response was just as direct: "I'm taking Tim". When asked why by both, deputy Snyder ignored the question and began pulling Timm from the vehicle saying " I Know it's you Tim Lower your arms." As Deputy Snyder began forcably removing Timm from the church vehicle, he took the tazer off Timm's chest and with it in hand, he called in on his shoulder radio "One in custody at tazer point". As Timm was removed from the vehicle, Sachem Graves also too exited the vehicle and walked around to where the action was going on. "I don't trust them" Graves said "And I wanted to make sure he Knew that I was seeing what was going on". Graves was ordered back into the van but kept close watch and made sure he knew it. "He forced me up against the van and handcuffed me, telling me to stop resisting, and I kept assuring him I wasn't" said Timm. Timm asked what he was being arrested for, and deputy Snyder said "Assault 4". Timm asked who it is he alledgedly assaulted, but Deputy Snyder stated he didn't know, that the judge would explain it to Timm when Timm went into court.

The question remains in Sachem Graves mind as to how it is Deputy Snyder was so convinced Timm was in the pitch black van in the dark of the night. Graves had just stopped to close the sanctuary gate when Deputy Snyder sped by the church driveway, Mr. Timm was still above inside the sanctuary gathering things to go to town with Graves to pick up his prescription glasses. Graves believes that it was nothing more than a lucky guess on the deputies part. "Deputy Snyder made a few comments during the coarse of the stop" Graves says "One of them was he has been waiting a long time to catch up with Mr. Timm, and another was that he had been looking for Mr. Timm for while." Graves says it is consistant with multiple complaints that have been filed against the Department internally for she believes more than 3 years, and states that this deputy was also described as being among the Douglas County Sheriff's harassers of the sanctuary filed with the FBI as well. Graves notes that "His job is to follow orders, which I'm sure he is, this harassment began alot longer than he has been assigned to our area of the county, and comes from higher ranking sheriff authority than him... he is just their pawn as are all the other lesser ranking deputies involved in this hate and aggression toward our church."

Timm was taken and then booked in the Douglas County Jail on Assault 4 and harassment without EVER having had his Miranda Rights read to him. Bail was set at $5,000 dollars, meaning that a minimum of $500.00 would be needed to set him free from jail. Bailiffs insisted that the bail needed to be in cash, saying to church members inquiring "Because cash is the only thing we will take for him." Bail was posted the next afternoon thanks to KM church members and Mr. Timm was released on St. Valentines day. He was given a court date of March 7th 2015 at 8:15Am in Douglas County Circuit Court. "They made me sign some sort of a release agreement despite my telling them I couldn't read the instructions of it, all I was told was that it said I had to appear in court as commanded and that I cannot leave the state of Oregon without court permission, that's all the lady told me as she had me sign - I asked her if she knew who my "victim(s) were but she said she didn't know either, that they didn't have access To that information."

"They're bending me over again" Timm said, with great upset reflecting in his tearful eyes, "They know I am supposed to be getting medical treatment for my head injury in California, it's just like the last time they held that bogus can theft over my head, they don't want me getting the medical treatment I need, and now I don't know what I'm gonna do - they said I will be going to prison for at Least 10 years for this." Timm refers to that meaning they are again preventing him from obtaining emergent medical care outside of Oregon for the beating in 2012 Lane County Sheriff's caused when they illegally beat him as a "favor" to Douglas County Sheriff's department. "Within a month, they held a BS can theft charge over my head despite a Dozen witnesses that confirmed I was 100 miles from where they claim I took the cans when they say I took them - it was to keep me in state away from this care until the statute ran out and Lane County couldn't legally be held accountable for what they did to me for Doug County." Timm confirms a lawsuit of accountability had been filed by Civil Rights Attorney Steven McCarthy for the beating, but that McCarthy "dropped the ball" due to personal issues.

All through Mr. Timm's jail stay, he asked all he saw Whom it was he supposedly victimized, but no one would tell him, according to them, no one seemed to know, which is a bit strange given the fact that the release agreement states he is Not allowed "Contact with the victim(s)", but again and again Mr. Timm would ask and ask who were their declared victims, and again his question remained unanswered by the jail house staff. Mr. Timm was released to West Salem where his brother and Sachem Graves legally reside, at the last formal address of legendary cannabis activist Jack Herer. Graves has been Timm's counselor (as well as many of his families) for more than 2 decades, Timm describes her as "Momma Bear" and his brother his "Poppa Bear" and says "They always take care of me, and have saved my life from Oregon law enforcers on more than one occasion."

"They took my prescription for my glasses" Timm said with a sad look on his face. "Since they had me beat in 2012 by Lane County, the head and brain injuries I suffer have been causing my vision to rapidly diminish and my head to Constantly hurt bad, and I have a high pain tolerance, I needed that prescription to pick up my glasses so I can see, and hopefully stop Some of the constant pain going on in my head from that beating." According to Timm, Sachem Graves was taking him to get his glasses when the deputy pounced and then took him to jail. "Why would they keep my prescription, why would they want me to be practically blind and in such extreme pain" Timm said "It's not the first time they've stolen my stuff, they kept a car title and both my Oregon and California identification in the past too."

Timm emphasizes that he is and remains a target for Douglas County sheriff's department, though insists that there is no reason, other than the fact he is president of Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea of the Pacific Northwest. "They've made it clear for years they do not like the fact we use cannabis as a medical and spiritual healing sacrament." Timm says he believes that he continues to be the target of the police because "I'm the only one who has a criminal record, Sachem Graves record is as clean as a freshly wiped baby's butt." Timm and Graves both insist that their attacks are both retaliatory as well as their way of discrediting and ultimately crippling the function of the church.

