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A little Clarification if we please...

As the drama of scheming and profiteering is bubbling all around the recent situation going on regarding Oklevueha Native American Church, it would seem that some are upset as well as concerned as it boils over into the need of Public awareness, but unfortunately, given the seriousness of legality involved, not to mention all those who are ill and or ailing and in need and dependence upon the church for it's sacrament needs for healing... it would seem that many prefer the situation to remain blurry... why is the first question that comes into mind.

Oklevueha Native American Church (ONAC) is unique in that it has attained special legal rights of standing in regards to sacrament as well as membership and participation that not Only do other churches NOT have, but also too in that we are legally allowed to practice Native American religious culture Without the restrictions that even tribal members still face on reservation land. Oklevueha haswon the legal right and standing to be legally allowed to practice the spiritual practices of indigenous culture OFF of reservation land (unlike the tribes) and too, Without the dictation of Blood Quantum (like the tribes still Have to).

This ability is thanks to none other than James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney and his lively wife Linda 'Brite Hawk' Mooney... regardless of Whom wishes to honor it ONAC or them for - IF you practice FREELY then it's because of them and their struggles and strife through this nations legal system period and by gawd I feel that respecting it and them Should be a given... PERIOD.

Having said that now let me point out this - Oklevueha Native American Church is a MATRIARCHIAL based Spiritual "religion" - why the word "religion" - because our damned Uncle Sam requires it be titled that way... reality is that it is a way of life, every second of every day, not once a week or even a few times per week and it does Not involve giving to a kitty.

For those of you who know of Oklevueha, then you know that James was chosen by the head of the tribe of His ancestors to specifically fulfill the physical initiation of what's known as "The 7th Sacred Fire Times", a prophecy long held by the Sioux nation and shared with many others as well. The Key points to this sacred time, at least as I note them as James roll in it all, is that James was to obtain the rights to have the cultural and spiritual aspects of indigenous peoples allowed to be practiced Beyond the boundaries of reservation lands, which are Honestly still noted as being Prisoner of War camps by the way, for those unaware of that little tid-bit of a fact... but also too, he was to gain the right t oget the practices... the healing and use of Creators medicines Out from under the BIA and Uncle Sam the oppressors REQUIREMENT of certain blood quantum percentage.

James and Linda Mooney successfully Accomplished both of these things... for Oklevueha members that is, which of coarse has ultimately left "Indian Country" a bit peeved as they remain bound to the BIA's rule whereas ONAC members can freely move Beyond those boundaries... Legally... period.

Now, though James and Linda accomplished and fulfilled this aspect of that which was asked by and Blessed for James of Chief Morning Dove, Leslie Fool Bull and Richard Swallow to do, this was not ALL they were asked nor expected To do in effort of that which they were asked and in turn expected to accomplish... they Also were to initiate the gathering of us all, the people born upon the cluster of land known as "The America's", or as the tribes have long called it... Turtle Island... which they DID accomplish as well in the formation of the Independent Branches of Oklevueha Native American Church. This hoop must FIRST be assembled BEFORE we can then turn with the expectation and preparedness to conjoin equally and honorably with the "Bigger Hoop", meaning of coarse the hoop of all the human beings upon mother globe.

Many of us are Proud as well as humbly honored to be part of physical prophecy fulfillment such as standing beside such noble warriors as James and Linda Mooney... but it would appear as for many, it's not enough... they want more. And as time is progressing by, it is becoming more apparent that this accomplishment of prophecy fulfilling is becoming viewed as an avenue for people to make a profit off of, and that the profitability is out-weighing that which is right and just aas far as what Native American Churches are Supposed to be all about and entail. And even more Irritating than that, is seeing how people are willing to Disregard all that the Mooneys went and suffered through to accomplish honorably that which was asked of them to do in order to gain the freedom ONAC has legally obtained because of their selfless efforts.

