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Douglas County Oregon Racist against Native American Church practices!

It is important that people know, Douglas County, Oregon government and law enforcement related entities have and are continuing to attack Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) of Oregon in the hopes of destroying the church because they do not like it's operation and spiritual practices going on in the northern part of their county.

ONAC KM established it's official roots in a small township known as Curtin, Oregon, approximately 4 miles into Douglas County, Oregon, right off of Interstate 5 on September 1, 2013. The sanctuary property was purchased by Sachem Joy Graves and her father in 2002 specifically for cannabis cultivation. In 2010 Graves converted the land into sanctuary property under The Religious Land Use and Incarcerated Persons Act (RLUPIA) of 2000 short after her ordainment in "The United Cannabis Ministry" (UCM), which according to Graves is when the county officials began intensly stalking the property and ultimately harassing church members who would travel to and from the land. Graves filed several formal complaints, but states that the harassment continued.

Once Graves & Timm were gifted an independant branch of Oklevueha known as ONAC KM by James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney, Graves says that the victimization excellerated to the point she had to get the Federal Bureau of Investigations involved in attempt to stop the terroristic attacks on she, church members and their targeting of the land. Graves states that within 30 days of publicly making it known that the property was now part of ONAC, deputies of the Douglas County Sheriff's Department made it "Clearly known" that they did Not approve of this addition and that they would show no respect or mercy "At All" toward the church or it's spiritual practices.

Graves says that by spring of 2014, 3 separate complaints were lodged against the counties sheriff's department with the FBI, and that the FBI at that point assured Graves they would see that the counties targeting would stop, which Graves says she "Believed" that it had, but that within two months a new county sheriff's department "Picked up where Douglas County left off."

Graves states that both county's sheriff's offices made it clear that the main reason they have an issue with she and the church is because it is known that NAC KM predominently uses cannabis as both sacramental as well as physical medicine. Douglas County Oregon has a well known history of despizing cannabis, which they refer to it as "Marijuana". Graves says that their personal opinions and or feelings on cannabis is "Moot", and that when individuals like these are "On Duty and in uniform they Should be professionally conducting themselves in a professional manner, meaning their personal anything should not become so transparently visable, and especially should not be audibly stated."

During the summer of 2014 Graves and the church fought off both Douglas as well as Grant Counties law enforcers, and while doing so, had frequent contact and communications with the Deputy Director of the Oregon ACLU, who upon initially becoming aware of the situation suggested the logical conclusion was that it was in fact a "Conspiracy" against Graves and the church, and agreed that it was more likely than not to do with cannabis without question in the woman's mind: "Oregon has a Sheriff's Association" she explained, "So every month all the sheriff's throughout the state come together and discuss current issues happening within their counties with one another."

Ultimately throughout that year and into the following spring, Graves and the church fought Grant County Oregon in court for having illegally tresspassing onto Graves and the churches sanctuary land, victimizing church members whom were present at the time by illegally encountering, detaining, searching and ultimately arresting them. Ultimately the prosecuting attorney, deputy district attorney Matthew Ipson ultimately requested that all charges against Graves and her church members be dismissed after the court presented it's opinion as being that the defense should put forth a motion to dismiss the case. The case was officially dismissed April 2014 in Grant County Oregon against Graves and the church.

However, by the counties DA proposing the dismissal, apparently created a 3 year window of threat against Graves and the church of re-victimization from the county sheriff's office, but despite that threat, Graves elected to have ONAC resume it's functioning on the land anyway. Church members confirm that the sheriff's deputies "Let it be known they were not happy with it", but too, many affirm that ultimately Grant County affirmed they wish to have no further issues transpire between they and the church... and that thus far, there hasn't been any, at least that they are aware of as of the present time.

It is stated that way, because back during this time, Douglas County Oregon had apparently "picked up the ball" resuming attacks on the church. Church members note that they have been harassed by authorities since that case was dismissed across state, but note that it appeared to have been in a lesser degree of focal attacks than they had endured prior to the Grant County case, and accredited that to the FBI's intervention. Now, it has just come to light Febuary 13th of this year, 2016, that Douglas County seems to have never truly backed off or even down really at all, and here's why the church now concludes that to be the fact of the case:

Church president Timothy Timm was stalked and ultimately arrested by Deputy Snyder of the Douglas County Sheriff's office as he and Graves were leaving the Curtin sanctuary property. Both confirm that the deputy openly stated that he had been "Eagerly waiting" for the opportunity to catch up with them, and also noted that he hadn't just been waiting that day, but that he has been wanting the opportunity for some time. Though not understood in the moment, upon Mr. Timm's relesase from their jail, it would be learned that Douglas County Sheriff's office in cahooses with the counties District Attorney's office had actually gone to a grand jury and obtained approval to pursuit Mr. Timm on criminal charges, and the right to issue a warrant for his actual arrest.

