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Regarding attorney Charnel James & ONAC

Because of the recent exposure to the illegal victimization scandal within Oklevueha Native American Church, as well as individuals recently found to have been scammed out of money with the promise of having the legal protection shield of ONAC, and those who are thus far found to have been involved in it... there has been flooding in concerns and questions as to attorney Charnel James position among the mess, and so, we would like to take a quick moment or two trying to clarify an answer to that question.

Currently, according to the heads of Oklevueha Native American Church, Ms. Charnel James was NEVER contracted nor employed by Oklevueha Native American Church directly to represent ONAC in ANY way shape or form, period. Ms. James is not nor has yet to be recorded as a member of Oklevueha nor has she been hired nor paid by Oklevueha to be any form of representative thereof.

What has been discovered, is that Ms. James was "recruited" by nor former legal representative Matthew Pappas and Pappas Law Firm Personally to what she believed was to help represent the church and church members.

We do not know what ALL Ms. James was or was not told, nor even Promised or given by Mr. Pappas in exchange for her personal efforts toward ONAC legal issues, nor do we know what if anything exactly or specifically she did on behalf of ONAC, all we know is that ONAC never sought, hired nor paid her for any legal issue or situation she might have had put in her hand by Pappas.

We do believe that Mr. Pappas had declared that he personally retained Ms. James via his law firm to aid in ONAC cases, and too, that If paid, it would have been by Pappas ,that the Mother Church remains seemingly unaware one way or another as of the present time whether or not she did or was compensated for any work she may have provided he and his firm .

What is also now known, is that Ms. James was in fact recently sharing her law office with an associate of Mr. Pappas, former attorney Patrick D. McNeal... he who incorporated the fictitious church months before he states he was blessed with it. Patrick McNeal became associated too, from the recruitment of Pappas Law Firm representatives.

A recent internal investigation on Pappas brought to light that McNeal has in fact been party to the illegal mess ONAC is now left to fix thanks to Pappas... knowingly or not via this unofficial fictitious unblessed "church".

Please note that this does NOT mean that Ms. James Was in ANY WAY Involved in the fake church nor the vanished monies,... nor does it indicate any degree of her knowledge that the church was in fact bogus McNeal was now base-camping in her office... if anything, Ms. James having been found just simply Around such a situation seems to be raising some concerns with folks in and beyond ONAC as to her role in this huge tragic mess, and as of now, because we as Oklevueha prefer to be humble and compassionate and ultimately give people the benefit of the doubt... considering and trying to understand and remember that often times "bad company corrupts good character" and we Hope that it proves to be the case here and that it's the case regarding Ms. James and too that it's undeserving for her to have to be enduring if she in fact is a victim of this as well.

Word has been received from victims that Ms. James was encouraging to the brink of coercing her own personal clients with the offer option of joining ONAC via McNeal and his now confirmed illegal "Life Church of ONAC", and that this one "church" in turn has illegally collected tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for the hollow promise of obtaining Full Legal Protection as an ONAC member over the past few months, though the "contract" itself clearly states too, that persons buying their way in via this bogus churches "contract" is that ultimately, they are not protected from neither criminal nor tax issue prosecution, a TRUE yet interesting contradictory catch we were Shocked to see admitted to in their fictitious paperwork As they were literally providing people they were selling this protection too

We HOPE that this is not true as soliciting a church Is illegal and we would never ask nor want nor hire and Pay Anyone to break the law on our account... it would do no good and only add to the concerns of the honor of the church which thanks to situations like this are already happening in the minds of many.

To our knowledge, and in turn, our opinion thus far, is that Charnel James has a clean record as a California attorney, and too, she has done a great many good things when it's come to legally protecting the cannabis community as well as her clients subjected to legal consequence for utilizing our beloved sacred plant... which is prompting the concern as to how deep in this scam she might prove to be and if she was knowingly in it.

As of now, the above is ALL that we know as Oklevueha in regards to she and her involvement, and though the investigation is actively continuing at this present time, at the moment, we see nothing visible that would indicate that Ms. James is anything other than another Victim if this criminal scam that went on by her associates as are we and many others yet to be identified.

Oklevueha has a special stand-point when it comes to the laws of this land, especially so in regards to plant medicines such as cannabis. We believe that this was the main platform for the scam to be executed with little to no question or "red flags" were initiated in regards to a situation like this - until now as cannabis growingly becomes exploited... but one things for sure, and that's that ONAC has no part nor Tolerance for anyone taking advantage of our church rights nor members and we Do Not like finding ourselves used as a tool to take advantage of good hearted unsuspecting people such as we are finding have been financially as well as mentally abused as a result of this situation and of which she may ultimately prove to be one of.

We Highly Encourage Ms. James to contact the Founders of Oklevueha Native American Church DIRECT so that we can find out exactly what went on, what you were told, and what you may know of this unfortunate situation so that we may proceed with the neccessary correction methods needed in a situation like this.

Also we ask, in case she may not encounter this article direct, we ask with the ability to bring her attention to our request at this time to please do so on our behalf.

Additionally, we reach out and call upon anyone with such information to connect with any Other victim, to also please either notify them to our position and situation and encourage them to reach out to us, or contact us as well and share with us what You know about it with a way for us to get into contact with them.

Know and Please respect that we only seek the truth and facts, and ANYONE with either are encouraged to rise up and share with us what you know so that we can do our absolute Best to properly handle it as promptly and swiftly as is possible.

At this point though, we would like to make it clear that ONAC is NOT Accusing Ms. James of Any wrong doings as far as Oklevueha Native American Church is concerned, and if anything, we hope that she is now Aware of the serious situation at hand by the hands of those she has associated with - representing themselves even to her as being ONAC officials with authority that likely wasn't granted.

Though it is unfortunately in time this position may prove to need changed, BUT, as of now, we suspect that she too was likely lied to manipulated and are eager to learn as to what if anything was promised to her in exchange for her assistance on ONAC related cases she may have been presented with.

Again we ask those of you who know Ms. James to Please relay this information as well as our request to speak with her regarding these issues and people as speedily as is possible for her to do...

Thank you all who continue to show concern toward this situation as well as the disposition of the church, and again, any of you who have any information that can help us to sort it all out, we'd sure appreciate hearing from you soon. Blessings everyone~


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