Looking back since the days of the establishment of ONAC, there is much scrutiny to be found - haters literally going out of their way to stir the pot of drama and bullshit against Oklevueha as well as the Mooney's for having Gained us the right to learn and practice the Right ways to live With Mother Earth opposed to OFF of her. When we look back at the "tribal history", or even by taking a few hours of our time and Listening to the tribal elders who ENDURED the persecution and suppression prior to ONAC winning these rights... we can see and hear Clearly that the Ultimate reason the tribes Suffered all that they did was because of the GREED over that which they had been given and entrusted to protect by Great Creator - the land, and ALL that came from it... from the gold, silver and other metals, minerals, plants and even liquids of the earth - of which we are ALL composed of... as are our animal relations... two legged, four legged, winged and scaled.

Looking at society today, that greed still runs as deep and strong as does the Resentment toward those who Have Rights to by those who do not. ONAC has suffered much persecution and out-right HATE because of it... unfortunate as it is apparently it's a given as it's considered "Natural human instinct"... which is one thing, But... to see it now, this greed, and the ill intent that fuels it... seeping it's way Into the Native American Churches, and unfortunately not Only in ONAC is it seeming to be making it's way into. To this reporter, it is Unacceptable to ANY level of degree period... but am I a lone voice in this position is my question to you our readers, followers and supporters. Let me explain with a very serious example:

As we look within society as BIASLY as is possible for a moment, we look to the sacraments... which are the sacred items such as that which comes from Mother Earth that benefit we the living beings upon Mother Earth... specifically, the plant medicines. Many out there instinctively think "Peyote" when ya think Native American Sacrament medicine... but Peyote is but one Of them... an important and sacred one indeed, but as said, therer Are more sacred medicines in and from the plant kingdom than just simply peyote alone... and too it's Important to note, that not all sacrament medicines are categorized as "controlled substances" as many tend to think... ALL plant medicines are sacred medicines, as are all the metals minerals and liquids too, sacred medicines we ARE entitled to use simply because Creator decided we be born here among them. It's really that simple and basic, though people prefer to not honor that reality in it's full capacity. It is what it is, whether people ever Grasp it or not.

Looking at society today, especially through the eyes of "Indian Country"... cannabis is becoming an issue. Oklevueha Native American Church deems and has the Legal Right to use "All earth-based healing sacraments"... we are the Only "Church" that Legally can PERIOD end of story. This has caused resentment from "Indian Country", especially the Native American Churches still under the tight reign of dictation from the BIA and Uncle Sam... because they cannot practice their customs Off reservation lands and too, because they do NOT have the right to "All" the earth-based Healing sacraments as ONAC does.

Cannabis is a sacred medicine... it's long been called an "All-Heal Herb" and I don't think anyone in their Right mind, including Uncle Sam himself would dispute it's medicinal value and benefit as a healing medicine... after all, Uncle Sam "owns" the patent on it For medicine! "Indian Country" on the other hand have chosen to stand in Opposition Of cannabis being honored as a sacrament, and in turn out-right Attack Oklevueha Native American Church for defending it as a sacred medicine. Many resent the plant, because many remain unaware of the facts to do with it... in fact, one voice from "Indian Country" expressed that cannabis "Is too new to the tribal elders to be considered entitled to be considered a sacrament of the Native American Church" - why, and how do you figure... for it's within the Sacred Knowledge contained by the tribal elders that "ALL life upon Mother Earth is SACRED", and sacred Means sacrament. Another point to be said, is that cannabis is Far From "New" as it's been revered as a medicine for tens of Thousands of years by our fellow human beings All Across Mother World. And least we forget - ALL human beings are Tribal and of tribal descent, upon as well as beyond the clumps of land called "The Americas"!

The Problem quickly being seen within society regarding cannabis, whether we're talking medicine or just the simple right to Choose whether or not one can or should use it... is that, because of it's prohibition... there has become a "Black Market VALUE" placed upon the plant that the Consumers have apparently become accustomed to when it comes to Obtaining it. That potential paper money Value is now outweighing social consciousness as well as basic correctness when addressing this plant. You see, the plant is HARMLESS, as are most but not All plants upon our globe... but yet, the more "research" and "studies" done upon it are concluding and proving that it is medicinal beyond all of our concepts of it's capabilities as a medicine.

