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ONAC KM President Arraigned on Bogus Charges in effort of crippling church

At 8:15 Am, Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea President Timothy Timm was ordered to appear in the Douglas County Circuit Court because of his subsequent arrest Febuary 13th 2016.

As reported earlier, Douglas County deputy Snyder questionably pulled over the churches new vehicle and aggressively attacked Timm claiming that it was because he knew Mr. Timm had a warrant for his arrest for domestic assault and harassment and that the deputy had been eagerly waiting an opportunity to encounter him.

Upon this ordeal, Timm inquired as to who the alleged victim was, but both the deputy as well as the jailers all stated that they didn't know, that he would be told by the judge when he was to next appear in Douglas County Circuit Court. Well, today was that day, and the victim named by the judge to Timm, is mind-blowing.

According to the court, Mr. Timm is being charged with domestically assaulting none other than Church leader Joy Maxine Graves. The paperwork from the court indicates that Mr. Timm, "On or about July 15, 2014 in Douglas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and recklessly cause physical injury to Joy Maxine Graves." The paperwork goes on to state that: "Said defendant's conduct constituted domestic violence."

In regards to what the court documents list as "Count 2", the paperwork states that "The defendant, on or about July 15, 2014, in Douglas County, Oregon, did unlawfully and intentionally harass and annoy Joy Maxine Graves by subjecting Joy Maxine Graves to offensive physical contact."

Sachem Joy Graves, is completely "Outraged" at this coarse of action being taken on behalf of Deputy District Attorney Evelyn F. Centeno, whom she assures she has Yet to even hear from, much less ever spoken to in regards to anything, especially alligations regarding any such things ever being claimed to have taken place between she and her president Timothy Paul Timm.

"This is completely rediculous and made up on their part" insists Graves. "I never contacted them saying anything had happened between Mr. Timm and I nor did anything ever transpire between Mr. Timm and I that led me to the conclusion that I needed to call upon Douglas County for any assistence in dealing with Mr. Timm." Graves says she has a long problematic history with Douglas County law enforcers and that she has gone so far as to file "Countless complaints against them for such harassment, including 3 complaints with the FBI."

In further conversation with Graves, it became quickly known that Graves has been in close relationship with Timm for more than 20 years of their lives. Graves, a state certified mental health counselor since 1989 says she initially met Timm while counseling and helping his twin brother with some personal as well as legal issues. While counseling the twin, Graves slowly became counselor for many members of this family, and believes it was "About mid-way through counseling with many of them is when Timothy Timm was met and counseling with him had began."

"Social Security recognizes me as Mr. Timm's counselor of record" says Graves. "Mr. Timm is disabled because of a traumatic brain injury from childhood, not to mention the re-injury and new TBI Lane County police did to him in 2012 as a favor To Douglas County sheriff's office." Graves says Mr. Timm's physician has dettermined Timm needs 24 hour care and supervision due to un-treated medical injuries sustained during the beating Graves mentions in 2012 until the much needed medical care can be arranged. "Mr. Timm has multiple blood clots in different regions of his brain from that beating, and a suspected hemhorrage as well." Graves says Douglas County trumped up petty charges on Timm after the beating because a lawsuit had been filed by Civil rights attorney Steven McCarthy of Independance, Oregon for the illegal beating in attempt to gain justice on behalf of Mr. Timm within the legal system of Oregon.

Graves says that Douglas County stalled out the case on Timm until the statutes of limitation ran out, and had a conditional release preventing Timm from seeking medical attention outside of the state of Oregon knowing his insurance was controlled by Lane and Douglas county government so long as Timm remained in the state of Oregon. Graves believes that it's important to note that despite specialty tests being ordered for Timm after that beating in Oregon, that the health care reps governing his medical insurance in Oregon refused to allow Timm to have the tests done and covered in Oregon.

"After Mr. Timm pled to the case then against him, he noted to the court he was innocent and was only pleading guilty so he could again have the right to leave state. Graves says that it was made publicly known that Timm was then moving to seek medical attention for the beating outside of Oregon in June 2014, and believes that this is why Douglas County in turn sought out an indictment against Timm, and states that she has nor wants any part of their vendictiveness toward Timm. "Mr. Timm needs serious medical help and treatment because of their hate for cannabis - the best thing for he and society they could do is to let him continue seeking medical treatment, not trumping up bullshit charges and trying to throw him away in a jail or prison cell."

Graves also notes that Mr. Timm has had many unwanted encounters with law enforcers throughout the state of Oregon since July 2014, including coming to the church per his instruction in July 2015. Graves says if there had been an active warrant that there's no way it could have been overlooked "this long". Timm was unaware of this case until his arrest Febuary 13th 2016 and also states he is unsure why or how because of his fairly frequent contact with various Oregon police agencies from then until now that this could be happening. Graves says it's no coincidence in her mind, and believes they "set it up this way in case they decided they wanted to further attack the church", she states "because Mr. Timm with his record as well as his medical/mental issues is their easiest target to cause detriment to their church.

Per Graves instruction, Mr. Timm has made it known to the court that this "Is not right", and that in addition to being Timm's sachem, spiritual leader, and "minister", that she is also his durable Power of Attorney, is his mental health counselor, and that he is in fact actively President of Graves church "In good standing". Graves states that "IF there had been such an issue that I needed Mr. Timm kept from me, he would not currently be in Good Standing as president of Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea." Mr. Timm also noted on the record that church attorney Matthew Pappas was aware of the situation and his case. Both Timm and Graves are confident that Pappas is "Warrior enough to stop this and them once and for all" and says that the future safety and function of Oklevueha "depends on it."

Mr. Timm is next scheduled to appear in Douglas County Circuit Court April 18th 2015 before Judge George Ambrosini at 2:15 Pm in courtroom #304. Church Attorney Matthew Pappas is in process of sending the court a notice stating that the case against Timm is inapproperiate, unjust and unwanted by Graves or the church. Pappas and Graves "Hope" that the court will understand this as being a retaliatory attack against Timm, Graves and the church, and that the state will elect to honor their wishes and promptly dismiss the case as speedily as is possible.

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