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ONAC Attorney cracks and is fired from church

For those of you whom are interested, Matthew Pappas of Pappas Law in Long Beach, California is no longer representing Oklevueha Native American in any of it's legal endeavors. Let it be known that it is Pappas whom made this decision, and two, that he assured it is a forever fate relationship breaking between he and the church because of his own choice on how to conduct himself as a person. We know that though this may come as a shock to many, some within Oklevueha say they saw this coming as Pappas increasingly demanded power and authoritative positions within Oklevueha that were highly questionable and not suited for any other than church leaders alone and was developing a habit of "breaking down" in effort of getting his way within Oklevueha affairs... "Like a child throws a fit, like a temper tantrum to get their way."

Pappas, with a long colorful history of bi-polar and manic breakdowns demanded first the title of "Secular High Counsel", meaning that he alone would be the primary head of the churches legal counsel team, an interesting title indeed sought from a church by an atheist! . Pappas was reluctantly granted the title by Mooney and immediately began recruiting attorneys across the nation into the Oklevueha legal team. Wheeling and dealings were made by Pappas that Oklevueha is still completely unaware of according to church members, but most concerning to many, is the "New Branch" of Oklevueha Native American Church that Pappas errected recently titled "Life Church of ONAC" which Pappas established for two of his legal team recruits to head up and collect All future funding and donations given ONAC.

"The reason this is a questionable concern for many within the church, is because thus far there has been no formal accounting of any monies given to ONAC, nothing showing how much is coming in and definitely nothing showing any going out anywhere." As memberships are obtained at a steady but not fastest enough a pace for Pappas's spending habits, Matthew Pappas has began selling high dollar church branches, for literally thousands of dollars plus a pop, money circulates without any accountability while all the while things needing done aren't getting done by Pappas, only his legal team scramble trying to get things "thrown together last minute" according to church officials. "This is an issue needing to be addressed as well as corrected." ONAC members unite stating Pappas is proving to Not be the man to be entrusted to help church issues and not stable enough mentally to be counted upon to lead the churches defensive position." Another questionable concern is the fact that "The man Pappas declared as head of the new church, is the same man that he had actually fired just 3 weeks before, among the reasons being theft of money!"

Pappas has forced his way up to head of the churches legal defense team in a matter of mere months without little resistance by assuring the church he is willing to provide "hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal work for no charge." But according to Graves and many, Pappas has been "Half-hearted in his efforts to say the least when it comes to his attention as well as reputation to the church and church legal affairs." Graves recounts a trip in which she and Pappas flew to central California to focus on church business, and states that though she and church members were there eager to work for 3 days, that Pappas only spent a total of "maybe an hour in total" actually meeting and focusing on church affairs with them, ultimately costing the church hundreds of dollars of time and bills and generated absolutely zero effort or substance to show for it. According to the members, Pappas chose to instead focuse his attention on non-member/ non-church affairs, actually "ditching" ONAC leaders and spending the weekend with "Cannabis girls" instead offering them free services on non-ONAC issues.

"One of church the church leaders drove back and forth - hours in each direction hoping to get 5 minutes of Matthew's time and attention regarding their churches up and coming case in Sonoma County, only to be slacked and blown off beyond descriptive measure." Graves notes that Pappas had also prior to this, publicly announced the filing of a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) regarding the Oregon postal service case that he stated "will be filed by the end of this week" back in mid-December to local media. Graves states that not only has it still Not been filed, but states that because it hasn't been, that she and her church members have been victimized by law enforcement continually since without any consequence. "Matthew was to have filed the injunction against the federal government as well as the government of the state of Oregon... and because he hasn't, our members and I remain under constant attack from state and federal officers to extreme levels and degrees."

Pappas has sent emails out to members with pending court cases stating that he is "No longer representing ONAC" and "Do not contact me again." According to member Crockett Anderson, who currently faces charges in Utah state for transporting sacrament across country per Pappas instruction "until the post office case is resolved", it took months before his court appointed counsel was contacted and provided information necessary for his proper defense, and notes that it was of no thanks to Pappas that it ultimately got done. "Thanks to Sergio Sandovall it finally was received the day Before the information was crucially needed in the courtroom."