Honestly looking at this plant, it's history, and how it's gotten to be among the limelight of this particular era in time... we have men like Jack Herer to Thank for keeping the attention on the truth and facts regarding this plant medicine opposed to allowing society to be brainwashed into believing the Propiganda long surrounding the plant in effort of scaring we human beings away From it. Right now according to the Federal government, it Remains among the most "Dangerous and deadly" plants "With the ability of addiction, overdose and even death." Now, those of us who know and have long worked with this plant medicine, that's all a bunch of horse-shit, plain and simple, but many Still cling to it as if the lies are gospel, and our government still swear by their lies despite obtaining a patent of Ownership upon it and too All of the medical and scientific proof and facts proving the lies are in fact lies and that it's not dangerous, addictive nor can OD or Kill you.

But, within society, cannabis is surrounded by Wolves... wolves looking to financially Gain by maintaining regulation, control, dictation powers and out-right Consequence for people who choose to use it. As a front line cannabis defender of over 24 YEARS now, I have seen most All the angles of these wolves, and too, have watched some of the most shady shit go on in their effort of keeping reigns on it... to the point I about literally Walked away from the entire battle on More than one occasion. Those who say that "Regulation" are wolves... those who say "Legalization" are wolves, and those who stand for prohibition too, are wolves. Why would someone want a Harmless plant "Regulated"... PROFIT, that's why. Why would people push for "Legalization" when LIBERATION is what's in proper order... PROFIT.

Phrases like Regulation, legalization and the like are expected from those who are interested in this beloved miracle plant Solely to PROFIT off of it... but... they're NOT words that should ever be heard uttered from someone who proclaims themselves to be a Healer or a medicine person, and in This reporters Opinion... it should Never be uttered from within a church, especially a Native American Church and even more especially so NOT from one who is a Healer of a Native American Church... period... it is a sacrament, a sacred tool gifted us for FREE by Great Creator as are all other medicine plants, minerals, metals, liquids, fungi etc. STORES are where things from Creator are SOLD... not in churches especially Native American churches!

Now I understand and even respect the fact that all things including churches "Need" paper money in today's society to make and keep shit happening and flowing... even Native American Churches have Some degree of expense to operate effectively for the benefit of it's members, this is true... HOWEVER, to exploit anything for profit and or paper money today is No Different than back in the 1490's when the peoples rights to the land and that which comes from it were the justifiable Excuse for the THEFT of Turtle Island and it's declaration of being "found" and then "born" into the nation known as "The United States of America"... if ya honestly think about it. The taking of these things from the earth - be it the gold, silver, copper, coal, oil, water... even the air now and putting a price tag on it is NO DIFFERENT than to take this or any Other plant, mineral or other earth-based gift - freely given us all as the inhabitants of this earth and insisting on financial compensation for Sharing it, and to do so with people who seriously NEED access to it in effort of attempting to minimize suffering or to prevent literal Death, to a true Healer at heart, is out-right and down-right insultive as well as Disgusting to see going on... and more-so, to see it being ACCEPTABLE, Especially within a Native American Church for heaven's sake!

Church founder Linda Mooney expressed that this was among her biggest of concerns and even fear... that if Oklevueha implemented and expanded it's honor toward protecting our rights to cannabis... that the church she and her husband went through literal legal HELL would become corrupted by the greed of profiteers, and recently her fears and concerns appear to be valid and with substance as far as Oklevueha Native American Church is concerned. Linda Mooney is not alone in her deep concern regarding both this plant as well as it's negative impact upon and within the church.

It has very recently come to church leaders attention that profiteers have seeped into ONAC because of societies sudden interest and laxation of profitability regarding cannabis, but the shadiness has and continues to Blow the literal Minds of those high up within the church. Cannabis is a sacrament, and therefore ONAC supports and does what it can to protect the plant and those wishing to utilize it, after-all, the church was established in effort of preserving All of our individual rights to the earth per Great Creator. ONAC Allows members to have/possess, cultivate and USE cannabis as a sacred medicine... and why not, it IS an "Earth-Based HEALING sacred substance and ONAC IS legally allowed to utilize it... right... Right.

But, what's being seen, is people turning to the church NOT to learn the ways, history, culture and customs of the Native born peoples of the land, and not even for the right to USE the sacred medicines given us by Creator... instead people are turning to Oklevueha as a way of financially Gaining off our rights to cannabis and such plants. But despite the founders and Healers within the churches efforts to Preserve the Honor of the church and that which is stands and was errected to do... they want to financially GAIN off of the churches right to the sacred medicines ONAC is legally alotted unlike the Other churches legally in existence... and SOME have wiggled their way into positions where they can use the church as a shield to Exploit it's rights.

