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Kansas state illegally steal combat veterans children

Oklevueha Native American Church, would like to take this time to introduce you to a family of our members whom are in desperate need of societies help, support, effort and compassion at this time, especially for the sake of their children and well being of their entire family unit. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Schwab family!

Let it be known, that on April 27th, 2015, the state of Kansas Illegally took custody of 5 of 6 children from an Honored veteran and his family, Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) members and Colorado resident Raymond Schwab and his loving wife Amelia.

Raymond Schwab is a 40 year young war hero whom has led to the point of such extreme despeartion in attempt to protect his children, into an intense hungar strike which currently is on day 10 in Kansas State. Schwab states that the reason for his extreme measure is because his children have been stolen and severely abused as well as traumatized by the system called "Child Protective Services (CPS), and to put it as point-blank direct as is possible... the Schwabs want their children returned immediately home, which is in Loveland, Colorado.

As instinctually logical as it would seem for the man wanting his children home with their parents and eldest brother, who is now 19 years old and chooses to live with them, as being a more than a reasonable request, especially considering the fact is that there's no legal grounds for their captivity. Raymond says that his son at home is having difficulties coping with the separation from his siblings, and that they all worry for the young ones safety with good reason.

The family have of coarse attempted to have the case transferred to Colorado, but thus far no sign of a transfer are in sight. Adding to the severity of concern and anxiety for family, DCF, notified the Schwabs on Dec. 15, 2015 that the agency had received a hotline report alleging abuse of three of the five children whom were and remain under state authority and control.

Raymond says that the reason his children landed up in the horrific situation is because he and his wife chose to excercise one of the many rights he fought to defend in war, which was to utilizie the only medicine that has yet to benefit his PTSD ever... cannabis, aka "Marijuana". On July 10, 2015, DFC sent the Schwabs a “notice of department findings,” which the report confirmed that the allegation of emotional abuse against five of their children was determined to be “unsubstantiated.” It's fairly obvious to further conclude they had Not been "Abandoned" and in fact are desperately wanted safely home with their parents where they belong.

Raymond Schwab says that he elected to pursuit the spiritual and medical sacrament cannabis as treatment for his PTSD and chronic physical pain after kicking a serious addiction from the many prescription medication variations given him by his physician, ineffective treatment which ultimately led him to add in dangerous illegal street drugs to his attempt at coping with the sufferings accumulated from the combat he endured while serving in the defense and preservation of our lands, rights and freedoms during the Gulf War. Raymond Schwab served from 1994 to 1996 in the US Navy. From this service to our nation, Schwab was awarded a 50% service connected disability rating, but it's also ultimately costing him his family and the innocence of his children.

In addition to Raymond's health ailments, his lovely youthful wife Amelia has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and spinal stenosis, both extremely painful conditions that often leave her literally bedridden for days at a time. Both Mr. & Mrs. Schwab received state sanctioned recommendations for medical marijuana from a licensed physician in their resident state Colorado, where the plant is legally recognized as beneficial... medicinally, and too, for recreational and purposes. Both say that the plant has dramatically improved their quality of each of their lives, especially Amelia, because as it turns out, she is actually allergic to prescription painkiller medications, which remains the only medical option in many states, obviously including the state of Kansas.

.According to the Schwab's, they had lived in Colorado back in 2000 when the state took the laxation position and liberated cannabis use for the ill residents of the state. At the time, Raymond Schwab was working a job in the Denver, Colorade Veterans Administration. Raymond says that the VA are the ones who transferred he and his family to the state of Kansas for employment purposes, but, as time would pass onward, and their physical sufferings would become too hard to bear, and because Kansas state doesn't honor medicinal cannabis, the family decided to relocate back to Colorado where it is a legal choice option medicinally as well also as for industrial and recreational purpose.

During this decision, Raymond and Amelia say that as they were packing to leave, Amelia's mother, in attempt to keep the family from moving so far away, took the kids to a police station in another county and reported them abandoned, an action her mother now obviously regrets beyond measure. This led the state's child protective services to initiate an investigation into the Schwabs care for the children. At one point state officials indicated that they suspected "Emotional Abuse" from the parents, but since admit that their investigation ultimately turned up no such sustiantiating truth to the suspicion and ultimately the "case" has been dismissed because their investigation could turn up nothing to sustiantiate their suspicion.