It wouldn't be until Mr. Timm's arraignment that he nor the church would become aware of the alleged charges justifying this recent attack. Timm had inquired aimlessly as to what the problem with him was about but had only been told he was charged with domestic upon his official arrest. All through his jail stay, Timm continually asked who they claim was his victim, but all any deputies would say is "We don't know, the judge will tell you when you appear in court." ONAC KM members including Graves posted the bail needed for Timm to be released, to the tune of $500.00 "Cash because we will only accept cash for Mr. Timm" the county insisted... "Extortion" as Graves and church members refer to it as.

At Mr. Timm's arraignment, it came as quite the shocking surprise for Timm to hear the judge instructing him that he is allowed "No Contact with the victim, Ms. Joy Maxine Graves". Timm quickly responed to the court stating that "This doesn't sound or seem right your honor", and tried explaining to the judge that Graves, in addition to being sachem (chief) of the church that he is president of, but too that Graves has been his Durable Power of Attorney and his mental health counselor of official record for 20 years. The judge however, didn't allow the opportunity for Timm's confusion or concerns to be heard, instead offering him court appointed counsel and scheduling his next appearance date and moving on to the next case.

Graves is beyond upset, she is "Livid". Graves assures all that she has no idea what the county could have presented to a Grand Jury in attempt to ensnare Timm into their "system" and has yet to be contacted by Douglas County and informed as to how it is she is being declared a "Victim" of Timm. "I never called upon them to pursuit anything legally against Mr. Timm, nor have I been a victim or victimized by him in their county." She makes it clear she has nor wants anything to do with Dougals County officials, other than to ensure their victimization stops and that "Whatever the hell this is they're trying to pull is promptly haulted!"

Graves says she acknowledges obtaining a restraining order on Timm in another county 20 years prior, but notes too, that she asked for and was granted a dismissal on it short after it had been obtained and has not obtained one since. "For the most part, it's police calling me when they encounted Mr. Timm, asking me to help them deal with him because of his mental disability." Graves says ultimately, she resents Douglas counties actions, especially including her as means to obtain grounds to attack Timm and feels that they are violating the Americans with Disabilities Act by doing so. She assures that this is "Not going to go unpunished" and says that the church has full intentions of "Filing a lawsuit If this is not promptly dismissed" Graves says "If we will stand fearlessly against the federal government for victimizing us, who is Douglas County to think we will not do the same in response to their victimization, especially considering they have and continue to victimize us more than the feds have been, not to mention for far longer."

Graves and the church currently have a lawsuit in federal court against the federal government and postal service for also attacking and victimizing their church and assures that until and unless their church is properly respected by government entities, it will Not be the last. "The bottom line is they do not like cannabis and feel they in turn do not have to respect anyone's right to use it."

"Oklevueha Native American Church have the legal right to utilize All earth-based healing sacraments, and we will protect and preserve those rights as well as our members rights to freely choose and use, whether they like it or agree or not, it's our right and our rights are in fact protected by law, period!"

(Graves & Timm with member Tommy Chong)

According to the court, sometime during July of 2014 is when the county is alledging that Timm victimized Graves domestically, to which Graves disagree's as even being Possible because "Mr. Timm was in Grant County throughout the spring to fall season during 2014 and 2015, whereas I was in Douglas County among other valley counties and too, in California." Graves says that even the case in Grant county against she and the church back during that time can confirm that, as Timm was noted in that case as having "planted the cannabis garden" according to the statements given police by the two church members who were ultimately arrested during the illegal attack, and that many members and town residents can easily confirm this as well.

Graves also points out that during the summer of 2015, Mr. Timm sent Douglas County officials out to the Douglas County sanctuary from the Grant County sanctuary to make contact with Graves as he had no other means of establishing contact with her. "Had there of been a warrant for Mr. Timm from 2014, then surely when he met and encountered Grant County sheriff's officials multiple times while being out there, including getting their help in contacting and having Douglas County go to the Curtin sanctuary, at Some point they would have found it." Considering the encounter wheree Deputy Snyder arrested Timm this Vanentine's Day eve, it would seem logical, as clearly the deputies comments indicated he personally knew and had been looking for as well as forward to taking action upon it.

