Ambassador of ONAC Indigenous Peoples Church ejected from church "Dispensaries"
Just over one week ago, three actual tribal members whom are currently members of Oklevueha Native American Church in good standing, not to mention high esteem, were told to leave a church facility in Stanton, California while currently involved in prayer for the facilities needs. Additionally the members were told that they were no longer welcomed into the other 2 churches they had blessed into existence as Oklevueha Native American church branches, one in Huntington Beach and the third being located in the city of Lomita.

David Gaskin, Chief Executive Officer of ONAC Indigenous Peoples Church and bloodline inheritor to tribal chief positions in multiple tribes throughout North America (meaning the US & Canada both) personally was brought out to the golden state specifically to bless and then develop the churches into proper function and existence, but after the blessings had been given, the tides were changed and the flow of green was all that ultimately became the churches objective. Gaskin along with ONAC KM Sachem Joy Graves have been declared by both James Mooney and the Mother Churches Elder Counsel, as well as Matthew Pappas himself as being the two Ambassadors of the whole of Oklevueha Native American Church.
Upon entering into the Lomita "Church" on 4/20/2016, ONAC Ambassador Graves along with staff of the churches legal team whom were asked to walk in to "Evaluate" the branches quality of function, it quickly became apparent that it was nothing more than an under-developed cannabis party condensed into a room, slapped together with absolutely zero effort. The walls were completely bare, other than for their company name spray painted grafitti style upon the wall overlooking the shelves of cannabis for sale. "Today's special is gram joints for $10.00" a worker says while dancing around wearing daisy duke shorts and a tank top as tight as spandex. When asked the normal "Donation rate" for the one gram joint, the girl says with a smile "Usually there $15.00 a joint."
Aside from the free pizza and soda, and the vendors giving out free dabs and pamphlets, and too the live DJ accrediting it all to being a "4/20 party", there was nothing more than a scarce supply of products found in dispensaries. Many were packaged from cannabis companies direct, while most of the stock (the flowers) were packed in mason jars. A cooler held small amounts of various cannabis candy bars, which were on "special" that day for just $20.00 per bar.
The only thing present to indicate any association of the facility being connected to a church was the abalone shell and sage smudge left by Gaskin upon completion of the blessing along with a flier explaining what ONAC is as far as being a church. Gaskin says he was instructed to recruit helpers he needed to develop the church into proper function and to also generate a list of items and tools that would be needed as well as that should be offered for sale. But, before this could happen, Gaskin and his team were permanently ejected from the three churches he had just blessed, leaving them completely and clearly NOT capable of functioning properly as a Native American Church.
Church Ambassador Joy Graves, upon conclusion of the "evaluation" made the simple point for the failing the church by stating "If we were the DEA and walked in seeing what we saw, what could you point out that would link it to an active church?" The legal staff's answer was clear: "Nothing." In fear, the legal team asked what could be done to bring the church up to proper parr, at which point the healer began rattling off a rather obvious list. Knowing that they were ill-prepared, the legal team asked the healer to "Re-Bless" the no un-blessed and yet operating facilities as official churches, but ultimately the healer refused, saying that it would be wrong as well as invalid and would ultimately prove dishonorable to the whole of the church.
Though these churches in fact continue to sell cannabis sacrament to members of the church, healers insist that their are more components equally if not increasingly more important for a church to have besides simply one form of sacrament. "Granted it is in extremely high demand, having it and distributing it does not a church make." Money or not paid, if they cannot properly function as a church should, then they cannot be considered a properly functioning church, and the options are to either fix it or close it, it's that plain and simple. Ambassador Graves offered to help bring the churches up to proper parr, and even gave gifts of her own as contributions to that purpose, but Pappas has since made it crystal clear that they need not do anything more than generate income as far as he is concerned. Pappas then cursed Graves out, quit representing she and the current ONAC cases, and has fired his staff, turned off their phones and removed himself from social networking all together.
Attorney Matthew Pappas, who initiated the entire thing from the recruiting dispensary store owners whom were shut down legally and talking them into joining the church, to the bringing forth the natives and then ejecting them and blowing up the legal validity to the churches before the churches were even done, Pappas, who Personally negotiated collection of monies for their existence has yet to apparently inform the churches that they are no longer valid to function, nor has he come forth to the elder church and updated them as to what's been going on.
Watching the flow in and out of the now invalid church turned dispensaries, it is clear as to why Pappas is reluctant to address the legality of the issue at hand. It is stated that each facility is generating more than $5,000.00 per day and that ultimately Pappas, in the name of the church is collecting a percentage of that income. Pappas has made it known he intends on "retiring this July" and relocating to Oregon, though states that he will live off the riches he intends to make off of Oklevueha Native American Church. Graves and others including Mooney say they will not tolerate the exploitation of Creation and especially so not at the expense of life or the suffering of their members, and assure that accountability will be demanded on the churches part for reparations.
James Mooney, founder of Oklevueha Native American Church has been out of communication range as this transpired doing a documentary in Europe for the church, but has since come back and is now taking affirmative action along with the mother churches elder counsel. Thus far it has been assured that Mooney and the church intend on standing with the Embassidors of the churches decision, and it's likely that ultimately the churches will have to be either brought up to proper parr, or else considered closed until they are and approved by either Ambassador.