Rez Pony Express down after wild ride ending in a crash
It is with a tearful eye that word has reached the newsroom reporting that it's true folks, the Rez Pony Express, aka ONAC KM church vehicle being happily seen along the wild wild in fact presently down due to a rather wild ride last night that ended within a fence upside a power pole in Central California.
After traveling more than 600 miles and through the night, the Rez Pony Express, primary vehicle for ONAC KM so that Sachem Graves as Ambassador for the whole of Oklevueha Native American Churchptor turned fire martial and then ONAC KM's "Car 420", traveled from northern Washington State to Central California after an urgent call came in needing serious and swift action by an official representative of Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC).

The Rez Pony, a 1998 p-71 Police Interceptor, turned fire martial and then ONAC KM's "Car 420", aka "The Rez Pony Express" proudly set out and accomplished the mission in which it was dispatched, protecting ONAC members from what may still prove to be among the biggest Scams of our century, especially considering elders were being financially taken in by what they believed was a legitimate Native American Church.
After accomplishing it's mission, and narrowly escaping from police called in as retaliation from the fake church they had just closed down and put on legal notice, and praise was received from the founders and elder leaders of the church, the rez pony was called upon to notify local leaders as to the accomplishment, when without any sign or warning, the Rez Pony went loco, and went quickly out of control from driver and primary warrior 'Wolf Brother' Minter.
Apparently for some reason, the rear tire unexpectedly separated from the rim while making a tight corner on a gravelly roadway and the Rez Pony went loco. Instinctually developing a mind of her own and decided to go completely out of control from driver and primary warrior 'Wolf Brother' Minter and give the group a wild ride for Friday the 13th.
While trying to regain control, the vehicle attempted to climb a steep dirt embankment, which, combined with a steep hole about to meet the front passenger tire, would ultimately about flip the car onto it's side bringing both drivers side wheels completely from any earth. Fortunately for all, Wolf Brother was able to prevent the vehicle from flipping in that second, but still, the Rez Ponies wild ride was far from over yet, she was out to have some FUN!
Once the 4 wheels rejoined the gravely roadway, yet still out of control, the Rez Pony Express then went into a full spin and landed rather abruptly in a $30,000.00 fence... upside a power pole. In ll, it is estimated that approximately 40-50 feet of prison style fencing was destroyed by the impact. The power pole survived though will forever reflect a scar from the Rex Pony's ass kickin. Thankfully for the fence and Great Creator the vehicle was safely stopped as it was, for if not, it would have rolled down a steep embankment and into a rather large solid tree stump that could have made things far worse if not perhaps fatal.
As of now, all passengers of the pony are fine and thankful that things proved as minimal as they have considering what coulda been. The Rez Pony Express has lost most of it's rear bumper, including the word express, so from now forward it will reflect as merely the Rez Pony. Her front license plate was found up on the hillside in which she first attempted to climb unbeknownst to the driver, as was her little Roger Rabbit looking hood emblem recently added to her motive. The Rez Pony currently is now missing a rear tire, and as of yet is there any sign of another, even a Spare in any immediate sight.

(Driver Wolf Brother, still confused to what had happened)
Thankfully, two of the churches warriors are present and have been busting balls, especially Youth Delegate Tyler Chillson, to promptly and properly replace the fence, and too, that the fence owner is another Warrior member of both churches in which the Rez Pony was out in force representing on behalf of ONAC founders. So folks, though their may be a slight delay in the Rez Pony's part in church activities... know and believe that our metal pony is raring ta roll and once the fence is done and tire's on... she Will be where she's needed ta go ensuring the preservation and proper justice for all who entrust in us... Onward yo we soon will go~