A Drop of Justice given ONAC KM and members by the State of Oregon
A telephone call was short ago received from a representative of the District Attorney's office of Multnomah County, Portland, Oregon, informing that former member turned stalker, Michael Patrick "Pork Chop" Jenkins was presently "In Custody" for the harassing, stalking, and threatening the life of Sachem Graves which Graves says came beyond tolerable limits as he began doing the same to other of her members including the threatening of lives extending all the way to ONAC attorneys.
Michael Patrick "Pork Chop" Jenkins, about to turn 48 years old, presented himself to Sachem Graves of ONAC KM as a "Stage 4 terminal cancer patient, lung and bone, and a former heroin junkie who believes that Jack Herer has sent me to you from beyond the grave to help save my life." Herer, being without choice as a second father figure to Graves felt by their further conversation that out of respect for Herer, she would adopt him into the church Immediately and begin intense treatment instructions for him. "When he called me, he told me he had a full syringe of tar heroin and was going to commit suicide because he was homeless and suffering beyond because of his lealth conditions." Graves called upon a church member local to Jenkins, who handled the situation and ultimately got the poison away from Jenkins and Destroyed, with the promise of Jenkins never getting to that level again without coming to the church long beforehand.
Jenkins called upon the church often, and as endlessly as they could did the church and church members do in effort of helping him... much of which he refused, such as safe housing in multiple states among members devoted to help provide comfort 24 hour care as the most puzzling of example. Instead Jenkins insisted he wanted the county to provide what he deemed himself entitled to, and so, with some nudging from the Sachem behind him, Jenkins was given a place in the Bud Clark Commons apartments, not among the qualities of a hotel, but a place Jenkins flat refuses to leave.
Jenkins believed that Creator had given him this place as a way of personal redemption, "To clean up the junkies". His approach and attitude however, was not well received by neither residents nor apartment staff. Jenkins apparently filed multiple restraining orders against residents within the first 30 days of residency in the commons, one of which was recently dismissed, but additionally Jenkins stated that the apartment staff "served an eviction notice" on him claiming initially that it was because they didn't want the drug use cleaned up. On the evening prior to ONAC KM's news conference his confession to multiple ONAC members revealed staff wanted him out because of his terroristic racially motivated abuse excelling against them. It would be mere hours after that confession, Jenkins would turn on the church and begin harassing if not threatening members, of coarse not until after he obtained a little more free sacrament medications. Apparently the lack of "Tv video cameras" at the church press conference would throw him "Under the bus".
Jenkins threats of physical attack and "War" on the sachem would long be endured, publicly as well as privately "around the clock to the point of harassing if not menacing", Graves said when it epanded onto the members of the church, he was warned that he was crossing the line and violating the churches Code of Ethics and that it wouldn't be tolerated. Jenkins elected to continue his behavior and conduct which prompted a public notice that he was put on a "Notice of Distrust" meaning suspended from representing himself as an ONAC member until he ceased his improper conduct, repented for his actions to those whom he victimized, and corrected his behavior standard to the churches ethics forward. Jenkins not only continued his aggression toward sachem Graves and the church and church members, but expanded his victimization to additional church members. He was then publicly as well as privately notified that he was officially no longer counted as a member of ONAC KM and told to immediately desisst with any further communications with she or the church and church members.
Jenkins then increased his threats to include having "Bikers" come and "Kill" sachem Graves as well as to "Destroy" the church sanctuary. He also again threatened to "kill" attorney Matthew Pappas as well as he had the day Mr. Pappas stepped in and stopped as well as removed Jenkins from the press conference when he tried physically attacking Graves for not ensuring media covered the church press conference to his apparent standard. "He is the one who said he personally went and got RSVP from the local media networks, we notified and requested they come, but it's all anyone can do, there was breaking news in the state that had the nations attention, what could we or anyone do" Graves said "It's Creators decision, all we can do is trust and accept his reasons."
