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ONAC IPC & ONAC KM Confederate!

It is official... as of this evening, two Oklevueha Native American church (ONAC) independent branches have conjoined together! The Oklevueha Native American Church 'Indegenous Peoples Church (ONAC IPC) and Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) have officially joined forces with the goal of restoring and preserving traditional native born American culture and all of our right to study, learn and practice our .matriarchal spiritual cultural inheritance without fear of legal consequence or repercussion.

Anishnabe hereditary chieftain David Gaskin & Sachem Joy Graves per the vision and spiritual blessing, request and guidance of Oklevueha co-founder James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney have joined spiritual forces to ensure the fulfillment of the White Buffalo, Rainbow, Hopi and Eagle Conure Prophecy so that the eighth fire times can be ignited and unification can be achieved honorably and peaceably.

Both Gaskin & Graves also announce that great new progresses are soon to be seen upon the horizons for all native born peoples across the globe as a result of this sacred unification.

Ceremony was held officiating the unification on the beaches of the sunny southern California beaches under the full smile of Grandmother Moon with elder shamans present from as far as South America as witness to this sacred unification, acknowledging the ultimate goal, and blessing them with the wisdom necessary to honorably fulfill the prophecies and bring forth the times of peace and positive progress. Stay tuned for further updates and plenty more good news to come~


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