Recently it came to light that a certain trusted individual, vouched for by not only the state of California asa trusted professional but too, vouched for by the state's BAR association who was Entrusted to preserve the dignity and honor of Oklevueha, turns out was NOT someone who could be trusted to be a representative voice of the church at all. This person has exploited Oklevueha in ways that are still beyond Shocking to say the least to those who have seen the corruption levels attained by this individual, and in under a full years time even! This person obtained access to an electronic signature of one of the main authorities within the church, one of the Founders signatures... and in turn began "rubber stamping" not only churches, but church Branches into what Appears as "legal existence". Why would someone DO this... profit.

As the investigation into this matter continues, the shame seeping to the surface is that because of this persons Crafty Illegal actions... there are Countless Victims yet to even be Identified who were taken for Tens of Thousands of dollars... and too, debts for tens of thousands of dollars More than they've already been scammed out of. These people were told that if they agreed to Pay this piper, they would not Only be "Members of" Oklevueha Native American Church, but that they would be deemed "Healers" over their own "Independent Branches" of an Oklevueha church of their own. This is a lie and farthest from the truth and it Shames the honor and purpose of the church as a whole. Membership into the church ranges (as per legal requirement) between $25.00 up to $200.oo PERIOD, and church Branches are GIFTED, not purchasable. It is Dishonorable for non-healers to be considered healers merely because they cough up enough cash to sway someone to title them a healer, plain and simple... your either a healer or your not, and if you are, it's seen within your Soul BY another healer and in turn you are then offered a Blessing of a healer and maybe even a Native American Church branch of your own to operate FOR THE GOOD of the church and it's existing as well as future members... it is NOT something bought and sold, and to do so would Dishonor all the healers passed, the church and true healers.

This investigation is revealing that not Only have people bought their way into a Fictitious claim of being valid church members and operators of church "branches", but too, this Scam is revealing that some of these "branches" are not branches at all, but out-right STORES, with the desire to become no more than stores. Cannabis is legal in a handfull of states, more for medicinal than "recreational", but too a few states have approved recreational use and more are considering doing so in the coming elections. If you walk into a cannabis "Dispensary" aka STORE, you see prices ranging from $8 bucks to $10 bucks per gram... often times in a single joint (cannabis cigarette), depending on it's Quality and too, it's "strain reputation".

Because of the legal blur encompassing cannabis - federally illegal, but many states legal and the LONG history of Black Market... there's room for fluctuation when it comes to price, but that's the average in the stores to date... so, if that's the profiteers price range, then what should a churches financial profiteering range for it be? More... or less than a retail store? To most, with a conscious anyway and a heart geared toward honorable intention, we would expect a church to "charge" less IF they are going to charge at ALL for a plant Creator has grown for free since before we two legged's were placed here to live among it... wouldn't ya THINK? So why then when ya walk into a church Sacrament STORE does one find the prices... or "Donation Suggestion" being MORE than it is in a retail store? Stores that are legally allowed to operate as a business are accountable for TAXES, whereas a church is EXEMPT FROM taxes... all the more reason you would expect the churches price to be LOWER THAN the stores.

Yes indeed, money "Makes the world go round" and is "Needed" to keep things flowing and functioning... BUT, should a church allow the Exploitation of a sacred item simply because it Could bring in a good steady chunkk of money? THIS is the question, and church leaders and healers of Oklevueha say NO... it shouldn't be exploited, nothing Church Should be exploited whether it easily could be or not, period. There are Honorable and Legal ways to aquire the paper money needed to keep the church functioning, such as membership, event options and even donations - churches since the beginning of establishment have Always turned to and relied upon these options and honorably earned what they attained, and too were Gifted contributions when members felt the church needed and deserved such generosity.