ONAC KM insists that the reason for which attorney Matthew Pappas called for the press conference had absolutely nothing to do with Jenkins direct, other than he insisted on being the figurehead for the churches stand against his next door neighbor, the post office whom had seized a care package that Graves had sent out to a member in Ohio as well as an injunction against they and the federal government. "Jenkins is a prime example of the people suffering that our church tries to help" Graves said, "It's unfortunate though however that we apparently cannot help them all." Pappas also expressed great disappointment to see Jenkins choose to make himself an enemy of the church. Both he and Graves believe that more options the church had avaliable for members such as Jenkins could have proved to have done him a "world of good, at least fro his spiritual self and his relationship with Creator." Graves says she had even spoken with him about the possibility of sending him to the mother church in Utah for intense healing with the elder healers, which again she believes would have proved helpful and bettering for him.
As unfortunate as well as sad as the situation may be, it would then be revealed that Jenkins has had a long history of this "pattern" with the majority of those unfortunate to encounter him for an extended period over time. Additional members began stepping forward testifying to wrongs ranging from slander and threats against members to literally stealing from them as well as public events they were involved with for the benefit of cannabis education and liberation, "among the key foundations of Kautantowit's Mecautea church of and for ONAC" Graves added.
The complaints of victimization of the members, as well as these threats of harm and physical violence, led sachem Graves and Matthew Pappas to pursue "proper justice", which seemed as if it were going to be an uphill road, especially with Oregon police. Beings he was victimizing from Portland, it was portland city police that were first contacted (PPD). Protland directed the sachem to her home city residence, Salem police, whom did agree to take a report, but not to request formal action from PPD saying that was up to them. As the threats and harasment continued, sachem Graves persisted for police action, but continued to get bounced back and forth to both agencies with only Salem "adding to" the initial complaint - frustrating Graves as well as Pappas and other members continuing to be victimized by Jenkins.
Unfortunately however, justice isn't always as swift as one would hope it to be, and more threats and harassment would continue, just not as frequent. PPD personally attest to verbally warning Jenkins to cease from contacting Graves and ONAC members, Salem PD remained passive saying "you don't Really want to see a person in a wheelchair go to jail, do you?" Graves replied that of coarse, no one would Want to see that, but too, that wheelchair or not, a criminal act should be treated the same by a person whether in a wheelchair, standing, or using a cane, walker or anything else.
Police claimed they needed the proof that Jenkins was in fact breaking the law, but they didn't seem to be acknowledging that Graves had it. It was frustrating as well as a fearful ordeal for Graves personally, but watching her members suffer from it too, bothered her mentally and emotionally most of all. "Mr. Jenkins needs to understand that such personal behavior toward other people is wrong and not acceptable nor tolerable by or within today's society, you cannot just go around using and then threatening peoples Lives nor making slanderous statements against people nor churches." Graves though saddened by this unfortunate turn of events insists that it had to be turned over to the states judicial system "Because it's the system he chooses to use and exploit while at the same time goes out of his way to disrespect as he victimizes Countless people."

Graves said the police continued to urge she and All ONAC members to block his phone, email and other electronical means of contact as being the "best resolution", but Graves stood firm in that them suggesting members rights be infringed in such an extreme level was an unacceptable justifiation for their unwillingness to do their jobs which is "to protect and serve we the people". Pappas agreed with Graves position.
Finally, with the elequent wording of law given Graves by Pappas, Graves was able to make contact with a PPD sargeant who agreed that the behavior Jenkins was infringing needed to be stopped and that she personally would ensure criminal action would be taken on her department's part. Graves was relieved to hear these words, for all of our sake.
Most, but not All, of the private text messages sent by Jenkins to sachem Graves were emailed to police, who counted a total of 38 after Jenkins had been instructed to cease and dissist from contact until he was ready to correct the error of his ways, behavior and attitude. The messages quickly convince all that Jenkins was far from conducting himself approperiately nor legally, and so the Sargeant personally set out to find and confront as well as charge Jenkins with harassment.
It took some time for police to catch up with him, but the call came in just short ago from the DA's office notifying that he is in police custody at this time, and assuring we do want charges brought against him, which was confirmed. Mr. Jenkins is currently in custody at the Multnomah County jail in downtown Portland. We do not know the whether he will be released or require bail at this point, just know what we found below, that he has in fact been charged with 35 counts of telephonic harassment, which as said are not All the incidents of his harassment on Graves, nor by a long shot if the others victimization was also being counted
.Please follow the link below for personal inquiry via the jail:
Stay tuned for updates as they arise as well as all other church related news and things to be aware of.