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ONAC KM Duped, former member found to be fraud

In November of last year, ONAC KM sachem Joy Graves was contacted by a man in distress via computer. The man said he was about to commit suicide by overdosing himself on heroin, but that the deceased spirit of legendary cannabis icon Jack Herer "Sent me to you to save my life."

The man told Graves that he was an "End Stage Cancer" patient. He told Graves that he had cancer rapidly traveling through his bones, lungs and even had a tumor in his brain. He said he was diagnosed at stage 4 with all of the cancers but yet was being deprived of medical as well as personal assistence of any kind, and that ultimately he was "homeless because I use cannabis for my cancer treatment."

Many may know, Graves was an adopted daughter in the mind and heart of Herer, and beings it was his instruction to Graves to seek and establish a shelter for the cannabis community in religion, Graves took him at his word and proceeded to utilize her resources in effort of saving the mans life. What Graves did was quickly adopt the man into the church, Michael Patrick "Porkchop" Jenkins is his name. Next, Graves called upon a church member to meet with Jenkins and to negotiate the herion from his hand, in exchange for the healing plant cannabis. It appeared to be a success... but too, it would prove to be a short-lived solution to Jenkins obviously bigger problem.

At the time, Jenkins appeared to be living in a run down van on the streets of SE Portland. He presented himself as an unkempt rugged type gruff individual who was an amputee with a story that he had been shot in the foot while he was doing a killing as a "1% for the Hells Angels." Jenkins said that when he tried to get treatment for his foot treated, he was refused because of his cannabis use. He also stated that when he was put out of the hospital, the taxi cab driver literally threw him out of the cab and then "Ran oover me and broke my back." Jenkins said he had an attorney representing him in the incident and ample proof to verify all he said, but that the attorney "John Lucey" seemed unmotivated by he and his case.

With helpful encouragement from ONAC KM, the city of Portland ultimately gave an apartment to Jenkins in the Bud Clark Commons in downtown Portland, a transitional housing option for low income persons who have had former addictions with heroin. Jenkins admits he was a heroin user, but insisted to the church that he had long before kicked his habit and only used cannabis for his medical and psychological treatment. This would prove to be yet another lie to the church in effort of gaining sympathy and free medicine.

Within two weeks of being in the Bud Clark Commons, Jenkins went out of his way to rub and upset the majority of the residents in the building. From racial hate to out-right physical prevokation, Jenkins was quickly becoming unwanted in the commons... and it wasn't just the other residents, Jenkins was pervoking the buildings staff as well.

By his two week mark, Jenkins had sought approximately 5 restraining orders against fellow residents, and was shifting his gears toward seeking restraining orders against staff members as well, claiming his goal was to "run the apartments."

This was about the same time that the church were protesting the post office directly across the street from the commons for having stole a package from the mail at that location. Jenkins had previous issues with that post office and quickly jumped to the front lines of the churches stand against the post office, and an inspirational rebel-rouser was he unlike no other!

In between his episodes of upset and drama, Jenkins found comfort in threatening self harm and suicide as a way of being excused for his extremely poor behavior, to staff members as well as almost daily on facebook Jenkins would announce he was going to "Die today" and would constantly threaten heroin as his easiest tool of access and choice. This is about the time, staff at Bud Clark began the steps to legally evict Jenkins from the building. Jenkins was served an eviction notice, and quickly shifted gears back into victim mode. Jenkins rushed to Adult Protective Services and began making alligations that the staff at Bud Clark wanted him out because They were dealing heroin to the residents of the building and were afraid he would get them busted! Jenkins also made a video which he included the same alligations and put it with his threats to Bud Clark on his facebook.

Graves was in process of setting up a meeting between the head of Bud Clark Commons in attempt to plea for reconsideration on behalf of Jenkins, but before a meet could be arranged, Jenkins confronted the head of Bud Clark and began making serious racial slurs of hatred toward the woman running the commons based upon her skin color.

Jenkins boasted that it wouldn't be long before He would be "running Bud Clark Commons" and that they would be answering to him from then on, and that the colored staff (not in such nice wording) would be "The first to go." He publicly announced that though he would not "Allow" people dealing heroin "in my home", referencing to the commons, that he would personally deliver and give the addicts he knew of in the building the heroin they needed, acknowledging that he knew "They will die" from it, but that he was going to give it to them anyway. Jenkins went on to say publicly as well as to church members that he had met with and agreed to "Work for the DEA as a confidential informant." Jenkins said that he was going to be "getting the dealers busted for selling dope."