However, contrary to what many people would instinctually think, Kansas state officials have refused to return the children to their home and family life, they say, because it is in the state of Colorado, a state known for blazing the legal trail of laxation when it comes to the naturally safe and effective medicine plant cannabis. Instead, child-protection workers along with a state judge are demanding that they give up cannabis "If" they want their kids back, which is highly questionable of the state, as well as illegal.

One condition imposed upon the Schwab's they say, is that both Raymond and his wife Amelia "Must complete a total of four months of drug-free urinalysis testing" - which they HAVE submitted to and each actually successfully completed despite the suffering and victimization of having to be deprived of the only medication that has yet to alieviate their debilitating medical health conditions, especially considering that the plant is legal and has been legally prescribed to them by their physician in Colorado for therapeutic use, especially and specifically for their particular ailments... but know too, that it is only but one of the many hoops the family have been forced to jump through, and ultimately, to no avail.

The Schwab family have additionally had to submit to psychological testing, parenting classes, drug tests, and to give up cannabis — in spite of the fact that they're Colorado residents — in order to reclaim legal custody and jurisdiction over their kids. They did all of these things successfully mind you, but, they have not been granted their rightful position in nor custody as of this time.

Almost One Year after having their children illegally detained, and very few allotted visits with them, the legal battle continues, and the court increasingly focus's on the medical cannabis issue despite having surrendering their individual rights and freedoms of choice and jumping through the bogus hoops, the victimization and sufferings of this family continue. “They’re holding my kids hostage and threatening to terminate my rights if I don’t seek cannabis-abuse therapy in a state that’s legal. They’re threatening other people with jail time or losing their kids if they speak out, but I will not submit. I’ll take this to the supreme court if I have to.”

Though one in today's time would think that the Schwabs were blessed to have the ability to be medically treated by such a harmmless all-heal plant as many are not so fortunate to have such an option to be found at all for such ailments. However The Schwabs express that they feel far from blessed and that it's all because the red state of Kansas has used it as an excuse to illegally kidnap and victimize theirr children.

"You guys are forcing me to choose between my health, my wife's health, or my children. That's just evil."

Now, most of us can imagine the depth of such a scary and detrimental situation, especially from the minds and feelings of these innocent little human beings... they're children... but too, it's important that you also try and put yourself into the position of the parents... finding out that something like this has not only Happened, but is continuing To Happen to your children, but the insult to injury for Raymond and Amelia is that the "law officials" doing it is justifying it by painting the picture that it's their fault as parents for having picked a safe and effective plant medicine opposed to continuing to suffer through the pain and inflictions of their ailments opposed to Raymond continuing with the dangerous and addictive prescription medications that proved non-effective for he or his wife's medical conditions... but the damage inflicted upon this family unfortunately doesn't stop there, and now includes every parents worst fear... abuse.

All 5 of the 6 children stolen by the state of Kansas from the Schwab's (pictured here) have been consistently physically as well as psychologically abused, and it's now known that their only daughter, their five year old "Gift of God" has been violently sexually assaulted... while in what's declared the states " child protective care" system.

The Schwab's have also learned that one of their son's, whom obviously is justifiably struggling in effort of trying to "deal" with this situation among the hardest, has since been deemed "mentally ill" and is currently in a Mental facility where he is being pumped full of multiple mental medications to which the parents will be given no more specific information other than that and Definately not given any formal say in regards to the treatment of their children.

This ladies and gentlemen, is a far too common repercussion for those who freely choose to stick with Creator's creations and medicines opposed to becoming part of the pharmacutical addiction and earth destroying empire so openly welcomed and accepted by our governing dictators... children are kept from their parents, families and loved ones and instead victimized in the most violating of ways thinkable to inflict upon a living feeling breathing and innocently impressionable human being, and it's done so under the guise of "protection", claimed that it's in the "Child's best interest".

“We do know that drug use has a detrimental impact on families. Our concern is always for the best interest of the child,” said state spokesperson Theresa Freed.

It is not better to be kept from your parents out of unsubstantiated fear over a harmless and medicinally beneficial plant and convince the masses that having the child or children as is in this case, beaten and molested repetitively is in Their best interest... because people with logic and common since, especially those victimized in such ways Know Better than to believe that bullshit pile of garbage excuse, plain and simple. This is Exactly the reason Oklevueha Native American Church has elected to take a firm stand in the defense of members rights to utilize plant medicines, specifically too the contriversial "sacrament medicine" cannabis.

"They're basically using my kids as a pawn to take away freedoms I fought for," he said. "It's a horrible position to put me in."