Graves is convinced that this is nothing more than another retaliatory attack on the church she and Timm operate for Oklevueha Native American Church, and says that the timeline of their attacks that are on record will easily confirm this for any who actually look at it. "Ultimately they have been trying to cripple our functionability as a church, and this is their strongest attempt at it so far."

Timm is not allowed any form of contact with Graves so long as this "case" remains against Mr. Timm and she is declared his victim. "ONAC attorney's are working on getting this resolved as speedily as is possible, and are convinced that ultimately this case will be dismissed, as it should be - I am NOT a Victim nor was I by Mr. Timm domestically ever in their county at all."

Graves says she believes that there are a few reasons prompting this attack on Timm, one being that "They know he is declared mentally disabled, and two because he has a record." Graves states that because she does not, that it makes Timm "The weakest link and therefore easiest of a target to cripple and ultimately try and destroy our church." Several ONAC KM members confirm encounters with Douglas County sheriff's officials "inquiring" as to the practices of the church. Ultimately though, Graves insists that the only reason they remain under legal attack is because of their long firm defense of cannabis.

"Some members have been confronted by police stating "We noticed you just came from the marijuana church on the hill" and then being asked If the members had any marijuana on or with them. Other members state that they have been asked by deputies "What do you do in that tipi up there" while many confirm comments from officers such as "How many people can you fit in that tipi" and too "What kinds of DRUGS do you guys do in that tipi" - questions Graves says Proves to she and the members that they are under prejudice attack from the county law enforcement department.

"It is none of their Business what we do while we are in practice of our spiritual faith." Graves says. "We don't mind casual inquiry, but that is not what we have yet to receive from them, what we get is sarcastic attidude and obvious Judgement and condemnation as they ask and inquire about out church or activities."

Graves says that this is by far the first nor the last attack on she, Timm and their church, and notes that it stems beyond ONAC, but that they believe ONAC was the "Icing on the cake for them" as ONAC has a firmer standing in law when it comes to their churches sacraments. She notes an illegal arrest and severe beating Mr. Timm suffered at the hands of nearby Lane County sheriff's department "As a favor to Douglas County Sheriff's department because of our churches sacraments while we were UCM." Graves says that while pursuing legal accountability via a lawsuit, Douglas County then trumped up bogus charges on Timm alledging "Tin Can Theft" which court records show was held over and drug out in Douglas County court for almost 3 years before Timm finally pled guilty "To get it over with" Tim noted on court record that he did not commit the crime, and that he believed it was retaliation because of the church as well as drug on so long "to prevent me from getting medical treatment from the Lane County beating."

Graves says that Mr. Timm suffered a new "Traumatic brain injury" from the Lane County beating, including blood clots in multiple regions of his brain as well as a suspected brain hemhorrage. Graves says that during that time, Timm was ordered further brain testing by physicians to confirm the damage, but that Douglas and Lane counties both juggled control over his state coverage and ultimately intentionally deprived him of medical treatment within the bounds of the state of Oregon.

"As soon as he was out from under the conditional release agreement pending the outcome of the can case, it was made publicly known Mr. Timm was preparing to seek treatment out of state, and that is why I personally believe this bogus crap is claimed to have emerged when they claim... within 30 days after being freed from the dictation and restrictions set by Douglas County."

Graves notes that Mr. Timm didn't even get processed into court for the can theft until "After the statute of limitations ran out on the Lane County beating" and says that to her that Proves their stratigic planning and plotting against Timm and the objective ultimately being to destroy the functionability of the church.

Today Mr. Timm turns 51 years young. His health is drastically deterioriating while he anxiously awaits the order for the physical and brain testing to get processed. Physicians are hopeful that they can stop any hemhorraging still believed to be affecting and worsening Mr. Timm's medical sufferings and to dissolve the multiple blood clots in the various lobes of his brain. "They say they might have to end up operating, and that they might have to place drain tubes in my head to remove the blood pooling up costing me my vision and causing me excrutiating pain throughout my head and face." Mr. Timm's physician Dr. William Courtney intends on getting Timm ok for treatment through University California San Francisco (UCSF) because they have many new options dealing with the type of brain injury and damage Timm is suffering from. Dr. Courtney believes that ultimately if UCSF can correct the problems, Timm will likely emerge a completely new individual opposed to the man he has been since age 4 because of his initial TBI, and especially different since the beating of 2012 has left him.

Timm is scheduled to re-appear in Douglas County Circuit Court April

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