Short after this, church members assembled in Portland for the ONAC KM press conference regarding a lawsuit they had filed against the Post Office and the federal government which was scheduled to take place the following afternoon. During this meet, Jenkins carried on boastfully about the racial slurs he had screamed into the womans face. "I called that B**ch a Monkey N***er over and over again, and made monkey sounds at her as I waved my arms around and acted like I was scratching under my arms... you know, like a monkey, ha ha ha, ugly nappy headed n***er B**ch!" Jenkins boasted to the members, who were very upset by his childish attitude and racial hate, to the point that most outright walked away from him. Jenkins buddied up to the youngest member of the church, a 13 year old, and continued to carry on boastfully about how "cool" he was for putting the "dumb n***er B**ch in her place."

Throughout the evening Graves was addressed by the members about how imapproperiate Jenkins behavior and attitude was, especially as a public reflection of the church. Graves knew that something would have to be done to address and confront Jenkins of his behavior, but too, notice began coming in about the breaking situation with the militia and the feds across state, so ultimately Graves decided to put off her confrontation with Jenkins until after the press conference the church had scheduled mere hours away. An hour before the press conference was scheduled to begin in downtown Portland, federal agents brought their militia captives across the state to the jail just 4 blocks from where the press conference was to take place. Federal agents barricaded off a 5 block radius of the jail and informed media that no cameras were allowed within the 5 block radius of the jailhouse facility.

Because media cameras were not present for the press conference, Jenkins went into a meltdown and ultimately had to be removed from the churches press conference. "The church threw me under the bus, they Promised there would be media cameras - they lied... I was SUPPOSED to get to talk in front of media cameras!" Church leaders as well as attorney's assure that Jenkins was not planned to speak at the press conference at all, and had been explained that by both the attorney, his assistent and also by Graves the evening prior to the conference, but apparently in Jenkins mind, he was to be a star of some sort of show regardless of what any had to say.

This is when Jenkins turned against the church and began slandering both the church as well as sachem Graves. Graves tried reasoning with Jenkins for days, but Jenkins refused to calm and instead only excalated his aggression toward she and the church. Jenkins began calling the church a "sham" and calling Graves a "Rat for the DEA" - though it was Jenkins alone who had boasted of having a working relationship in the process of establishment with them. Graves was willing to continue to endure Jenkins aggressive and unfounded attacks, until it infringed upon her church members - thatls where she drew the line and many members made sure he clearly understood it.

When Jenkins expanded his slander, threats and harassment to multiple additional church members, Graves warned him that he was violating the code of ethical conduct as set by the mother church and that he was nearing the position of consequence by church standards if he didn't not begin to dissist in such behavior and action. Jenkins went livid and intensified his attacks at the church, and increased his harassment and stalking of church members. Graves and church elder counsel then put Jenkins on notice that he was officially on a "Notice of Distrust", and that if he didn't stop his behavior, he would be excommunicated from the church.

Jenkins response was direct and clear - he didn't Care about the church or if he was a member of it, in fact according to him, he Renounced his membership and insists that ONAC as a whole is an illegal church. Multiple complaints began Pouring in on Jenkins to the church noting harassment, stalking, and literal death threats. Church legal counsel was consulted whom also noted their phones being filled with voicemail as well as text messages from Jenkins also threatening Graves, the church, and they the attorneys. Jenkins also began publicly slandering the church attorneys accusing them of stealing a huge cardboard sign Jenkins had scribbled various things on with marking pens. The decision was made, and Jenkins was excommunicated from Oklevueha Native American Church.

Jenkins went public, continuing to attack the church, Graves and church attorneys, and announced that he was forming his own church, but instead of focusing his efforts on his church, Jenkins continued to seek out and harass as well as threaten ONAC members. Graves then made the move and sought a legal restraining order against Jenkins. Between the threats of physical harm, destruction to the church property, and self harm, Jenkins kept harassing and attempting to intimidate church members. Evidence was forwarded to police showing Jenkins issues, and Sgt. Baxter of Portland police made the decision to charge Jenkins with 35 counts of telephonic harassment.