Raymond Schwab cannot, he simply cannot Accept that this Is happening... that it's happened while they insist his children were in protective services as if that somehow meant it was ensuring their protection. He cannot accept that his son and daughter have had the things done that has happened to they and their innocence, that his son is now being pumped full of mind altering medication rather than being treated and respected as being a victim, and most of all, HE cannot sit by and just do nothing Other than to accept their position of reality which is that because the plant medicine cannabis alleviated his PTSD that he obtained while in the defense of each of our rights and freedoms, that it now is costing his children their freedom and torturous victimization and innocence - and we mean he literally Cannot, he cannot accept this... nor Should he Have to or be asked or expected to!

“Our priority is getting children back in their homes as quickly and safely as possible,” said Theresa Freed communications director for DCF publicly told media sources inquiring into this situation.

- We have received word that 6 days into the hunger strike, Raymond had to be rushed by ambulance to a local emergency room department because of repercussions from the hunger strike, but, that he is determined to continue his fast until affirmative action is visibly in process to stop and spare his children from any further sufferings at the hand of Kansas and their so called "Children's protective service measures" ultimately enabling this devastating situation. We also have received ord that Raymond has been threatened that if he returns to his hinger strike tomorrow, the state plans on having him arrested!

Raymond Schwab REFUSES to back down nor give in or up on his children, and has full intention of returning to his position and hunger strike despite their threats... as a soldier, one should expect nothing less, especially with so much and so dear to him at stake.

Raymond notes that neither he nor his wife have had been given any access to any of the records pertaining to the hollow case by the agency endangering his children in regards to this situation, and states that legally they should have provided him any and all discovery evidence to the couple long before now, especially during the time he was representing he and his family on his own while there was an actual active investigation going on and then concluded in their favor. By law, all persons in a situation such as this should have access to any and all court discovery documents. Schwab also claims that the state of Kansas's DCF were and are in fact concealing reports about abuse against three of his children while under DCF’s supervision, including his daughters sexual molestation.

Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) is tired of seeing the government steal things from their members, especially children, and want it known that as of now, we Are interviening and pledging our Full Support to the Schwab family at this time, and hope that societies communities will also choose to do the same. Make no mistake, this is illegal as well as reprehensable behavior for any law system of authority to take. victimizing a family over unsubstantuated hatred on a safe medicinally beneficial plant - it is rediculous and this is far beyond out of control on the government's part, period - we will stand idle to this No More!

The family, along with ONAC's attorney team, led by California attorney Matthew Pappas say that despite the fact that the case currently is "Under review" with the Kansas state court of Appeals, that their faith in obtaining proper justice in the state is not enough assurance Kansas will ultimately do the right thing and return the children to the parents, and so, they plan to file a federal lawsuit against the state of Kansas, the Kansas Department for Children and Families, the Riley County Police Department, and the Prosecutor's Office. The church and Pappas both confirm that not only are the family members of ONAC in Good Standing, but also too, that Amelia is in fact federally recognized as being of 100% Chippewa tribal bloodlines, meaning in turn, that her children are also of tribal lineage.

The family has set up a GoFundMe account in the hopes of helping to offset the legal costs so they can swiftly get their children back and return to their lives home in Colorado. Any whom can, and who are moved to help save this family unit and spare these poor children any further abuse, victimization and permanently damaging trauma are encouraged to donate what you can, and too, to physically come out and show your support in any way possible, even if it means simply forwarding this article to friends and local media. Financial contributions can be made either personally, or by following this link to their GoFundMe account:

The family additionally have a petition they ask and encourage you to sign on their behalf to show your support for the return of justice for this family... we owe it to them, especially because this is an honorable military combat veterans family we are talking about here! This nation vows to "Take Care" of veterans and their families... the damage and victimization caused upon these people are far from Honorable "Care" for any United States government system to do and quite frankly is shameful beyond measure.

You are encouraged to hear directly from Raymond Schwab by pasting this link into your browser or by clicking on the video directly below:

And to, you are asked to please SHARE this article near and far, and actively jump in and assist the family in any and every way that you possibly can and are spiritually motivated to do. Thank you for your time as well as your humanitarian compassion and consideration... the future safety of these children and this family are now relying on each and everyone of us, and it's the Least we can do as a Thank you to this man and his family for his service and sacrafices on behalf of we and our nation. Smoke and prayers of peace, safety and healing be to them from all during this horrific time - Blessings in abundance to All. Wandan~


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