Graves as well as church members state that the Oregon case is not the only situation Pappas has been dropping the legal defense ball for ONAC, and that since the initiation of this breakdown Pappas has become attackative of the whole of Oklevueha "from leaf to root". As Graves stood her ground, insisting that Pappas straighten up, take his prescription medication, and stop his madness against the church, Pappas responded by calling Graves about every borderline foul name in the book and also threatened to excommunicate Graves from the church herself by Pappas.

Graves response was a simple "James in in charge of Oklevueha Native American Church, not you" and was literally shocked at the response received by the text of Pappas, whom said he "Is replacing James Mooney in the church." For the record, James Mooney is Co-Founder of Oklevueha Native American Church, a blessing, title and position that is legally irreplaceable and unrevokable by ANY, especially an "employee" or now "FORMER Employee" of the church.

According to many, Pappas had long developed this pattern of "Time - Out Meltdown Excuse" within the law firm long before affiliating to ONAC, but admit that since joining Oklevueha Pappas has become increasingly out of control and even nearly impossible to handle, in his attitude as well as his spending. As accustomed to it as they have become, they profusely apologize for Pappas's behavior and inappropriate behavior and continue scrambling to be the glue to hold all things needed together.

In addition to Pappas's own personal extensive mental health history, he proves prone to using his ex-wife and his daughters as an excuse to further distract if not jump off the deep end aiming far from reality as the reasoning for why it should be overlooked and gotten away with by the church. However, despite his anticipated "Free Pass", Mooney assures church leaders and members that the behavior, sorrowful as it may be, simply cannot be tolerated within Oklevueha, especially when it proves endangering to the members as well as the whole of the church, stating that "Matt Pappas is not in Any position of Authority over nor within the church" and is hoping that the church is able to do some corrective damage control to those victimized by Pappas in the name of Oklevueha Native American Church.

Out of the blue, in the middle of the week, Pappas made a call that would forever change the fate of Oklevueha Native American Church, when he abruptly begin having tribal members of ONAC kicked out of an ONAC "Church" in Stanton, California. In total three Native Americans, two federally recognized tribal members, both who are hereditary chieftains of the Anishnabe People along with a Canadian Cree Tribal Youth Delegate, simply sitting inside the church facility Praying were abruptly confronted by staff members and ordered to immediately leave the church location. When asked why, the members were told that Matthew Pappas has "Kicked you out of Oklevueha" and they were told they are unwelcome in "ANY Oklevueha Native American Church facility or property, period."

When confronted by independent branch leaders of Oklevueha as to the decision and action, Pappas announced via text that he was willingly entering into a mental breakdown, stating that he would address ONAC issues "As soon as we have a moon base established." Pappas text goes on to state that he is "launching it now To Moon Base Alpha" followed by a boastful excuse "The crazy gene has gone off".

When confronted by his legal team staff, Pappas begin FIRING them one by one. Pappas right hand man, Sergio Sandoval was unaware of any issue having arising until he went to use his cell phone, which he found disconnected. Upon inquiry with the carrier, Sandovall was quickly informed that Pappas had turned off the phone claiming it a "company paid for phone and announcing to the company that Sandovall's employment with Pappas law had been terminated.

Pappas sent out many text messages insisting that he is "Quitting Oklevueha Native American Church and all current ONAC cases" and then slandering the church and church leaders. His texts read as not only inappropriate but also filled with disrespect and out-right Hate, toward the members, branch leaders and even against James Mooney himself. Sachem Graves took the confrontational stand against Pappas and his poor conduct and behavior, only to then be threatened to be kicked out of ONAC herself and also informed that he was no longer going to represent Graves and Mooney's federal case currently pending in Oregon. "Matt said he was handling this and other cases pro-bono for us, but now has quit without any justifiable reason, and too, has generated a "Bill" he now claims is owed him by the church in the hundred's of thousands of dollars."

According to Graves, Pappas has been "Half-hearted in his efforts to say the least when it comes to his attention as well as reputation to the church and church legal affairs." Graves recounts a trip in which she and Pappas flew to central California to focus on church business, and states that though she and church members were there eager to work for 3 days, that Pappas only spent a total of "maybe an hour in total" actually meeting and focusing on church affairs, ultimately costing the church hundreds of dollars of time and absolutely zero effort or substance to show for it while Pappas focused his attention instead on non-member affairs, actually "ditching" ONAC leaders and spending the weekend with "Cannabis girls" instead . "One church member drove back and forth hours in each direction hoping to get 5 minutes of Matthew's time regarding their churches up and coming case in Sonoma County, only to be slacked and blown off beyond descriptive measure and ridiculed behind his back."