Oklevueha Native American Church founders do NOT want sacrament exploitation corrupting the honr of our church, and the trus healer within it agree and concur with that position. Now, because of the individual who seeped in and in turn Victimized not only Oklevueha but Countelss individuals by soliciting them into thinking they could be members and in turn exploit the rights ONAC has regarding sacraments did all of this Illegally and unbeknownst To the church and founders means that we have much internal reflection and correction to do. We cannot be accountable for all the money scammed from the people as the church never saw a single penny from any of it. What we can and are doing, is offering and encouraging Everyone who was victimized and ripped off in the name of Oklevueha to CONTACT us so that we can refer you to our actual Honorable legal team who will guide you into what options are available Legally for you to hold them accountable as well as hopefully get your money back, or at least as much as the court systems can allow and order returned.

Oklevueha can and likely Happily will offer you a way to become an actual legitimate Member of the church, but, Oklevueha is NOT interested in helping people exploit our sacraments for profit, so, if that was your intent then we apologize, but unfortunately we will not be able to help you and suggest you look into legal options for a retail business license option if that is your sole desire. Now, it's not to say that we will Not be dispensing sacraments, nor that we will not have such options for our members to Obtain the sacraments, in fact quite the contrary - it's a necessity for our members to have the ability and accessibility resources so to help benefit them, BUT, Oklevueha is NOT in the business of bypassing the law in order for YOU to PROFIT, especially to Only profit, meaning such as these illegal branch Stores that have their cannabis products and absolutely NOTHING MORE to deem or offer as a part of our church... sacraments are but a Small part of Oklevueha Native American Church... Spirituality and humanitarianism are Essential to have in any, especially an Oklevueha Native American Church.

Many now within the church may be bothered by this position, but that's ok... they had the right to choose to seek membership within Oklevueha as sure as they have the right to choose to walk Away from us. Oklevueha stands in defense of individual right of freedom and choice and we look down upon no one who uses them, whatever direction they choose to go. Just please know, understand and accept the factual reality being that a True Healer will NEVER compromise the Right position which is across the line from where the profiteers stand... there is a difference and that difference in position Should be as Crystal Clear as is possible... ALWAYS. True healers do not CHARGE for ceremony, whatever the ceremony... now perhaps material objects needed For ceremony might incur a cost, but too, it should be closer to a Wholesale price opposed to a commercial retail one... especially from a church and considering they Are tax Exempt!

Oklevueha OPENLY ADMITS that there are some issues within needing and getting attention and correction at this time - we do not Hide this because we have done nothing wrong to be ashamed of and feel should be hidden, we are and strive to maintain being an Honorable Church and by openly addressing such issues Should be proof of our efforts at attaining that honorable position. Also too, considering the extent of the illegal corruption Oklevueha is now enduring because of greed mongers, knowing we have no Clue on how or where to find the other victims, Oklevueha has decided to make this situation public in the hopes of restoring Our honorable reputation as well as offering our help in righting Your victimization.

If you or someone you know is believed to have been a victim of such people... if you have PAID large sums of money under the belief that you were buying your way into the legal protection of Oklevueha to SELL sacraments... please contact us so that we can put you in contact with our Real attorney's so to start the ball of legal accountability because believe that you Alone were NOT the Only ones who fell into such a scam. You can start the ball rolling by contacting Sachem Joy Graves of ONAC KM at (541) 31-3436 and or by emailing her at: - please do NOT be Embarrased or ashamed at ALL for having been duped - these folks were Damned Good at pulling this off, but thankfully Not good enough to avoid getting caught at doing it. Our goal is to STOP them as well as ensure they Are held legally accountable And Punished to whatever extent the law will allow them to be - but we need YOU our fellow Victims to be willing to rise up with us and Demand such accountability... and too, you SHOULD get your money Back - pkain and simple, because ultimately the odds are you are NOT legally protected and likely not even listed on our membership roll, and we'd much rather do what we can to Help protect you BEFORE you find out the hard way that your really not protected by Oklevueha in any way at All. The thought of how many vicims there are out there who truly have no Idea and have Believed these people is SCARY... especially knowing the worst could be YOUR incarceration as a result... so please, contact us right away if you even Suspect that you might have been scammed in the name of Oklevueha Native American Church.

Thank you ALL for taking the time to read this, and our Apologies to all of you who may have been taken advantage of thinking that you were actually joining with us in our stand for the preservation of all ONAC represents. Blessings to one and all, may we all come together and make Good Medicine.


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