ONAC KM patient member crossed over this day

Elaine Sammons is an southeast coast resident ONAC who became a member of the Kautantowit's Mecautea independent branch of the pacific northwest crossed over this day. Family members she was suffocated by her trachea during the nights sleep. Family state that she was rushed to the local emergency room stating that she felt she could not breathe. To no ones surprise, they did nothing, not a trst nor a treatment option, she was simply sent home.
"For 3 days her trachea felt an obsticle for her, she constantly said family said she was caught several times attempting to unblock her throat with a straw, but apparently to no avail... she passed. Fortunately she passed during the night while most people are asleep... it's just so sad she had to suffer as much as she did, and be deprived of a successful cure and natural treatment options. Even harder, Elaine passed on the birthday of one of her sons, the one who tried and prayed desperately for her healing and full recovery.
Smoke and prayers of peace love and healing are urgently requested for her family to help ease their suffering because of losing her. Also some sage and sweetgrass would be bliss! and any other plant medicines would be greatly appreciated.