Jenkins was eventually arrested, but police say he appeared so "hopped up on heroin" that they didn't think he even registered that he was in police custody. Jenkins was released several hours later, but not served Graves restraining order. For another 3+ weeks, Jenkins was dodging service on the restraining order attempted by local officials so well that they actually at one point suspended their efforts. Then one day, ONAC KM got a call from the head staff at Bud Clark, asking for help and stating that they had obtained a court date to get court permission to evict Jenkins from the building. The church agreed to do what they could to be of assistance, and in return, the staff agreed to help police get Jenkins served the restraining order on behalf of Graves and the church. A few days later, Jenkins was served, but ultimately Graves and the church were not called to be part of their hearing against Jenkins.

The court heard from staff as well as many resident witnesses from Bud Clark Commons, and ultimately agreed that Jenkins needed to be removed from the commons. The judge gave Jenkins 4 days to evacuate from the building. After court, Jenkins found his way into a hospital where he was admitted, but within a few hours he was transferred to OSHU where ultimately it was quickly decided Jenkins lacked a medical reason to justify a hospital stay and so was discharged. Reports indicate that Jenkins has elected to return to the Bud Clark Commons, and had what he describes to others as "Barracade himself inside" the apartment he's been legally evicted from in the building.

He has resumed his pattern of insisting that he's dying but has since added in the twist that it's because of Graves and the churches restraining order that he's been evicted, and that, rather than him overdosing himself on heroin, it's the police that are going to kill him... because he "refuses to leave the apartment alive." Jenkins has additionally began making the statements that he intends on "Killing police" if they come in and attempt to make him leave as the court has ordered him to be vacated. "Usually he goes out of his way to say F**k the police and the DEA, but this is the first time it's been said he plans on actually trying to kill any of them."

Graves wants it known that though she has thus far endured the most abuse from Jenkins out of all whom have from the church, that she has no animosities toward him nor does she or the church wish for him any ill. Having now confirmed that Jenkins lied to she and members to get treatment desperately needed by others with actual conditions does bother and embarrass her a bit she says, "especially having called upon other members and relaying his lies to them so that they would go out of their ways to help him." Jenkins was "quick to take all he could get and was offered when it came to money or medicine sacraments, but it was always made apparent it wasn't enough" reports one member, while a few more have come forward and let it be known that Jenkins, despite being given, was caught several times actually stealing and in fact has been banned from the Northwest's primary cannabis event functions and events "For Life".

Michael Jenkins presents himself as a cannabis activist, one who goes out of his way to stand out in the crowd as one can see in the picture here immediately above, front and center in neon green, but those who encounter him for a period of time quickly state that he is more of a wolf looking for a free easy meal than anything else, and that by choosing the gruff unkempt appearance combined with a made up sob story including cancer is an "easy into" the cannabis community and given free medicine. "True cannabis activists want to help people, and believe in the plants ability to heal and eliminate such ailments as cancer" explains a church member, "With a sad enough story, people will freely give, especially if they're convinced the medicine will make that dramatic of a positive difference for the person claiming to need it and they have the ability To give it."

Jenkins took money and sacrament medicine under false pretences for months from church members, and continued to always ask for more, everything from clothes, to food, to having people come over and run his errands and attempt to clean his house. Now that he has been excommunicated from the church, Jenkins continues, and if not given his way or wishes, his threats of harm and violence quickly flow.

Jenkins remains restrained from sachem Graves and all ONAC KM church properties and should so for a minimum of a year, but reports indicate that his solicitation upon church members as well as beyond church members continues strong, which ultimately is what has prompted this article.

"Oklevueha Native American Church wants to ensure that members know about Jenkins and that he has in fact been excommunicated from the church and also that spiritual leaders advise all members to Highly Consider avoiding any association or contact with him at any cost, especially if he attempts to solicit any monies or sacrament medicines etc. from you, and we remind you that despite the fact that YOU may be an ONAC member in good standing, the church does not promote nor protect the transfer of sacred substances to non-church members.

Know, that all of these words are said and meant as a good medicine wisdom for all whom may encounter this man, and is hoped to spare you any victimization of which you might otherwise have been unaware of as potentially happening to your good-hearted compassionate natures."


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