Graves notes that Pappas had publicly announced the filing of a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) regarding the Oregon postal service case that he stated "will be filed by the end of this week" back in mid-December and states that not only has it still Not been filed, but states that because it hasn't been, that her church members have been victimized by law enforcement continually since without any consequence. "Matthew was to have filed the injunction against the federal government as well as the government of the state of Oregon... and because he hasn't, our members and I remain under constant attack from state and federal officers to extreme levels and degrees." Graves as well as church members state that the Oregon case is not the only situation Pappas has been dropping the legal defense ball for ONAC, and that since the initiation of this breakdown Pappas has become attackative of the whole of Oklevueha.

As Graves stood her ground, insisting that Pappas straighten up, take his prescription medication, and stop his madness against the church, Pappas responded by calling Graves about every borderline foul name in the book and also threatened to excommunicate Graves from the church herself by Pappas. Graves response was a simple "James in in charge of Oklevueha Native American Church, not you" and was literally shocked at the response received by the text of Pappas, whom said he is "Replacing James Mooney in the church." For the record, James Mooney is Co-Founder of Oklevueha Native American Church, a blessing, title and position that is legally irreplaceable and unrevokable by ANY, especially an employee of the church.

After a few Days of trying to calm Pappas to no avail, Graves turned to Mooney who had just finished up a documentary on the church with the BBC in Europe. Mooney acknowledged that Pappas was seeming to generate issue before beginning the documentary, but that he had been out of touch while taking part in the film. Mooney was provided text mesages sent by Pappas to church members and asked to please step in and do what is right fair and just to the whole of the church.

"If Matthew Pappas is going so far as to kick tribal people, including a bilateral hereditary chief of the Ojibwa people out of ONAC... and allow himself to become so easily distracted from important legal issues such as court cases, filings and even simple informal meetings, what would come next members ask. I have text messages on my phone from Matt stating that two of the three tribal members thrown out from the church "are okay" and that it was Gaskin alone that was the brunt of his targeting, which is inappropriate to target Any or to throw innocent people from a church without justifiable reason such as has been done here." Graves, with proof of texts in hand goes on to state that Pappas also recently had texted her asking her to evaluate a candidate for Congress to see if he as the church should begin campaign funding and church endorsing. "What kind of message does this send to society... I mean, kicking out ANY PEOPLE, but especially these people for absolutely NO Reason... 2 chiefs... an elder, a warrior and a Youth of Tribal Bloodline for crying out loud, it's beyond unacceptable, it's outright rediculous!"

James Mooney has assured church leaders and members that Pappas has "Absolutely no authority over or within the church" and was rather upset as Graves and Gaskin both continued to state that Pappas had kicked them completely out of Oklevueha Native American Church, assuring "You both are NOT out of Oklevueha, Matt has absolutely Zero authority to remove anyone from Oklevueha Native American Church, and assured the pair that they remain as "Embassador of Oklevueha" regardless of Pappas.

Both state that as soon as Pappas was notified to this, that it was he who began crying wolf and claiming victim saying that it was he whom was fired from ONAC, which is untrue and text messages prove it, as well as his bullying and intimidation tactics, child-like fit throwing, name calling and point-blank disrespect of Oklevueha and our members, elders and healers as a whole. "How many times can Mr. Pappas disrespect his clients before enough is declared to be enough... how many times has he sarcastically publicly stated "They actually believe in this stuff" and reference us to the "Church of the Spaghetti Monster" in a distasteful and mockery type mannerism and tone while comparing their beliefs to his "clients", especially considering he is for some reason trying to overthrow... we can only endure so much and ultimately, Matthew Pappas has selfishly chose to exceed it, but too, he is Not going to get away with claiming victim as he screws us!"

According to Mooney and Graves ONAC will continue forward despite Pappas and his instability and they remain confident in Sergio Sandoval, former assistant of Pappas who ultimately has done the bulk of the work needing done to protect the church thus far. Sandoval has agreed to continue to devote his time and wisdom into Oklevueha

despite Pappas's childish attacks against him. Pappas turned off Sandoval's celluliar phones in attempt to block his awareness and aid to the church and then called another staff member to inform him that he had been fired along with ALL his other staff. Pappas has also quickly disappeared himself from social networking including the closing of his facebook account. Last word was he was in his psychiatrist's office.


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