ONAC attorney Matthew Pappas states that he is confident that this case will "go away" once it's brought to light that this is in fact total retliation on the counties part. Graves states that since 2013 the church has had to file multiple complaints against Douglas County sheriff's department for harassing as well as stalking church grounds and church members, and stated that they have actually filed multiple complaints against Douglas County Sheriff's office "at el" with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) since back in 2013 when ONAC KM was formally established and the land being deemed sanctuary grounds for ONAC under RLUIPA. "Within 30 days we had to start filing FBI complaints against them, for harassment Just like this" said Graves, "We've even gone as high as the governor seeking help and protection against them since... now maybe with the help of Matt Pappas, we will finally get the justice and respect we and our church and members deserve."

"Deputy Snyder has gone out of his way to encounter me for the last few Years" Timm says, "He was described as being among the "harrassers in uniform disguise" in some of the complaints Graves had filed against the sheriff's office for harassment. "Deputy Snyder has called my phone more than once trying to make contact with Mr. Timm since they trumped up the bogus can theft charge against him in 2013, 30 days after the second complaint with the FBI was filed against them." Sachem Graves reported to media and church members. " One time encountering Timm about 1/2 mile from the church sanctuary, "Deputy Snyder asked me about our tipi, he asked "What, you sit around a fire in that tipi and smoke or what?" Timm asked him what he meant but Snyder wouldn't comment on it any further. Graves says many Douglas County deputies have made such "inquiries" and comments about the church, tipi, and the cannabis connection, asking anything from "How many people can fit in that tipi" to "What all do you guys Do in that tipi" but Graves assures that her response always remains "None of your Business" which she says they seem to not appreciate as her reply.

Graves says the church is "Tired" of being targeted, harassed, stalked, mocked and victimized by the command of Douglas County Sheriff's office as well as other state authorized public officials, and vows that this incident "Will not go unpunished on law enforcements part of accountability". In regards to Douglas County specifically, Graves said: "They claim they honor veterans but they surely do not honor veterans Next-Of-Kin families or land in their county,nor the disabled and the proof of that is found here." Graves father, a two time war veteran and hero, who was a POW during WW2 while in defense of the land against the Japanese, purchased the property in 2004 with his VA pension for Graves and Timm, specifically for cultivating medicinal cannabis, "And we've been targeted and harassed by them since the first sanctioned garden was planted here" Graves said.

Graves has always had the land sanctioned by the state to cultivate "Mother Medicine" aka Cannabis for those deemed "legally ill enough" to be state sanctioned. In 2013 however, Graves authorized the establishment of ONAC KM's "Central East Sanctuary" including a cannabis garden under her authority as ONAC KM and with the blessing of 'Flaming Eagle & The Mother Church", which was illegally destroyed by Grant County Sheriff's office which Graves notes was "short after the second complaint was filed against Douglas County Sheriff's department with the plea to make them Stand Down from the south valley sanctuary here in Douglas County."

Graves also points out that Deputy Director of the Oregon ACLU at that point introduced the fact that Oregon has a "Sheriff's Association" which she believed warranted the justification of their being a conspiracy against the church by Oregon Law Enforcement officials because cannabis is considered a sacred sacrament in Graves healing practices. The Grant County case against Graves and her 2 congregation members for the garden threatened Graves with "20 years in prison", slightly less for the members, but ultimately was dismissed in 2014 for being found by the court as an "Illegal Search" on the sheriff departments part. Graves points out that the garden was replanted the following year with no interfearance by the sheriff's department per agreement with the DA and residing judge that the church has the right to be respected as the church they are and not to infringe upon our lands nor sacred sacraments.

"My father believed that they honored veterans in Oregon, especially Douglas County as their signs say when entering into their county, but they have victimized us more here than we ever been targeted or harassed by any other law enforcement agency in the state, with the exception to Salem" she said. "My father moved us here Because of the harassment by law enforcers there, and this was since we had state sanction and permission to cultivate our cannabis!"

Graves says she believes the reason they keep targeting Mr. Timm specifically is because he is "The weakest Link" to the family, church and the land, "They can't find any other sort of legal justification for their continued attacks." Graves said her father Believed his family would be safe in Douglas County, Timm included whom he claimed and was rearing as his son, and that it saddens her to know he was wrong, and that he cannot come back from the heavens to stop and protect them from it. "He bought this land so that we would have a safe place to be - he knew I am terminally ill and feared for my ability to survive after he crossed over to the Happy Hunting Grounds... he instructed that Timm inherit the land upon my and my mothers passing, in exchange for taking care of us and the land until we do... Douglas County on the other hand do not want Mr. Timm around and are going to do all they can to remove him, knowing it will be at the expense of my fathers land, family and wishes, not to mention tramacically hinder my personal safety, health and well-being, as well as his, and ultimately too, their "Goal", which is to cripple if not destroy the functionability of Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea."

Mr. Timm suffered only a swollen wrist from this arrest as far as physical injuries. "They seemed nice to me, though kept insisting that I was going to go to prison for a long time as they were being decent." he said. Sachem Graves says she is confident in the fact that Matthew Pappas is "on it" and says she believes he will not allow this injustice to continue, especially intentionally upon a person with such severe disability. Graves describes Pappas as "Our and ONAC's Warrior" and says that she also is convinced that with Pappas "ONAC will liberate cannabis for all, ONAC member or not!" Graves says Pappas is a "Godsend" whom will "Ensure proper justice is served on Oregon law enforcers". She says "It's high time Oregon's judicial system was "put into check and forced to funtion properly" and assures that Pappas is "Just the man for such a noble job."

Please stay tuned for updates as they arise regarding this and other incidents encompassing ONAC and ONAC KM.

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