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Breaking News! Veteran Arrested for protesting illegal stealing of his kids by the state of Kansas

As fortold in yesterday's article, Raymond Schwab of Colorado faced arrest if he were to return to the protest of his childrens illegal kidnap and victimization by the state of Kansas... well ladies and gentlemen, he Did return, and we are just getting word that he in fact HAS been Arrested!

However, because protesting peaceably is no crime, the state of Kansas instead claim to have found a more legally justifiable reason, so they claim.

Topeka police Lt. Colleen Stuart whom publicly spoke with local media said that Mr. Schwab was arrested for a warrant, something the state never seemed to have made mention during the coarse of all of this or their many encounters and confrontations publicly from him... rather interesting, beings they claim that the warrant dates back to "2015", and was for criminal trespass and criminal damage."

One would think that if such a warrant had existed, it would have become known before now, especially with the state so intensly investigating him for 11 months seeking an excuse to keep his children "Safely from him."

Perhaps the state of Kansas remains Unaware of the fact that eyes are gathering upon them, and that their is and will BE accountability for their abuse of power, authority and trust when everything is said and done.

In a public post Before proceeding to the capitol, Raymond stated: "How much abuse must we endure before you take control of your government. Please call and let them know I have a right to petition my government and protest. And where is the media...silent."

Capitol Police were contacted by concerned observers to the situation via phone, one who spoke with a Captain on the force, identifying himself as "Captain Dean" said Raymond was arrested and they had planned to take him to Shawnee County Jail but he was diverted to an area hospital due to medical complaints according to local media, while on social media another reports being told by the actual arresting officer: "Claims Raymond could have spoken with him instead of being arrested. But because Raymond would not speak to the officer, there was no choice but to arrest him. Which makes no F'n sense to me. I asked the guy if he feels good about his job. He asked me if there was anything else he could me with. I informed him since the only help appears to be capable of giving people is locking them in a cage then obviously not. He got irrate and hung up on me at that point."

According to local media reports: "Almost immediately, he (Richard Schwab) was approached by four Capitol police officers, who politely asked for his identification. Once they confirmed he was Schwab, Lt. Eric Hatcher told him to stand so Hatcher could arrest him.

“These are the freedoms we’re fighting for,” Schwab said as handcuffs were locked into place around his wrists.

“Well, right now you’re being detained because you have a warrant for your arrest. I am in the process of confirming that warrant,” Hatcher said. “Are you aware you have a warrant, sir?”

“I have nothing further to say,” Schwab responded."

What Schwab did additionally tell the arresting officer is:“All I’m trying to do is peacefully petition this government for the release of my children, for a higher authority even to step in and look at this case,”

Amelia Schwab confirmed that her husband was taken to Stormont Vail Hospital after his arrest because of complications from his hunger strike. She told reporters that Raymond has been “very strict” and “very adamant” about not eating during the past 11 days.

Despite the lack of media attention, community supporters are in fact stepping up and showing their support for Raymond and the Schwab family, and ultimately want to see them reunited and left to let live their lives as a whole. One supporters words of defense rings ture as well as warms the heart and hopefully inspires more positive support from we the ones he helped to defend and preserve our rights to freely live among our family and relations as WE choose when posting this: "If your kids were taken from you, you'd do whatever it takes to get them back. He's exhausted possibly his last avenue at non-aggressive protest and jeopardized his health. It's not about 15 minutes of fame. It's about family and the only way to draw attention to the issues his family (and many others face) is to be in the spotlight."

Please stay tuned for updates and SHARE this with friends, family and local Media, and help support this family in Any way you can... Thank You.

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